Entry Behaviour: Pupils are expected to have basic knowledge of body parts like eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
Learning Resources and Materials:
Pictures or charts showing body parts
Flashcards with body part names and functions
Whiteboard and markers
Reference book: Lagos State Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 Basic Science and Technology
Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge: Begin by asking pupils to point to their eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. Use simple questions like “What can you see with?” or “What helps you hear sounds?” to engage them and assess prior knowledge.
Embedded Core Skills: Observation, Identification, Communication
Instructional Materials: Show pictures of the head, hands, and legs with labels. Use flashcards to reinforce learning.
Introduction to Self-Parts of the Body
Outer Part
Major Locations in the Body
Head 🧑🦲
Hands ✋
Legs 🦵
Body Parts in Different Locations
Head: Eyes 👀, Ears 👂, Nose 👃, Mouth 👄
Functions of Named Body Parts
Eyes: Help us see 👀
Ears: Help us hear sounds 👂
Nose: Helps us smell things 👃
Mouth: Helps us eat and talk 👄
Class Activity Discussion :
Answers for Nursery 1 pupils:
Q: What are some parts of my head? A: Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth.
Q: What do eyes help me do? A: See things.
Q: What do ears help me do? A: Hear sounds.
Q: What does my nose help me do? A: Smell things.
Q: What does my mouth help me do? A: Eat food and talk.
Q: What are some parts of my body that have hands? A: Arms.
Q: What are some parts of my body that have legs? A: Feet.
Q: Can my hands help me pick things up? A: Yes.
Q: Can my legs help me walk? A: Yes.
Q: Can my eyes help me read books? A: Yes.
Evaluation :
What helps us see?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
What helps us hear sounds?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
What helps us smell things?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
What helps us eat food?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
What part of our body has hands?
a) Arms
b) Legs
c) Feet
d) Eyes
What part of our body has legs?
a) Arms
b) Hands
c) Feet
d) Eyes
Can hands help us pick things up?
a) Yes
b) No
Can legs help us walk?
a) Yes
b) No
What helps us talk?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
What helps us read books?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
What part of our body has a nose?
a) Head
b) Arms
c) Legs
d) Feet
What helps us sleep?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
What helps us listen to music?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
What helps us smile?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
What helps us taste food?
a) Eyes
b) Nose
c) Mouth
d) Ears
Step 1: Teacher revises the previous topic which was:
Ask questions related to body parts discussed in previous lessons.
Review functions of basic body parts.
Step 2: Teacher introduces the new topic:
Show pictures or charts of the head, hands, and legs.
Label each part and discuss their functions briefly.
Step 3: Teacher allows pupils to give their own contributions and corrects when necessary:
Encourage pupils to identify and name body parts they know.
Correct any misconceptions gently and reinforce correct answers.
Teacher’s Activities:
Engage pupils through questioning and visuals.
Demonstrate actions related to body parts (e.g., touching eyes to show seeing).
Guide discussions and provide explanations as needed.
Learners’ Activities:
Point to and name body parts shown by the teacher.
Participate in discussions by answering questions and sharing observations.
Demonstrate understanding by stating functions of body parts.
Assessment: Observation during class activities to assess pupils’ ability to identify body parts and their functions correctly.
Evaluation Questions:
What is the function of eyes?
Name a body part on the head.
How many legs do we have?
What can hands help us do?
Point to your ears.
What does the nose help us do?
How many major locations did we discuss?
What can we do with our mouth?
Name a body part on the legs.
Can you name a function of eyes?
Conclusion: The teacher goes round to mark and provide necessary corrections. Recap key points of the lesson and encourage pupils to practice naming body parts and their functions at home.
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