Revision and Review Test Questions Civic Education Nursery 2 Second Term

Second Term Welcome Revision Questions

Civic Education – Nursery 2 Second Term

Part A: Objective Questions (Fill in the blanks)

  1. What is the color of charcoal?
    (a) Green  (b) Black  (c) Blue  (d) Yellow
  2. What is the color of a leaf?
    (a) Green  (b) White  (c) Red  (d) Black
  3. Responsibility means ________.
    (a) Doing what you should not do
    (b) Doing what you should do
    (c) Doing nothing
    (d) Playing all the time
  4. Children should _______.
    (a) Fight  (b) Run errands  (c) Sleep all day  (d) Break things
  5. Children should _______ their parents.
    (a) Help  (b) Kill  (c) Ignore  (d) Shout at
  6. A ______ is where we live.
    (a) Home  (b) Sweep  (c) Farm  (d) Market
  7. To keep your house clean, _______ the floor.
    (a) Break  (b) Sweep  (c) Scratch  (d) Jump
  8. A school is a place where children _______.
    (a) Fight  (b) Learn and write  (c) Sleep  (d) Play only
  9. A child should not make noise in school.
    (a) Yes  (b) No  (c) Maybe  (d) Sometimes
  10. ______ your desk and benches to keep them clean.
    (a) Break  (b) Dust  (c) Write on  (d) Jump on
  11. Religious places are for _______.
    (a) Farming  (b) Worshiping  (c) Sleeping  (d) Eating
  12. Always help your parents.
    (a) Yes  (b) No  (c) Sometimes  (d) Never
  13. A broom is used for _______.
    (a) Bathing  (b) Sweeping  (c) Eating  (d) Fighting
  14. ______ grasses in the school compound.
    (a) Leave  (b) Cut  (c) Ignore  (d) Burn
  15. Gather dirt with _______.
    (a) Uniform  (b) Rake  (c) Shoes  (d) Book
  16. Green, white, green is the color of the _______ flag.
    (a) Nigerian  (b) American  (c) Canadian  (d) Ghanaian
  17. Is it good to come late to school?
    (a) Yes  (b) No  (c) Maybe  (d) Always
  18. We should always be well arranged.
    (a) Yes  (b) No  (c) Sometimes  (d) Never
  19. Religious places should be well arranged.
    (a) Yes  (b) No  (c) Maybe  (d) Always
  20. You can play with the Quran and Bible.
    (a) Yes  (b) No  (c) Maybe  (d) Always
  21. A classroom should be ______.
    (a) Dirty  (b) Clean  (c) Noisy  (d) Crowded
  22. Who helps us to learn in school?
    (a) Parents  (b) Teachers  (c) Farmers  (d) Friends
  23. ______ helps us clean our classrooms.
    (a) Rain  (b) Teachers  (c) Broom  (d) Desk
  24. It is good to ______ in class.
    (a) Shout  (b) Listen  (c) Fight  (d) Sleep
  25. The Nigerian flag has ______ colors.
    (a) Two  (b) Three  (c) Four  (d) Five
  26. Always ______ before going to bed.
    (a) Sweep  (b) Jump  (c) Cry  (d) Fight
  27. Children should _______ before crossing the road.
    (a) Run  (b) Look left and right  (c) Shout  (d) Play
  28. Always ______ your shoes after wearing them.
    (a) Throw  (b) Arrange  (c) Break  (d) Lose
  29. You should _______ your schoolbag every day.
    (a) Pack  (b) Burn  (c) Ignore  (d) Tear
  30. A clean house is ______.
    (a) Comfortable  (b) Dirty  (c) Smelly  (d) Boring
  31. Always ______ the national anthem.
    (a) Sing  (b) Ignore  (c) Laugh at  (d) Tear
  32. What should you do to your nails?
    (a) Cut  (b) Bite  (c) Paint  (d) Ignore
  33. ______ your uniform to school.
    (a) Wear  (b) Burn  (c) Tear  (d) Forget
  34. Never ______ in a religious place.
    (a) Sleep  (b) Shout  (c) Worship  (d) Clean
  35. Children should always speak the ______.
    (a) Lie  (b) Truth  (c) Riddle  (d) Joke
  36. ______ helps us to clean the house.
    (a) A rake  (b) A broom  (c) A chair  (d) A stick
  37. Religious places should be ______.
    (a) Neat  (b) Dirty  (c) Crowded  (d) Smelly
  38. Children should ______ their teachers.
    (a) Respect  (b) Fight  (c) Ignore  (d) Disobey
  39. We must ______ after eating.
    (a) Break plates  (b) Wash our hands  (c) Cry  (d) Leave it
  40. Always ______ your books.
    (a) Tear  (b) Take care of  (c) Ignore  (d) Throw
  41. We use ______ to drink water.
    (a) Spoon  (b) Cup  (c) Broom  (d) Knife
  42. Keep your classroom ______.
    (a) Dirty  (b) Clean  (c) Messy  (d) Crowded
  43. A good child ______.
    (a) Disrespects others  (b) Behaves well  (c) Fights in school  (d) Sleeps in class
  44. Always ______ your parents and elders.
    (a) Respect  (b) Disrespect  (c) Ignore  (d) Shout at
  45. To keep yourself neat, ______.
    (a) Bathe daily  (b) Sleep dirty  (c) Cry often  (d) Shout loudly

Part B: Theory Questions

Answer the following questions.

  1. Explain why it is important to help your parents.
  2. What are two things we use to clean the house?
  3. Describe what a good child should do in school.
  4. Mention three colors on the Nigerian flag.
  5. Why should children not make noise in the classroom?
  6. What should you do before eating?
  7. Explain how to keep your classroom neat.
  8. Write two things we do in religious places.
  9. Why should children obey their teachers?
  10. How can you help at home?
  11. Mention three activities children can do to keep fit.
  12. What should you do before crossing the road?
  13. Write one reason why you should respect elders.
  14. What do we use a broom for?
  15. How should children behave during lessons?
  16. Why is it important to come to school on time?
  17. What should you do when your desk is dusty?
  18. Mention one thing you should not do in school.
  19. Write one reason why you should arrange your books.
  20. What should you do if you see dirt on the floor?