Geography SS 3 Second Term Examination Questions



  1. There are ___ member states that make up ECOWAS.
    a) Fifteen
    b) Sixteen
    c) Seventeen
    d) Twenty

  2. The low level of trade among West African countries is mainly because:
    a) Of mistrust among them
    b) They have different currencies
    c) Of the language barrier
    d) There is a well-developed transport network

  3. Commodities that are used in world trade exclude:
    a) Agricultural goods
    b) Manufactured goods
    c) Mineral resources
    d) Human trafficking

  4. The process by which molten magma is forced onto the Earth’s surface is called:
    a) Earthquake
    b) Vulcanicity
    c) Weathering
    d) Batholiths

  5. The Richter scale is used for measuring the power of:
    a) Vulcanicity
    b) Earthquake
    c) Earth tremor
    d) Tsunamis

  6. The dumping of debris in certain parts of the Earth where it accumulates to form soils is referred to as:
    a) Erosion
    b) Transportation
    c) Deposition
    d) Denudation

  7. Which of the following causes climate change?
    a) Karst
    b) Tsunamis
    c) Earthquake
    d) Greenhouse effect

  8. Which of the following is NOT a process of chemical weathering?
    a) Oxidation
    b) Attrition
    c) Hydration
    d) Carbonation

  9. The longest river in Africa is:
    a) Congo
    b) Zambezi
    c) Senegal
    d) Nile

  10. The most common mode of transportation in Africa is:
    a) Air
    b) Rail
    c) Ocean
    d) Road

  11. Which of the following is NOT a form of mass movement?
    a) Landslides
    b) Soil creep
    c) Earthquake
    d) Rockslide

  12. Weathering, erosion, transportation, and deposition are processes of:
    a) Denudation
    b) Exfoliation
    c) Mass movement
    d) Vulcanicity

  13. The imports of most developing countries consist mainly of:
    a) Crafts
    b) Mineral resources
    c) Manufactured goods
    d) Agricultural raw materials

  14. Which of the following countries is NOT a member of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)?
    a) Togo
    b) Cameroun
    c) Côte d’Ivoire
    d) Burkina Faso

  15. Which of the following is a feature of limestone regions?
    a) Batholith
    b) Cinder cone
    c) Crater
    d) Stalagmite

  16. Physical weathering is expected to be most active in the:
    a) Tropical continental region
    b) Warm temperature region
    c) Arctic region
    d) Hot desert region

  17. Which of the following is a feature of extrusive vulcanicity?
    a) Batholith
    b) Composite cone
    c) Sill
    d) Lopolith

  18. Denudation involves:
    a) Reshaping the Earth by agents of deposition
    b) Reshaping the Earth by agents of erosion
    c) Reshaping the Earth by agents of transportation
    d) None of the above

  19. Which of the following is an effect of vulcanicity?
    a) Depletion of natural forest products
    b) Resistance to rock erosion
    c) Displacement of parts of the Earth’s crust
    d) It causes landslides

  20. Which of these is a feature of intrusive vulcanicity?
    a) Lava domes
    b) Batholiths
    c) Cinder cones
    d) Composite cone

  21. The term used to describe the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces without changing their chemical composition is:
    a) Chemical weathering
    b) Biological weathering
    c) Physical weathering
    d) Mass movement

  22. Which of the following is NOT a type of erosion?
    a) Wind erosion
    b) Sheet erosion
    c) Glacier erosion
    d) Cloud erosion

  23. The process whereby a river wears away the land and carries materials downstream is called:
    a) Transportation
    b) Deposition
    c) Erosion
    d) Attrition

  24. A sudden movement of the Earth’s crust caused by stress and strain in the rocks beneath the surface is known as:
    a) Tsunami
    b) Earthquake
    c) Erosion
    d) Sedimentation

  25. Which of the following features is NOT formed by river deposition?
    a) Delta
    b) Floodplain
    c) Meander
    d) Waterfall

  26. The point where a river begins is called:
    a) Confluence
    b) Source
    c) Tributary
    d) Estuary

  27. Which of the following is an example of a renewable resource?
    a) Crude oil
    b) Gold
    c) Coal
    d) Timber

  28. The term “watershed” refers to:
    a) A ridge of land that separates two river basins
    b) The area covered by water during a flood
    c) The deepest part of an ocean
    d) A large body of water surrounded by land

  29. The process by which a river loses its energy and drops the materials it has been carrying is called:
    a) Transportation
    b) Erosion
    c) Deposition
    d) Attrition

  30. Which of the following is a cause of desertification?
    a) Afforestation
    b) Overgrazing
    c) Soil conservation
    d) Irrigation

  31. The most important agent of erosion in deserts is:
    a) Water
    b) Ice
    c) Wind
    d) Animals

  32. Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects climate?
    a) Latitude
    b) Ocean currents
    c) Population density
    d) Altitude

  33. The meeting point of two or more rivers is known as a:
    a) Source
    b) Tributary
    c) Confluence
    d) Estuary

  34. The climatic region characterized by high temperatures and heavy rainfall throughout the year is the:
    a) Mediterranean climate
    b) Tropical rainforest climate
    c) Desert climate
    d) Polar climate

  35. The main gas responsible for the greenhouse effect is:
    a) Nitrogen
    b) Oxygen
    c) Carbon dioxide
    d) Hydrogen

  36. Which of the following is NOT a type of soil erosion?
    a) Rill erosion
    b) Gully erosion
    c) Sheet erosion
    d) Solar erosion

  37. Which of the following is an example of an intrusive igneous rock?
    a) Basalt
    b) Granite
    c) Pumice
    d) Obsidian

  38. The movement of large amounts of earth materials down a slope under the influence of gravity is known as:
    a) Weathering
    b) Erosion
    c) Deposition
    d) Mass movement

  39. Which of the following is a characteristic of the Mediterranean climate?
    a) Heavy rainfall throughout the year
    b) Cold temperatures all year round
    c) Hot, dry summers and mild, wet winters
    d) Very little or no rainfall

  40. Which of these is a major effect of deforestation?
    a) Increase in biodiversity
    b) Reduction in carbon dioxide levels
    c) Soil erosion and loss of nutrients
    d) Increase in forest cover

  41. Which of the following is a major cause of soil erosion?
    a) Afforestation
    b) Overcultivation
    c) Soil conservation
    d) Crop rotation

  42. A meander is best described as:
    a) A deep river valley
    b) A winding curve or bend in a river
    c) A ridge of deposited sand
    d) The highest part of a mountain

  43. The Earth is divided into how many time zones?
    a) 12
    b) 24
    c) 36
    d) 48

  44. Which of the following is an effect of global warming?
    a) Decrease in sea levels
    b) Increase in ice formation
    c) Melting of polar ice caps
    d) Reduced carbon dioxide levels

  45. The main cause of ocean currents is:
    a) The rotation of the Earth
    b) Earthquakes
    c) Volcanic eruptions
    d) Soil erosion

  46. The main source of energy for the water cycle is:
    a) Wind
    b) Sun
    c) Earth’s gravity
    d) Ocean waves

  47. Which of the following is a characteristic of a tropical desert climate?
    a) High humidity and heavy rainfall
    b) Very cold winters and warm summers
    c) Low rainfall and high temperatures
    d) Moderate temperatures all year round

  48. The process by which rainwater dissolves limestone to form underground caves is called:
    a) Carbonation
    b) Oxidation
    c) Hydration
    d) Exfoliation

  49. Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting river velocity?
    a) Gradient of the slope
    b) Amount of water in the river
    c) Type of riverbed
    d) Distance from the ocean

  50. The process by which large sections of the Earth’s crust move is known as:
    a) Continental drift
    b) Erosion
    c) Weathering
    d) Vulcanicity

  51. Which of the following is a feature of a glacial landscape?
    a) U-shaped valley
    b) Oxbow lake
    c) Floodplain
    d) Delta

  52. Which of the following landforms is created by river deposition?
    a) Gorge
    b) Meander
    c) Delta
    d) Waterfall

  53. The major source of groundwater is:
    a) Rainwater infiltration
    b) Ocean waves
    c) Volcanic eruptions
    d) Wind action

  54. The highest temperature ever recorded on Earth was in:
    a) Antarctica
    b) The Sahara Desert
    c) The Arctic Circle
    d) The Amazon Rainforest

  55. Which of the following is NOT an agent of erosion?
    a) Wind
    b) Water
    c) Ice
    d) Temperature

  56. Which of the following is a characteristic of an arid region?
    a) High annual rainfall
    b) Dense vegetation
    c) Low humidity and scarce rainfall
    d) Frequent cyclones

  57. The Earth’s atmosphere is mainly composed of:
    a) Carbon dioxide and oxygen
    b) Nitrogen and oxygen
    c) Hydrogen and helium
    d) Argon and neon

  58. Which of the following factors affects the salinity of ocean water?
    a) Latitude
    b) Ocean depth
    c) Wind speed
    d) Presence of rivers

  59. What is the approximate percentage of water covering the Earth’s surface?
    a) 50%
    b) 60%
    c) 71%
    d) 80%

  60. The zone of contact between two different air masses is called:
    a) A cyclone
    b) A front
    c) An anticyclone
    d) A typhoon

  61. A steep-sided valley formed by river erosion is called a:
    a) Floodplain
    b) Gorge
    c) Delta
    d) Sand dune

  62. The process by which rock fragments are transported by a river and used to wear away the riverbed and banks is known as:
    a) Attrition
    b) Abrasion
    c) Deposition
    d) Solution

  63. The type of erosion that occurs when rainwater removes a thin layer of soil is called:
    a) Rill erosion
    b) Gully erosion
    c) Sheet erosion
    d) Wind erosion

  64. The point where a river enters a larger body of water, such as an ocean or a lake, is called a:
    a) Confluence
    b) Tributary
    c) Source
    d) Mouth

  65. The process of wind lifting and removing loose particles from the surface is called:
    a) Deflation
    b) Deposition
    c) Suspension
    d) Attrition

  66. Which of the following factors influences the rate of river erosion?
    a) The color of the water
    b) The shape of the river channel
    c) The speed and volume of the water
    d) The amount of vegetation on the riverbank

  67. The landform created when a river erodes its outer bank and deposits material on its inner bank is called a:
    a) Meander
    b) Waterfall
    c) Oxbow lake
    d) Floodplain

  68. The movement of sand and sediments along the shore by wave action is called:
    a) Erosion
    b) Longshore drift
    c) Deposition
    d) Hydraulic action

  69. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a river in its upper course?
    a) Steep gradient
    b) Waterfalls and rapids
    c) Wide floodplains
    d) V-shaped valleys

  70. The movement of glaciers over land results in the formation of:
    a) Deltas
    b) Moraines
    c) Gorges
    d) Sand dunes


Answer Any Four Questions

  1. (a) What is climate change?
    (b) List and explain six causes of climate change.

  2. (a) Outline any four objectives of ECOWAS.
    (b) State five problems that have limited the achievement of these objectives.
    (c) Suggest any three ways of solving these problems.

  3. (a) Define weathering.
    (b) List three factors affecting weathering.
    (c) Mention three processes involved in chemical weathering.

  4. (a) What is mass movement?
    (b) Highlight five factors affecting mass movement.
    (c) Outline five effects of mass movement.

  5. (a) What is vulcanicity?
    (b) Name three extrusive landforms of vulcanicity.
    (c) Outline five effects of vulcanicity.

This completes the SSS 3 Second Term Geography Examination Questions, covering 70 objective questions and 5 theory questions.