Causes of Diseases Nursery 1 Health Habits
Lesson Plan: Health Habits
Topic: Causes of Diseases
Class: Nursery 1
Term: First Term
Week: Week 2
Instructional Materials:
- Television
- Poster showing sick children
- Pictures of healthy pupils
- Storybooks
Reference Materials:
- Scheme of Work
- Online Information
- Textbooks
- Workbooks
- 9 Year Basic Education Curriculum
Previous Knowledge:
- The pupils have previous knowledge of illness/diseases.
Behavioral Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
- List the causes of diseases.
- Discuss the causes of diseases.
- Explain how to avoid illness or diseases.
Causes of Diseases
- Drinking dirty water can cause diseases or illness.
- Eating unripe fruits can cause diseases or illness.
- Eating with dirty plates, forks, or spoons can make us sick, weak, or ill.
- Picking food from the floor may be unhealthy and unhygienic for us.
- Sleeping in a dirty, stuffy, unkempt room may lead to poor ventilation or illness.
- We must get rid of stagnant water from our environment.
- We must not litter the floor with pieces of paper, nylon, or dirt.
- We must always make use of the waste paper basket.
- Our drainage system (gutter) must always be clean.
What may happen to us if our environment and surroundings are dirty:
- We may fall sick.
- Mosquitoes may cause sleeplessness.
- Sleeplessness may lead to disorder.
- Disorder may lead to sickness.
- Sickness that is not well treated may lead to severe illness.
How to Avoid Common Illness or Diseases:
- Keep our environment clean.
- Always use the waste paper basket.
- Do not drink dirty water.
- Do not eat with dirty plates or spoons.
- Cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.
- Do not pick up food from the ground.
- Eat healthy and exercise regularly.
- Start good habits early.
- Always wear your face or nose masks.
- Use sanitizers regularly.
Necessary Steps When a Child or Pupil is Ill:
- Refer children for treatment to appropriate health centers nearby. For example, if you’re on the island, you may visit Massey Street Children’s Hospital, Lagos Island.
Necessary Steps To Talk When A child or pupil is ill
Refer children for treatment when necessary to appropriate health centres that are very close to you or if you are living on the island , then you may visit
Massey Street Children’s Hospital Lagos Island
Presentation Steps:
Step 1:
- The teacher revises the previous lessons.
Step 2:
- The teacher introduces the new topic, Causes of Diseases, explaining how diseases can spread and how to prevent them.
Step 3:
- The teacher encourages the pupils to share their own examples of diseases and ways to avoid them. The teacher corrects misconceptions where necessary.
- Can picking up food from the ground cause disease? (True/False)
- Can drinking dirty water cause disease? (True/False)
- We must always wash our hands after using the toilet. (True/False/Not Sure)
- Can littering the floor cause disease? (True/False)
- When we have a headache, we must tell our teachers or parents. (True/False/Not Sure)
- Can washing your hands regularly cause disease? (True/False)
- Can sleeping eight hours a day cause disease or illness? (True/False)
- Can biting your fingernails cause disease or illness? (True/False)
- Can sweeping our room clean every day cause disease or illness? (True/False)
- Can praying to God always cause disease or illness? (True/False)
- The teacher wraps up the lesson by summarizing the key points: causes of diseases, how to prevent them, and good hygiene practices.
- The teacher ensures all pupils have copied the notes and makes any necessary corrections.
This lesson plan aims to teach young learners about the causes of diseases and how to stay healthy by practicing good habits and hygiene.
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Edu Delight Tutors
Am a dedicated educator with a passion for learning and a keen interest in technology. I believe that technology can revolutionize education and am committed to creating an online hub of knowledge, inspiration, and growth for both educators and students. Welcome to Edu Delight Tutors, where learning knows no boundaries.