Subject :
Term :
First Term
Week 4
Class :
Primary 3/ Basic 3
Previous lesson :
The pupils have previous knowledge of how to order numbers by making use of greater than or less than
Topic :
Fractions. Division of shapes into different fractions.
Behavioural objectives :
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to
- Say the meaning of fraction
- Recognize and point out or circle fractions
- Understand the concept of fractional parts of a whole number
- Write out the fractional parts of whole shapes that have been cut out or shaded
Instructional Materials :
- Wall charts
- Pictures
- Related Online Video
- Flash Cards
- Lagos state scheme of work on Mathematics
- TextBooks
- Workbooks
Methods of Teaching :
- Class Discussion
- Group Discussion
- Asking Questions
- Explanation
- Role Modelling
- Role Delegation
Reference Materials :
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
- Workbooks
Content :
A fraction is a part of a whole number. It is used to show how many parts a whole number, shape or item is divided into. A fraction is also one or more parts of a whole, which is divided into a number of equal parts. The upper number is the numerator and is the part of the equally divided parts of a whole, the number that is down is the denominator and is equally divided parts of a whole.
⅟2 means 1 part out of a whole, which is divided into 2 equal parts.
⅟4 means 1 part out of a whole, which is divided into 4 equal parts.
3∕4 means 3 parts out of a whole, which is divided into 4 equal parts.
2/3 – the upper number is the numerator, the lower number is the denominator
The topic is presented step by step
Step 1 : The class teacher introduces the new topic
Step 2 : The class teacher allows the pupils to be ask questions.
Step 3 : The class teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions
Evaluation :
Draw fractions to show the following
Prepare for the next lesson by reading about the addition of two digit
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