Bible Knowledge First Term Examination Questions Primary 5
Instructions for Teachers:
- Ensure that students work in a quiet environment.
- Remind students not to engage in any form of cheating or malpractice during the examination.
- Explain to the students that any form of cheating will result in disqualification.
- Allow students to ask for clarification if they do not understand any question.
- Supervise the examination closely to ensure fairness.
- Ensure all students have the required materials (pen, pencil, etc.) before beginning the exam.
Instructions for Students:
- Read each question carefully before answering.
- Write your answers clearly in the spaces provided.
- Do not talk to your neighbors during the exam.
- If you don’t understand a question, raise your hand to ask the teacher.
- Work independently and do not cheat.
- Review your answers before submitting your paper.
- Stay calm and focused during the exam.
Part A: Objective Questions
(Choose the correct answer from the options a, b, c, or d.)
- Who was delivered from the den of lions?
(a) Shadrach
(b) Meshach
(c) Abednego
(d) Daniel - Jesus died on the cross with two _______ beside him.
(a) lawyers
(b) thieves
(c) thiefs
(d) friends - God provided ________ and ________ for the Israelites in the desert.
(a) bread and butter
(b) manna and quails
(c) manual and quays
(d) bread and fishes - The Egyptians and their chariots perished in the ________ sea.
(a) Red
(b) Blue
(c) Green
(d) Rough - The only way to talk to God is through ________.
(a) praises
(b) prayer
(c) prouding
(d) singing - The greatest gift God gave to mankind is ________.
(a) thief
(b) cloth
(c) Jesus Christ
(d) Angel - Jesus had twelve ________.
(a) soldiers
(b) bankers
(c) disciples
(d) workers - Any physical or mental activity aimed at doing or making something is ________.
(a) power
(b) energy
(c) work
(d) stress - What did God create on the first day?
(a) Heaven and Earth
(b) Day and Night
(c) Trees and Gardens
(d) Man and woman - Who did God create in His own image?
(a) man
(b) angel
(c) prophet
(d) sun - When God created the earth, it was _________.
(a) full
(b) empty
(c) fine
(d) boisterous - On the second day, God created the ________.
(a) moon
(b) sea
(c) animals
(d) sky - The day God created all kinds of animals that live on land was on the _________ day.
(a) fourth
(b) fifth
(c) sixth
(d) seventh - One of the following is not created by God:
(a) sun
(b) moon
(c) horse
(d) water - Who did God save from death?
(a) Isaac
(b) Mary
(c) Abraham
(d) Jacob - The things that God provides for us are the following except ____________.
(a) air
(b) trees
(c) good health
(d) trouble - The story of the Prodigal Son is an example of God’s ________.
(a) mercy
(b) sadness
(c) happiness
(d) wickedness - Who did David kill with a sling of a stone?
(a) Daniel
(b) Saul
(c) Goliath
(d) Jonathan - God created and also wants us to ________.
(a) create
(b) destroy
(c) push
(d) pull down - The Sabbath day is meant to be kept _________.
(a) holy
(b) dirty
(c) ungrateful
(d) shallow - Who was the father of Isaac?
(a) Moses
(b) David
(c) Abraham
(d) Jacob - Who betrayed Jesus Christ?
(a) Peter
(b) Judas
(c) John
(d) Mark - Which animal did Noah take into the ark in pairs?
(a) Elephant
(b) Giraffe
(c) Lion
(d) All of the above - Who parted the Red Sea?
(a) Moses
(b) Joshua
(c) Abraham
(d) Daniel - Who is considered the father of faith in the Bible?
(a) Isaac
(b) Abraham
(c) Jacob
(d) Samuel - Where was Jesus born?
(a) Jerusalem
(b) Bethlehem
(c) Nazareth
(d) Egypt - Who built the ark?
(a) Abraham
(b) Noah
(c) Moses
(d) David - What was the name of Moses’ sister?
(a) Sarah
(b) Miriam
(c) Ruth
(d) Esther - Who was swallowed by a big fish?
(a) Jonah
(b) David
(c) Joseph
(d) Daniel - Who was the first king of Israel?
(a) David
(b) Saul
(c) Solomon
(d) Rehoboam
Part B: Theory Questions
(Answer the following questions in short, clear sentences.)
- List five types of work that people can do.
- Why is work important for us?
- List ten things created by man.
- Name three people God used to save others.
- Mention four disciples of Jesus Christ.
- What should we do when people who wronged us come for forgiveness?
- Briefly explain the creation story according to the Bible.
- Mention five things that God has provided for us.
- What was God’s first creation?
- What lesson can we learn from the story of the Prodigal Son?
- Why did God send the flood during Noah’s time?
- What happened to the Egyptians when they followed the Israelites into the Red Sea?
- What is the importance of the Sabbath day?
- Why did David defeat Goliath with a stone?
- What does the story of Abraham and Isaac teach us about faith?
- What is God’s gift to mankind?
- What did Jesus teach us about forgiveness?
- Who was the first person to be called by God to lead His people?
- What is the role of a disciple in the Bible?
- Explain the story of the Prodigal Son in your own words.
- Why did God create the world?
- How can we show mercy like God?
- What happened when the Israelites complained in the desert?
- Who was Esther and what was her role in saving the Jews?
- What is the importance of prayer in a Christian’s life?
- How did Moses lead the Israelites out of Egypt?
- What is the lesson from the story of the Good Samaritan?
- Why did Jesus perform miracles?
- How does God provide for His people today?
- What does it mean to keep the Sabbath day holy?
Part C: True or False Questions
(State whether the following statements are true or false.)
- Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den and was not saved. (True / False)
- Jesus had ten disciples. (True / False)
- The Prodigal Son is a story about forgiveness. (True / False)
- God created the sun on the first day of creation. (True / False)
- The Egyptians drowned in the Red Sea. (True / False)
- Jesus died alone on the cross. (True / False)
- God provided water and manna for the Israelites in the desert. (True / False)
- Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his son Isaac. (True / False)
- The story of David and Goliath teaches the power of faith. (True / False)
- The Sabbath day is a day meant for rest and worship. (True / False)
- Moses was the leader of the Israelites when they crossed the Red Sea. (True / False)
- God created man and woman on the fifth day. (True / False)
- Judas betrayed Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver. (True / False)
- Jesus performed many miracles to help people. (True / False)
- Noah’s Ark saved the animals and people from the flood. (True / False)
- Esther was the queen who saved the Israelites. (True / False)
- God punished Cain for killing Abel by making him a wanderer. (True / False)
- Jesus healed the sick and gave sight to the blind. (True / False)
- Solomon was the wisest king of Israel. (True / False)
- The Good Samaritan story teaches us to love our neighbors. (True / False)
- Adam and Eve were the first humans created by God. (True / False)
- Peter denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed. (True / False)
- David was a shepherd before becoming a king. (True / False)
- The Lord’s Prayer was taught by John the Baptist. (True / False)
- Jesus is the Son of God. (True / False)
- The Bible is a storybook of God’s promises. (True / False)
- Moses’ mother saved him by putting him in a basket on the Nile. (True / False)
- Samson was strong because of his hair. (True / False)
- Solomon built the first temple in Jerusalem. (True / False)
- The Bible was written in one language only. (True / False)
Part D: Fill in the Gaps Questions
(Fill in the blanks with the correct words or phrases.)
- _________ was saved from the lion’s den because of his faith in God.
- God provided _________ and _________ for the Israelites in the desert.
- Jesus died on the cross for the _________ of our sins.
- The _________ sea was where the Egyptians were drowned.
- God created the world in _________ days.
- The story of _________ shows that God is merciful and forgiving.
- _________ was the giant defeated by David with a stone.
- Jesus’ disciples were men who _________ him and learned from him.
- The greatest gift from God to mankind is _________.
- The _________ day is meant for rest and keeping holy.
- God created Adam and _________ as the first humans.
- Jesus’ death on the cross was for the _________ of mankind.
- God’s promise to Abraham was that his descendants would be as numerous as the _________.
- The _________ was a symbol of God’s covenant with Noah.
- The _________ was the first miracle Jesus performed at a wedding.
- Moses led the Israelites out of _________ into the Promised Land.
- _________ betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.
- Jesus died for the _________ of the world’s sins.
- Solomon asked God for _________ when he became king.
- The Good Samaritan helped the man who was _________ by robbers.
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