Christian Religious Studies (CRS) Nursery 1 Mid-Term Assessment (Week 7) for the Second Term:
Part A: Objective Questions
Fill-in-the-blank questions with options (a, b, c, d):
- God created the __________.
a) animals
b) trees
c) birds
d) world
- God made __________ on the first day.
a) plants
b) light
c) animals
d) birds
- God created man and __________.
a) fish
b) animals
c) woman
d) birds
- God cares for __________.
a) birds
b) people
c) animals
d) all of the above
- __________ loves and cares for us.
a) Parents
b) God
c) Teachers
d) Friends
- God gave Adam and Eve __________.
a) food
b) toys
c) names for animals
d) none of the above
- The Bible teaches us that God is __________.
a) angry
b) loving
c) sad
d) noisy
- We can __________ God to care for us.
a) trust
b) ignore
c) fear
d) forget
- God gives us __________, clothes, and food.
a) water
b) love
c) toys
d) shelter
- __________ protects us from harm.
a) Parents
b) God
c) Teachers
d) Friends
- God made the __________ and the animals.
a) sky
b) birds
c) trees
d) sun
- God’s love for us is __________.
a) limited
b) endless
c) small
d) weak
- The __________ was created on the second day.
a) birds
b) earth
c) sky
d) animals
- God gave Adam __________ in the garden.
a) food
b) clothes
c) work
d) none of the above
- __________ made man in His own image.
a) The teacher
b) God
c) Parents
d) Friends
- God told Adam to name all the __________.
a) birds
b) animals
c) trees
d) people
- God gave man __________ to take care of the earth.
a) shoes
b) love
c) authority
d) books
- __________ is our Father who takes care of us.
a) God
b) Teacher
c) Friends
d) Parents
- God made __________ on the third day.
a) birds
b) land and sea
c) animals
d) man
- God told Adam and Eve to __________ the earth.
a) name
b) destroy
c) take care of
d) leave
Part B: Theory Questions
Short answer questions covering key concepts from the mid-term topics:
- Who created the world?
- What did God make on the first day?
- Name one thing God made on the second day.
- Who did God create to be with Adam?
- What did God say about the things He created?
- How does God care for people?
- What did God give Adam to do in the garden?
- How does God show His love for us?
- What was created on the third day?
- Why did God make animals?
- How can we trust God to take care of us?
- What does the Bible teach us about God?
- Who is God’s greatest creation?
- What did God say about the animals?
- What did Adam name the animals?
- How do we know God cares for us?
- What did God make on the fifth day?
- How does God provide for our needs?
- What should we do to show God we trust Him?
- Why did God make people?
Part C: True or False Questions
True or False statements related to the topics covered:
- God created the world in six days. (True / False)
- God made man and woman on the fifth day. (True / False)
- The animals were created before man. (True / False)
- God told Adam and Eve to take care of the earth. (True / False)
- God only cares for some people. (True / False)
- God gave Adam the task of naming the animals. (True / False)
- The Bible teaches us that God is loving and caring. (True / False)
- God did not create the birds. (True / False)
- God made the trees on the second day. (True / False)
- God loves us all the time. (True / False)
- God gave Adam and Eve food to eat in the garden. (True / False)
- God created the sun and moon on the fourth day. (True / False)
- God provided animals for food for Adam and Eve. (True / False)
- God created man in His own image. (True / False)
- God cares for the birds but not for people. (True / False)
- God created the sea and land on the third day. (True / False)
- God’s love is endless. (True / False)
- Adam and Eve were happy in the garden. (True / False)
- God made man and woman in the same way. (True / False)
- God does not need our trust. (True / False)
Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions
Fill-in-the-blank questions without multiple-choice options:
- God created the __________ on the first day.
- On the second day, God created the __________.
- God made __________ and __________ on the sixth day.
- Adam and Eve were placed in the __________ garden.
- God gave Adam __________ to name the animals.
- God told Adam to __________ the garden.
- __________ is the greatest gift God gave man.
- God created __________ for Adam to be with him.
- God’s love for us is __________.
- The __________ were created on the fourth day.
- God cares for __________, __________, and __________.
- God created the __________ and __________ on the fifth day.
- God’s care for us is __________ and never-ending.
- God told Adam and Eve to __________ the earth.
- Adam named all the __________ and __________.
- God loves all His __________.
- God provided __________ and __________ for Adam and Eve.
- We should __________ God for His care.
- Adam and Eve __________ in the garden.
- God created everything __________.
This assessment covers the major concepts from the first half of the second term. It includes objective, short-answer, true/false, and gap-fill questions to evaluate students’ understanding of God’s creation and care.
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