First Term Examination: Islamic Religious Studies (IRS)
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 13
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Instructions for Teachers:
- Ensure the students are seated according to the seating arrangement.
- Distribute the exam papers after reading the instructions.
- Monitor the class to prevent any form of exam malpractice.
- No student should be allowed to talk or share answers.
- Collect the papers once the time is up, ensuring no papers are missing.
Instructions for Students:
- Write your name and class clearly at the top of your paper.
- Read each question carefully before answering.
- Do not talk, copy, or share answers during the exam.
- Choose the correct answers for multiple-choice questions.
- Write your answers clearly for the theory and fill-in-the-gaps sections.
- Any student caught cheating will have their paper canceled.
Part A: Objective Questions (30 Multiple-Choice Questions)
- The Prophet Muhammad was born in _____. a) Makkah
b) Madinah
c) Ta’if
d) Abyssinia
- Jinn are created from _____. a) Water
b) Smokeless fire
c) Clay
d) Light
- Angel Jibril delivered the Quran to the Prophet in the cave of _____. a) Hira
b) Uhud
c) Ta’if
d) Makkah
- The migration of Muslims to Abyssinia was to escape _____. a) Persecution
b) Hunger
c) War
d) Poverty
- The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) visited Ta’if to _____. a) Trade
b) Preach Islam
c) Seek refuge
d) Build a mosque
- Suratul Jinn is chapter _____ of the Quran.
a) 70
b) 72
c) 75
d) 68
- The first migration of Muslims happened in the year _____. a) 610 CE
b) 615 CE
c) 622 CE
d) 632 CE
- Angel Jibril is responsible for _____. a) Life
b) Rain
c) Delivering messages
d) Protection
- The Muslims were welcomed in Abyssinia by King _____. a) Pharaoh
b) Solomon
c) Negus
d) Caesar
- Hijra means _____. a) Journey
b) Peace
c) Migration
d) Prayers
- Jinn can believe in _____. a) Allah
b) Idols
c) Both a and b
d) Neither
- The people of Ta’if _____ the Prophet Muhammad. a) Welcomed
b) Rejected
c) Helped
d) Worshipped
- Angel _____ will blow the trumpet to announce the Day of Judgement. a) Israfil
b) Jibril
c) Mikail
d) Azrael
- The first revelation came to the Prophet in the month of _____. a) Ramadan
b) Safar
c) Rajab
d) Shawwal
- Suratul Jinn teaches us about _____. a) Humans
b) Angels
c) Jinn
d) Prophets
Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short-Answer Questions)
- Who was the last prophet in Islam?
- What was the first verse revealed to the Prophet Muhammad?
- In which cave did the Prophet receive his first revelation?
- Who created the jinn according to Islam?
- What is the meaning of Hijra in Islam?
- Who was the angel that brought the Quran to Prophet Muhammad?
- Why did the Muslims migrate to Abyssinia?
- What chapter of the Quran talks about jinn?
- Who was the Christian king that helped the Muslims in Abyssinia?
- How many years did the Prophet preach in Makkah?
- What was the Prophet’s mission in Ta’if?
- Which angel is responsible for delivering messages to prophets?
- In what year did the first migration to Abyssinia happen?
- What are jinn created from?
- What does Suratul Jinn teach Muslims about?
- What was the reaction of the people of Ta’if to the Prophet’s message?
- What is the role of Angel Israfil?
- Who are the people mentioned in Suratul Jinn?
- What did the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) do after being rejected in Ta’if?
- How many years did the Prophet stay in Madinah?
- Who was Negus?
- What is the Quran?
- What does the word “Hijra” mean?
- Name one major event that happened during the Prophet’s time in Makkah.
- What are angels created from according to Islam?
- Name one place the Prophet preached in before Hijra.
- Which chapter in the Quran talks about the first migration?
- What is the main message of the Quran?
- What does the term “Tawheed” mean?
- Who leads the prayer in the mosque?
Part C: True or False Questions (30 True/False Questions)
- Jinn are created from water.
- The Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah.
- Angel Jibril brought the Quran to Prophet Muhammad.
- Hijra means peace in Islam.
- The Muslims migrated to Abyssinia to escape persecution.
- Suratul Jinn is the 70th chapter of the Quran.
- Negus was the king of Egypt.
- Jibril delivered messages from Allah to prophets.
- The first migration to Abyssinia happened in 622 CE.
- The Prophet preached in Makkah for 13 years.
- The angel Israfil will blow the trumpet to announce the Day of Judgement.
- The jinn were created after humans.
- The people of Ta’if welcomed the Prophet Muhammad.
- Angels are created from light.
- Jinn can believe in Allah or false gods.
Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Without Options)
- The Prophet Muhammad was born in _____.
- The angel responsible for delivering revelations is _____.
- The jinn are created from _____.
- The first migration of Muslims was to _____.
- Suratul Jinn talks about _____.
- The Christian king who protected the Muslims was _____.
- The Muslims migrated to Abyssinia in the year _____.
- The Prophet spent _____ years preaching in Makkah.
- The Prophet visited Ta’if to _____.
- Angel _____ is responsible for blowing the trumpet.
- Hijra means _____ in Islam.
- Jinn can believe in _____ or false gods.
- The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) preached in Makkah for _____ years.
- Suratul Jinn is chapter _____ of the Quran.
- The first revelation came in the month of _____.
- Angel Jibril brought the Quran to the Prophet in the cave of _____.
- The Prophet Muhammad was born in the year _____.
- The Prophet’s mission in Ta’if was to _____.
- The Muslims sought protection from King _____.
- The Prophet migrated to _____ after being rejected in Makkah.
- The Prophet received the first revelation in the cave of _____.
- The jinn were created before _____.
- The Quran was revealed over a period of _____ years.
- Angels are created from _____.
- Jinn are mentioned in Suratul _____.
- The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) visited Ta’if to _____.
- The first migration happened in the year _____.
- The people of Ta’if _____ the Prophet.
- The Quran is the holy book of _____.
- Suratul Jinn is the _____ chapter of the Quran.
Good luck with your exams!