KG 1 Letter Work SECOND TERM

Week         PRE-SCHOOL 1                       Second Term
1 Letter a – d

Story line: Letter sound ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, ‘d’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’,  ‘d’

Sound, recognition tracing in the air/sand tray/colouring

Rhyme – A B C D

Jolly Phonics Activity – New words to old songs (Old Macdonald has a farm)

Communication: Picture reading (Ladybird ABC book)

Letter a-e

Story line: Letter sound ‘e’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘e’

Sound, recognition tracing in the air and sand tray colouring                   

Rhyme – This is the way we wash our faces

Jolly Phonics Activity – New words to old songs

Communication: Picture reading (The ant and the dove)

3 Letter a-e

Story line: Letter sound ‘e’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘e’

Sound, recognition tracing in the air and sand tray colouring                   

Rhyme – Baa baa black sheep

Jolly Phonics Activity – New words to old songs

Communication: The ant and the dove (Story telling)

4 Letter a-f

Story line: Letter sound ‘f’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘f’

Sound, recognition tracing in the air and sand tray / colouring

writing of  curve

Rhyme – Clap, clap, clap together

Jolly Phonics Activity – Matching sounds 

Communication: Picture reading (The Lion and the Mouse)

5 Letter a-f

Story line: Letter sound ‘f’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘f’

Sound, recognition tracing in the air and sand tray / colouring

writing of  curve

Rhyme – Oranges and lemons

Jolly Phonics Activity – Matching sounds 

Communication: The Lion and the Mouse (Story telling)

6 Letter a – g

Story line: Letter sound ‘g’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘g’

Sound recognition tracing in the air and sand tray / colouring

Writing of curve  ((( )))

Rhyme –  Oranges and lemons

Jolly Phonics Activity – Mirror play

Communication : Picture reading (The Shepherd’s boy and the Wolf)

7                           Mid-term Break
8 Letter a – g

Story line: Letter sound ‘g’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘g’

Sound recognition tracing in the air and sand tray / colouring

Writing of curve  ((( )))

Rhyme –  Fly, fly, fly a butterfly

Jolly Phonics Activity – Mirror play

Communication : The Shepherd’s boy and the Wolf (Story telling)

9 Letter a – h

Story line: Letter sound ‘h’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘h’

Sound recognition tracing in the air and sand tray / colouring

Writing of curve  ((( )))

Rhyme –  Fly, fly, fly a butterfly

Jolly Phonics Activity – Mouth movement

Communication : Picture reading (The Lion, the bear and the fox)

10 Letter a – h

Story line: Letter sound ‘h’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘h’

Sound recognition tracing in the air and sand tray / colouring

Writing of curve  ((( )))

Rhyme –  Apple red, apple round

Jolly Phonics Activity – Mouth movement

Communication : The Lion, the bear and the fox (Story telling)

11 Letter a – i

Story line: Letter sound ‘i’ 

Action: Letter sound ‘i’

Sound recognition tracing in the air and sand tray / colouring

Writing of circle  o o o

Rhyme –  Apple red, apple round

Jolly Phonics Activity – Mouth movement

Communication : Picture reading (The Fox and the Crow)