Christian Religious Studies Primary 6 First Term Examination Questions


CLASS: Primary 6
SUBJECT: Bible Studies
NAME: ___________________________________________


Choose the correct answer from the options provided.

  1. Paul’s former name was _______
    (a) Samuel
    (b) Stephen
    (c) Saul
  2. Paul was a _____ by profession
    (a) teacher
    (b) tent maker
    (c) plumber
  3. Paul was ________ by birth
    (a) Jew
    (b) Muslim
    (c) Christian
  4. ______ was stoned to death in the presence of Paul
    (a) Peter
    (b) Jesus
    (c) Stephen
  5. Saul fell off from his ______
    (a) horse
    (b) donkey
    (c) camel
  6. Conversion means _______
    (a) expression
    (b) change
    (c) wake up
  7. Saul met the Lord on his way to ________
    (a) Damascus
    (b) Jerusalem
    (c) Bethlehem
  8. Saul was blind for ______ days
    (a) nine
    (b) three
    (c) seven
  9. Who called Moses?
    (a) Jesus
    (b) God
    (c) Pharaoh
  10. Yahweh means ________
    (a) the disciples
    (b) the great I AM
    (c) the great warrior
  11. Who led the crossing of the Red Sea?
    (a) Pharaoh
    (b) Moses
    (c) Jesus
  12. The birth of Moses saved the Israelites from _______
    (a) bondage
    (b) entering the Red Sea
    (c) going to the Promised Land
  13. The Promised Land was ______
    (a) Jerusalem
    (b) Damascus
    (c) Canaan
  14. How many tribes were in Israel?
    (a) thirteen
    (b) twelve
    (c) ten
  15. Jesus had ____ disciples
    (a) fifteen
    (b) eleven
    (c) twelve
  16. _____ is not a disciple of Jesus
    (a) James
    (b) John
    (c) Abraham
  17. The Sabbath day is meant to be a ____ day
    (a) work
    (b) rest
    (c) fighting
  18. Christians worship on _____
    (a) Saturday
    (b) Sunday
    (c) weekdays
  19. The Holy Trinity includes, except _____
    (a) the Father
    (b) the Zion
    (c) the Son
  20. Jesus is the son of _____
    (a) Mary
    (b) Deborah
    (c) Sarah
  21. Who betrayed Jesus Christ?
    (a) Peter
    (b) Judas
    (c) James
  22. What was the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?
    (a) Mount Olives
    (b) Mount Zion
    (c) Mount Sinai
  23. How many plagues did God send to Egypt?
    (a) ten
    (b) five
    (c) seven
  24. What was the first miracle of Jesus?
    (a) Raising Lazarus
    (b) Turning water into wine
    (c) Walking on water
  25. Who was swallowed by a great fish?
    (a) Jonah
    (b) Elijah
    (c) David
  26. Who baptized Jesus?
    (a) Peter
    (b) John the Baptist
    (c) Paul
  27. Who was the earthly father of Jesus?
    (a) Joseph
    (b) Moses
    (c) Abraham
  28. How many books are in the New Testament?
    (a) 39
    (b) 27
    (c) 66
  29. What did God create on the first day?
    (a) Man
    (b) Light
    (c) Animals
  30. Who was thrown into the lion’s den?
    (a) Daniel
    (b) David
    (c) Samuel
  31. Who built the ark?
    (a) Noah
    (b) Abraham
    (c) Solomon
  32. What was Jesus’ first discipleship call?
    (a) Fishermen
    (b) Tax collectors
    (c) Soldiers
  33. Who denied Jesus three times?
    (a) Peter
    (b) John
    (c) Judas
  34. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?
    (a) “Jesus wept.”
    (b) “God is love.”
    (c) “Love your neighbor.”
  35. What was the name of the garden where Adam and Eve lived?
    (a) Eden
    (b) Gethsemane
    (c) Sinai


  1. What is conversion?

  2. Who converted Saul to Christianity?

  3. How did Pharaoh oppress the Israelites?

  4. State one significance of the crossing of the Red Sea.

  5. Mention any three tribes of Israel.

  6. To which tribe did Jesus belong?

  7. Explain how the Israelites crossed the Red Sea.

  8. Who instructed Moses?

  9. Mention any three stones of the Israelites.

  10. Name the first four books of the New Testament.


  1. The Ten Commandments were given to ________________ on Mount Sinai.
  2. The Bible is divided into ________________ and ________________ Testaments.
  3. The first man and woman created by God were ________________ and ________________.
  4. Jesus rose from the dead on the ________________ day.
  5. The ark built by Noah was made to save ________________ and ________________.


  • Answer all questions.
  • Write neatly and legibly.
  • Ensure your answers are correct before submitting.