Importance of good personal hygiene


 TERM : First Term Lesson Note And Scheme of Work

CLASS : Kindergarten One KG 1 

SUBJECT :Health Habits 




Importance of good personal hygiene

Previous lesson : Learners have been taught

Wash, brush and comb

in their previous lesson

BEHAVIOURAL OBJECTIVES : At the end of the lesson , student will be able to 
  • say the importance of having a  very clean  body
  • say the importance of having a  very clean teeth
  • say the importance of having a  very clean  hair
  • say the importance of having a  very clean  hands after using the toilet


PERSONAL HYGIENE helps us to have good health. It helps to prevent diseases and sickness

It makes us to have better self esteem.. that means when you take good care of your body, you will feel better about yourself

The importance of having a  very clean  body

  • Our body will be free from germs
  • Our body will be free from infections
  • Our body will be neat
  • People will like us when we are neat .
  • If our body is neat , we will have more friends




The importance of having a  very clean teeth

  • We will have clean and fresh breath
  • Our mouth will not stink or smell
  • We will not have tooth decay or cavity
  • Our gums will be very strong and it will not bleed




The importance of having a  very clean  hair

  • It makes us to appear neat and fine
  • Clean and well trimmed hair shows that we are well dressed
  • Lice and ring worms will not infect our hair if it is well plaited , trimmed or combed



The importance of having a  very clean  hands after using the toilet

  • Hands are easy to spread infections
  • We must always keep our hands clean by washing our hands with soap and lot of water
  • We must always wash our hands after using the toilet .





The topic is presented step by step

Step 1 : The class teacher revises the previous topic

Step 2 : The class teacher introduces the new topic

Step 3 : The class teacher allows the learner to give their own contributions and he or she corrects them when the needs arise



  • How do we take care of our body ?
  • How many times are we expected to brush our teeth ?
  • Must we wash our hands after using the toilet ?
  • Should we wash our hands before and after using the toilet ?
  • If we do not cut our fingernails short , what will happen to our hands or fingernails
  • When our hair is dirty or unkempt , we may have lice in our hair ? True or false ?
  • Must we put our fingers in our nose ?
  • How do we clean our ear or eardrums ?


Class Activities 

Teacher : What will happen if you don’t take good care

of your body?

Expected Responses from  Learner :

If I don’t take good care of my body

  • Germs will enter my body I will have diseases
  • I will be sick
  • I will not be happy.
  • It is good for me to take good care of my body.
  • My body will ache when i have diseases or infections