Second Term Agric JSS 3 Exams

Second Term Agric JSS 3


  1. The following are agribusiness enterprises except A. livestock feed plc B. Nestle Nigeria Plc C. Cadbury Nigeria Plc D. Mobil Oil Nigeria Plc
  2. One unit of stock is called _____ A. a bank B. a share C. a tens D. a hundred
  3. The following are cocoa producing states in Nigeria except A. Ondo B. Osun C. DeltaD. Kano
  4. The major product which is obtained in cassava is ______ A. protein B. vitamins C. roughages D. starch
  5. The vegetation which is characterized with tall grasses is _____ A. guinea savanna B. sudan savanna C. sahel savanna D. montane
  6. Forest do not provide which of the following? A. medicine B. food C. fuel D. automobiles
  7. Sexual propagation involves the use of ___ A. stem B. leaf C. root D. seed
  8. Banana is propagated by ___ A. rhizome B. leaf C. sucker D. bulb
  9. Cassava is usually propagated by ___ A. root cutting B. stem cutting C. leaf cutting D. seeds
  10. Asexual propagation is also called ___ A. bulb B. rhizome C. vegetation D. root
  11. The largest vegetation in Nigeria is __________ A. rain forest B. mangrove C. guinea savanna D. montane
  12. The vegetation which is characterized with tall grasses is _____ A. guinea savanna B. sudan savanna C. sahel savanna D. montane
  13. The third largest exporter of ginger in the world is ______ A. China B. India C. Nigeria D. Ghana
  14. The following are cocoa producing states in Nigeria except A. Ondo B. Osun C. Delta
  15. The early men were _______ A. Wanders  B. Nomadic  C . cattle rearers  Kano
  16. The _____ represents the potential buyers and sellers in a stock exchange A. stock holders B. stock buyer C. stock seller D. stockbroker
  17. Stock Exchange can help in _______ of wealth A. gathering B. selling C. redistribution D. buying
  18. Stock Exchange can be an indicator of the state of ___ A. Nigeria B. Africa C. Economy D. finance
  19. Glycine max is the botanical name of _________ A. cowpea B. soya bean C. pigeon pea D. peanut
  20. Sesame seed is predominantly grown in ______ state of Nigeria A. Ebonyi B. Kwara



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1. The science that deals with the study of crops and field management is called:

(a) agronomy (b) botany (c) entomology (d) horticulture

(e) Pathology

2. Which of the following is a dicotyledonous plant? (a) Cassava (b) pineapple (c) rice

(d) sisal (e) sugarcane

3. The most limiting factor in agricultural production in Nigeria is. (a) Capital (b) Farm inputs (c) farm machinery (d) labour (e) land

4. Mechanized land clearing is done by (a) bush burning (b) caterpillar

(c) Cutlass (d) grader (e) plough

5. An advantage of commercial agriculture is that it (a) requires small space

(b) Requires skilled labour (c) produces high returns (d) involves low capital

(e) All of the above

6. The green revolution is an example of government agricultural (a) extension (b) policy (c) programme (d) regulation (e) research

7. The Nigerian land use Act of 1978 puts the right ownership of land on the

(a) Governor of a state (b) head of the family (c) head of the society

(d) President of the farmers co-operative (e) traditional rulers

8. Which of the following crops produces latex? (a) Mango (b) Rubber (c) Citrus (d) Cassava (e) Sisal

9. The main reason for establishing game reserves is to prevent wild-life from (a) being poached (b) being hunted periodically (c) attacking tourists

(d) Becoming extinct (e) none of the above

10. The biotic factor which derives much benefit from livestock and reduces productivity is a (a) predator (b) parasite (c) pathogen (d) microbe

(e) Temperature

11. Which of the following groups of crops grow best in the savanna Zone of West Africa (a) cotton, millet and groundnut (b) cocoa, kola and oilpalm (c) cotton, cocoa and guinea corn (d) banana, rubber and millet (e) shea butter, cocoa, millet

12. The different between subsidy and loan is that subsidy (a) is a short term credit while loan is a long term credit (b) is a medium term credit while loan is a short term credit (c) requires a collateral while a loan does not (d) is not refundable (e) all of the above

13. Which of the following groups comprises oily crops? (a) Groundnut, jute and cotton (b) Melon, coconut and sisalhemp (c) Coconut, cotton and sunflower

(d) Sunflower, rubber and jute (e) Oilpalm, sunflower and millet

14. Pests of crops that feed by piercing and sucking include the following EXCEPT: (a) stem borers (b) aphids (c) cocoa mirids (d) cotton stainer (e) cassava mealy bug

15. Which of these best describes land in agriculture? (a) Free gift of nature

(b) Increase value with increase in population (c) permanently in place

(d) Solid part of the earth’s crust (e) very important factor of production

16. Which of the following is not a role of government in agricultural production? (a) provision of labour (b) provision of subsidies (c) building of storage facilities (d) provision of loans and credits (e) provision of loans

17. Peasant farmers sell almost all their produce immediately after harvesting because (a) stored produce lose their quality (b) stored produce would be lost to pests (c) the prices offered for stored produce are low (d) the produce are perishable (e) there are inadequate storage facilities

18. Which of the following is NOT an agricultural development programme in Nigeria? (a) Agricultural Development Project (b) Green Revolution

(c) National Development for All (d) Operation Feed the Nation (e) River Basin Development Authority

19. The major aim of government’s agricultural programmes in Nigeria include the following EXCEPT that it (a) encourages cash crop production (b) ensures quality control and standards (c) fixes prices of agricultural commodities

(d) Increases food production (e) increases the gross domestic product

20. Fibre can be obtained from the following EXCEPT (a) cotton (b) jute (c) kapok (d) kenaf (e) sheabutter

21. Wastage of agricultural products during harvesting period is due to inadequate (a) agricultural education and extension (b) agricultural financing (c) implementation of government policies on agriculture (d) storage and processing facilities (e) transport facilities

22. Which of the following systems of farming requires an intensive use of fertilizers? (a) Bush burning (b) Crop rotation (c) Mixed farming

(d) Monocropping (e) Shifting cultivation

23. The provision of farm inputs to farmers by the government can best be described as (a) capital (b) credit (c) gift (d) loan (e) subsidy

24. Most agricultural policies do NOT benefit rural communities because (a) oof lack of foreign exchange to import the required expertise (b) of poor implementation (c) there are inadequate supply of electricity (d) they aim at benefiting the national economy (e) they are formulated by non-practising farmers

25. The limiting climatic factor to agricultural production in Nigeria is

(a) Humidity (b) rainfall distribution (c) soil type (d) temperature (e) wind

26. The nutrient used mainly for energy production is (a) carbohydrate

(b) Carotene (c) mineral (d) protein (e) vitamin

27. Which of these crops is wind pollinated? (a) Cassava (b) Cocoa (c) Coffee

(d) Maize (e) Rubber

28. Which of the following crops is a raw material for the production of chocolate? (a) Avocado pear (b) Banana (c) Cocoa (d) Coffee (e) Kolanut

29. Which of the following is a day-neutral crop? (a) Cocoa (b) Coffee (c) Maize

(d) Millet (e) Tomato

30. The following are fib e crops EXCEPT (a) cotton (b) hemp (c) jute (d) rubber (e) sisal

31. Which of the following is NOT a solution to problems of local farmers?

(a) Rehabilitation of bad roads (b) Subsidizing crude implements (c) Practising improved farming methods (d) Providing credit facilities by governments

32. The main motive of the farmer in commercial agriculture is to (a) maximize profit (b) produce rare crop varieties (c) produce for family consumption

(d) Increase risk

33. The land tenure system which leads to land fragmentation is (a) freehold

(b) Inheritance (c) pledging (d) gift

34. Subsistence farming is parctised in West Africa on land mostly acquired through (a) pledge (b) donation (c) inheritance (d) purchase

35. The roles of government in the development of agriculture in Nigeria include the following EXCEPT (a) reorganization of the rural communities

(b) Provision of extension service (c) provision of feeder roads

(d) Rehabilitation of feeder roads

36. The main reason for governments enforcement of efficient quarantine laws is to (a) check the destruction of unproductive animals (b) attract school leavers into agriculture (c) give grants to researchers for agricultural problems

(d) Check and control the inflow of animals and crops

37. The most important objectives of the farm settlement scheme is to (a) supply farm tools to farmers (b) provide subsidy for small scale farmers

(c) Demonstrate that farming can be profitable business (d) mechanise agriculture

38. In which of the following is land used for agricultural purposes? (a) Forage production (b) Recreation (c) Mining (d) Road construction

39. Which of the following climatic factor is primarily necessary for photosynthesis in crop plants? (a) Wind (b) Light (c) Rainfall (d) Temperature

40. An example of a biotic factor affecting crop or animal production is

(a) Predator (b) soil texture (c) soil structure (d) light






1a. Define Agricultural Science

b. Enumerate five important of Agriculture

c. State and explain Relationship between Industry and Agriculture

2a. Define the term Land Tenure System

b. Discuss briefly Land Use Decree

c. In a tabular form, state six differences between subsistence and commercial agric

3a. State five agricultural programs initiated in Nigeria

b. Outline five ways by which non-government al organizations have contributed to the development of agriculture in Nigeria

c. Suggest two possible solutions to the problem of poor marketing channel

4a. Define Land

b. Enumerate five uses of Land for agricultural purpose

c State five factors affecting Land availability

5a. State five roles of science and technology in agriculture provision

b. Mention one industry that uses each of the following agricultural produce as raw material

i Cocoa ii. Rubber iii. Cotton iv. Groundnut v. Cassava

c. Suggest two possible solutions to the problem of inadequate finance

















Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.


1. The removal of excess water from the sub-soil is known as: (a) irrigation (b) drainage (c) evaporation (d) dehydration (e) hydration

2. The best source of farm power for agricultural production is (a) human power (b) animal power (c) mechanical power (d) solar power (e) electrical power

3. The greatest disadvantage of using a bulldozer in land clearing is that it (a) removes the fertile top soil along with the vegetation (b) makes the soil loose its texture (c) allows the fast growth of weeds after clearing (d) increases the incidence of pests (e) all of the above

4. Which of the following equipment is not used in farm surveying? (a) Gunters chain

(b) Measuring tape (c) Ranging pole (d) Pick axe (e) Theodolite

5. Farm surveying is important because it determines (a) soil fertility (b) size of farm land

(c) Yield of crops (d) types of implements to use (e) water level of the soil

6. If a crop is planted at a spacing of 100cm × 50cm, calculate the plant population required for a hectare of farm land. (a) 200 (b) 5, 000 (c) 20, 000 (d) 15, 200

7. A disadvantage of vegetatively propagated crops is that they (a) do not mature on time

(b) are less resistant (c) do not withstand harsh conditions (d) lodges very readily (e) B and D

8. The signs of heat in animals include the following EXCEPT (a) red and swollen vulva

(b) Restlessness and nervousness (c) attempting to mount other animals (d) increased appetite (e) mucous discharge from the vulva

9. Cows should not be allowed to eat plenty of young fresh pasture because they will

(a) develop anthrax (b) develop bloat (c) refuse to eat concentrate (d) become infested with worms (e) A and B

10. The recommended spacing for oil palm cultivation is (a) 9m triangular (b) 9m × 9m (c) 12m × 12m (d) 12m triangular (e) A and B

11. The average gestation period of a sow is ______ days (a) 32 (b) 114 (c) 150 (d) 153 (e) 290

12. Whish of these is a secondary tillage implement? (a) Chisel plough (b) Disc plough

(c) Mould board plough (e) Planters

13. The following are examples of field machine EXPECT: (a) bulldozer (b) combined harvester (c) milking machine (d) planter (e) sprayer

14. High temperature and pressure convert sand stone to (a) basalt (b) quartzile (c) coal

(d) Limestone (e) biotite

15. Streak diseases of maize is caused by (a) virus (b) nematode (c) fungus (d) bacterium

(e) protozoan

16. In the carbon cycle, atmospheric carbon (iv) oxide is replenished by (a) respiration

(b) transpiration (c) lightning (d) dentrification (e) A and C

17. The solidification of rock materials from a molten mass results in the formation of (a) coal (b) gneiss (c) granite (d) marble (e) shale

18. The following are agents of rock weathering in the tropics EXCEPT (a) carbonation

(b) glaciations (c) hydration (d) oxidation (e) temperature change

19. Which of the following statements describes soil most appropriately? It is (a) composed of fine stones and silt (b) the major part of the ground (c) the softest part of the earth (d) the thin layer of the earth on which plants grow (e) the topmost cover of the earth’s surface

20. The acidity of a soil can be corrected by (a) conservation (b) drainage (c) flocculation

(d) Irrigation (e) liming

21. Agricultural soils which are light and allow moisture to pass through very easily are generally (a) clayey (b) loamy (c) muddy (d) sandy (e) silt

22. Microscopic worms living mainly in the soil are (a) algae (b) bacteria (c) fungi

(d) Nematodes (e) viruses

23. Which of the following is NOT a macro-nutrient? (a) Calcium (b) Iron (c) Magnesium

(d) Phosphorus (e) Potassium

24. Nitrogen is absorbed by plants in the form of (a) ammonia (b) nitrates (c) nitrites

(d) Nitrogen dioxide (e) nitrogen oxide

25. The gradual washing away of small particles of the surface soil is called (a) denudation

(b) Drainage (c) erosion (d) intrusion (e) inundation

26. Which of the following is an advantage of irrigation? (a) Accumulates salt (b) Aids weed dispersal (c) Breeds vectors and diseases (d) Helps to build up pest (e) Stabilizes farm economy

27. The removal of excess water from the soil surface is referred to as (a) drainage

(b) Evapotranspiration (c) hydration (d) irrigation (e) transpiration

28. The plough is used on the farm for (a) stumping and removing weeds (b) scraping and throwing up the soil (c) scraping and lumping soil particles together (d) harvesting forage (e) digging up and turning over the soil

29. Which of the following farm tools can best be used to harvest groundnuts? (a) Cutlass

(b) Go-to-hell (c) Hoe (d) Pick axe (e) Spade

30. The survey equipment used in determining the horizontal angles between a references medium and a desirable point is the (a) cross staff (b) gunter’s chain (c) measuring tape

(d) Ranging pole (e) theodolite

31. Farm structures help the farmer to achieve the following aims EXCEPT (a) improving farm management (b) increasing farm production (c) increasing the work of farm attendants

(d) Maximizing farm profit (e) reducing wastage of farm produce

32. Which of the following is NOT a permanent crop? (a) Cocoa (b) Kolanut (c) Mango (d) Oil palm (e) Pineapple

33. The term ‘fallowing’ in agriculture means (a) allowing cattle to graze among crops

(b) Cropping the land with cash crops only (c) leaving the land without a crop throughout the cropping season (d) occupying all the land with crops (e) rotation of crops in a definite order

34. Which of the following farm operations does NOT use electricity as a source of power?

(a) Grinding (b) Harvesting (c) Milking (d) Miling (e) Shelling

35. Rocks formed from molten magma are known as (a) igneous (b) metamorphic

(c) sandstone (d) schist (e) sedimentary

36. Which of the following soil types contains particles of diameter size between 0.02mm-2.0mm? (a) Clay (b) Gravel (c) Sand (d) silt (e) stone

37. Which of the following is the best agent of organic matter decomposition in the process of soil formation? (a) Algae (b) Bacteria (c) Fungi (d) Liverworts (e) Mosses

38. Nitrogen is supplied by rhizobium to leguminous plants by (a) changing mineral salts to ammonia (b) decomposing plant remains (c) fixing atmospheric nitrogen (d) incorporating urea into the soil (e) increasing soil pH value

39. Which of the following is NOT an importance of irrigation? (a) Cools the soil and the atmosphere (b) Helps to soften the soil (c) Makes early planting possible (d) One crop can be cultivated twice in a year (e) Spreads diseases and pests

40. The following can be used to drain soil EXCEPT (a) channels (b) ditches (c) gutters

(d) porous pipes (e) sprinklers

41. Which of the following is NOT associated with surface irrigation? (a) Check flooding

(b) Mole drain (c) Natural flooding (d) Sprinklers irrigation (e) Tile

42. In underground drainage (a) ditches are constructed to remove excess water (b) ditches are dug from a source of water to the farmland (c) furrows in which water collects are made (d) water is pumped through underground perforated pipes to crops (e) Water seeps into the tiles to reach an outlet where water is disposed

43. Which of these crops is best propagated by budding? (a) Citrus (b) Ginger (c) Pineapple

(d) Sugar cane (e) Yam

44. The caustic organism of maize rust is (a) bacterium (b) fungus (c) nematode (d) protozoan (e) virus

45. The gestation period of a cow is approximately (a) 483days (b) 423days (c) 383days

(d) 283days (e) 183days

46. Which of the following confers natural immunity on the young animals? (a) Administration of antibiotics (b) Administration of drugs (c) Feeding with colostrums (d) Sanitation of the animal’s house (e) Vaccination of the young

47. Which of the following farm animal’s skin can be used for leather production? (a) Cattle (b) Duck (c) Fowl (d) Pig (e) Sheep

48. Which of the following factors is considered the least important for the successful incubation of eggs? (a) Light (b) Relative humidity (c) Temperature (d) Turning of eggs

(e) Ventilation

49. When a cockerel is castrated it is called (a) broiler (b) capon (c) cock (d) layer (e) pullet

50. Which of the following is a micro element? (a) Calcium (b) Sulphur (c) Phosphorus

(d) Manganese






1a. Define Farm Surveying

b. Describe the following surveying equipment

i Ranging pole

ii Gunter’s chain

iii Prismatic compass

iv Theodolite

c. Outline six factors to be considered in selecting a site for a farmstead

2a. Define Soil

b. List four components of soil

c. State five characteristics of each of these (a) Sandy (b) Clay (c) Loamy


3a. State four tractor-couples implements and discuss the uses of two of the implements

b. Write short notes on each of the following (a) Tractors, (b) Incubators (c) Sprayers

c. Define Irrigation

4a. Define Nitrogen Cycle b. Draw the Nitrogen Cycle

c. Explain three functions of Nitrogen

5a. State five macro element and five micro element

b. List five environmental factors affecting agricultural production in Nigeria

c. Explain five ways in which rainfall affects agric production






Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.


1. Which of the following is NOT a feature of subsistence Agriculture? (a) Few farmers usually practice it (b) It is practiced where capital is not readily available (c) The farmer does not normally plant cash crops (d) The farmer grows arable crops to feed self and family (e) There is no surplus produce for sale in the market

2. The Green revolution is an example f government agricultural (a) extension (b) policy (c) programme (d) regulation (e) research

3. The communal land tenure is a system in which (a) a farmer uses all the land in a community to secure loan (b) members of a community use the same land when needed (c) members of the community are assigned permanent titles to the land (d) the head of a community sells or uses the land as desired (e) the land belongs to the head of the community

4. When a piece of land is leased to a farmer, the land is said to be (a) allocated on rent (b) given as a gift (c) given as subsidy (d) inherited (e) purchased on loan

5. The Nigerian Land Use Act of 1978 puts the right ownership of land on the (a) governor of a state (b) head of the family (c) head of the society (d) president of the farmers’ cooperative (e) traditional rulers

Use the diagram to answer questions 6 to 8










6. On which of the labelled parts can more weight be added to increase soil penetration by the implement? (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV (e) V

7. The part that is kept in touch with the rear end during operation is labelled (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV (e) V

8. Which of the labelled structures carries out the function of the share, coulter and mould board in a mould board plough? (a) I (b) II (c) III (d) IV (e) V

9. 4FeO + O2 2Fe2O3

The above equation is chemically called (a) carbonation (b) hydration (c) hydrolysis (d) reduction (e) oxidation

10. Fe2O3 + 3H2 O Fe2 O3.3H2 O

In this chemical reaction, haematite is hydrated into (a) dolomite (b) iron (iv) oxide (c) lime stone (d) limonite (e) mica

11. Which of these is a secondary rock mineral? (a) Biotite (b) Orthoclase (c) Pyroxene (d) Shale (e) Sodium oxide

12. What is the size fraction of coarse sand? (a) Less than 0.002mm (b) 0.002-0.02mm (c) 0.02-0.2mm (d) 0.2mm (e) Greater than 2.0mm

13. The soil structure in which aggregates are arranged like a pillar is ____ structure (a) blocky (b) crumby (c) granular (d) platy (e) prismatic

14. The sequential arrangement f various sizes and groups of individual soil grains in a mass of soil from top to bottom is (a) clay, silt,, fine sand, coarse sand, fine gravel, gravel and stone (b) fine gravel, coarse sand, fine sand, silt, clay, stone and gravel (c) fine sand, silt, clay, gravel, coarse sand, fine gravel, and stone (d) silt, clay, stone, coarse sand, fine sand, gravel and fine gravel (e) stone, gravel, fine gravel, coarse sand, fine sand, silt and clay

15. Which of the following is NOT correct about forestry land? (a) Disputed land (b) Established in areas of sparse population (c) Established where the rate of erosion is low (d) May be plain and hilly (e) Must not be too fertile

16. All these are importance of wild life EXCEPT the provision of (a) food (b) hides and skin (c) revenue (d) shelter (e) tourist attraction

17. Silviculture means (a) art of planting crops and raising of flowers (b) art of planting, tending and managing forests (c) community of trees, associated plants and animals (d) replanting of a forest land after felling (e) scientific management of economic tree plants

18. Which of these trees can be regarded as tropical rainforest specie? (a) Cassia (b) Date palm (c) Ebony (d) Neem (e) Shear butter

19. Deforestation increases the following EXCEPT (a) desert encroachment (b) leaching of plant nutrients (c) loss of organic matter (d) moisture retention (e) soil erosion

20. To ensure continuous supply of forest products, the following forest management techniques are important EXCEPT (a) afforestation (b) deforestation (c) fallowing (d) regeneration (e) taungya system

21. Which of these is NOT a factor affecting land availability and use? (a) Climate (b) Cultural practices (c) Game reerve (d) Land tenure system (e) Soil type

22. A farm-stead refers to (a) a home and production centre (b) a storage centre for farm products (c) the design and construction of farm (e) the relative size and plan of farm

23. Which of these factors greatly determines the type of vegetation prevalent in Nigeria? (a) Rainfall (b) Sunshine (c) Temperature (d) Topography (e) Wind

24. The Nigeria vegetation belts can be classified into ____ and ___ zones (a) forest, savannah (b) guinea savannah, sudan savannah (c) mangrove swamp, fresh water swamp (d) rainforest, mangrove forest (e) sahel savannah, sudan savannah

25. Which of these statements is NOT true about the influence of forests on environment? (a) Cause local rainfall (b) Expose the soil to erosion by rain drops (c) Increase soil fertility (d) Purify the air (e) Reduce evaporation of soil water

26. The taungya farming system involves combining (a) arable cropping with forest management (b) crop production with animal rearing (c) fish management with forest management (d) forest management and animal rearing (e) livestock farming with forest management

27. The system of combining pasture with crop production in alternation is called (a) intercropping (b) interplanting (c) ley farming (d) mixed farming (e) pastoral farming

28. The system of planting of a long-season crop first, then followed by a short season crop on the same farm but the short season crop is harvested first is called (a) intercropping (b) interplanting (c) mixed cropping (d) multiple cropping (e) rotational cropping

29. The chemical used to control damping –off is (a) acaricide (b) fungiside (c) insecticide (d) nematicide (e) rodenticide

30. Stemborer and leaf hopper are pests of (a) cowpea (b) groundnut (c) maize (d) rubber (e) yam

31. Cercospera leaf spot is a disease of (a) citrus (b) cocoa (c) groundnuts (d) maize (e) yam

32. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of rosette disease? (a) Internode becomes shortened (b) Leaves curl (c) Leaves turn yellow (d) Low yield (e) Pod becomes toxic

33. Fusarium oxysporium causes ______ disease. (a) Bacterial blight (b) bacterial wilt (c) fusarium blight (d) root knot (e) root rot

34. The brown spots symptom commonly associated with fungal diseases of crops can best be observed on (a) flowers (b) fruits (c) internodes (d) leaves (e) stems

35. The infectious viral disease of poultry is called (a) aspergilosis (b) coccidiosis (c) fowl cholera (d) gunboro (e) Newcastle disease

36. A maintenance operation necessary for availability of fish in a fish pond is (a) construction of spill way (b) deweeding (c) impoundment of pond (d) pond inoculation (e) stocking of pond

37. A young rabbit is called (a) buck (b) dam (c) doe (d) kitten (e) sire

38 The most glandular portion of the ruminant stomach where enzymatic digestion takes place is the (a) abomasums (b) oesophagus (c) omasum (d) rectum (e) reticulum

39. In the ruminant stomach, the portion where most of the microbial digestion takes place is the (a) abomasums (b) oesophagus (c) omasum (d) reticulum (e) rumen

40. The hormone responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics and libido in male animal is (a) oestrogen (b) oxytocin (c) progesterone (d) relaxing (e) testosterone

41. A mature female pig that has produced offspring at least once is called (a) doe (b) ewe (c) gilt (d) lamb (e) mare

42. The process of choosing animals so that they can be used to produce future offspring is termed (a) culling (b) dissemination (c) identification (d) introduction (e) selection

43. A castrated male sheep is known as (a) castrate (b) lamb (c) ram (d) steer (e) wether

44. The following are examples of bony fishes EXCEPT (a) carp (b) herring (c) perches (d) salmon (e) shark

45. Which of these is NOT a method of harvesting fish? (a) Draining of ponds (b) Drenching (c) Electrofishing (d) Impalling (e) Trapping

46. Which of the following is NOT a requirement for fish pond water? (a) Colourless appearance (b) Hot temperature (c) pH of 7 9 (d) Pollution free (e) slightly alkaline

47. Mating of animals with close genetic relationship is termed (a) crossbreeding (b) inbreeding (c) line breeding (d) out breeding (e) out crossimh

48. The gestation period of a sow is _________ days (a) 32 (b) 114 (c) 150 (d) 153 (e) 290

49. The common space into which faecal and unrinogenital tubes open in poultry birds is called (a) anus (b) cloaca (c) infundibulum (d) return (e) vagina

50. Chalaza is formed in the (a) infundibulum (b) isthmus (c) magnum (d) ovary (e) vagina

51. Vitamin E deficiency may lead to (a) dwarfism (b) goiter (c) infertility (d) perosis

(e) rickets

52. Which of the following is not a digestive enzymes? (a) Lactase (b) Maltase (c) Peptidase

(d) prolactin (e) sucrose

53. A major advantage of agricultural loan is that (a) capital is made available to farmers

(b) it enhances the social status of the farmers (c) it is easy to obtain (d) it is interest free (e) repayment takes many years

54. Which of the following is not a reason for keeping livestock records? They

(a) are used to determine the number of consumers

(b) are used to determine the profitability of the enterprise

(c) are used to determine when to apply vaccines

(d) can be used for rational agricultural plans

(e) provide information which can be used to correct management lapses

55. The following are functions of a farm manager except (a) controlling farm workers

(b) co ordinating the farm activities (c) organizing sales of farm products

(d) planning farm programme of work (e) planting of crops and vegetable

56. When granting loans to farmers, the credit officer should consider mostly the ___________ of the farmer (a) age (b) consumption needs (c) experience (d) family size

(e) production and essential needs

57. The different between total assets and total liabilities of a farm enterprises within a specified period before taxation is known as (a) current asset (b) gross profit (c) liability (d) net profit (e) networth

58. Which of the following is the correct step in extension teaching? (a) attention interest Desire conviction action satisfaction (b) attention interest conviction desire action satisfaction (c) interest attention desire Conviction action satisfaction (d) desire interest attention conviction Action satisfaction ( e) conviction desire interest attention action Satisfation

59. Agricultural extension programme would succeed in disseminating new ideas to farmers except if only the programme (a) involve the support of highly trained extension specialists (b) involves the people for which the programme is planned (c) is based on planned agricultural programmes (d) is based on research tested on local condition (e) is not kept flexible to contemporary technology

60. The fundamental objective of agricultural extension is to improve the efficiency of farmers by (a) enforcing modern techniques of farming on them (b) giving them formal education in farming (c) giving them loan every year (d) persuading them to apply improved methods in farming (e) training them to become extension agents




1a. List six advantages of cooperative societies

b. Enumerate four other sources of agricultural financing apart from banks and cooperative societies

c. List four factors of agricultural production

2a. What is “farm subsidy”?

b. Enumerate six objectives of agricultural extension service

c. List five agencies involved in agricultural extension programmes in Nigeria

d. Name five factors affecting the adoption of new farming ideas and techniques

3a. Define the term land tenure system and give four examples

b. Discuss briefly land use decree

ii State two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of the decree

4. Explain briefly four (4) of the following terms in animal production

a oestrous cycle b heat period c gestation period

d parturition e colostrums







5. Copy and complete this table:


S/N Name of disease Crop affected Pathogen Symptoms Prevention / control

1 Cassava mosaic

2 Black pod

3 Streak

4 Rosette disease

6a. What is crop improvement?

i State six advantages of improved crop varieties over unimproved ones











































Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.



1. Which of these will not affect the buying of rice? (a) personal (b) religion (c) social (d) cultural

2. _____ is a disease causing organism (a) pathogen (b) vector (c) endo-parasie (d) tick

3. The aim of advertisement is to ______ (a) increase the cost of production (b) create confusion in the mind of consumer (c) lead to the loss of company product (d) increase the sales of goods

4. A farm structure where animals are slaughtered and butchered is known as ___ (a) abattoir (b) slaughter slap (c) raised platform (d) animal house

5. The price of agricultural products will be affected by the following EXCEPT ____ (a) transportation cost (b) seasonality of product (c) advertisement of product (d) perish ability of the product

6. When products are in direct contact with packaging, it is a _______ packaging. (a) primary (b) secondary (c) tertiary (d) universal

7. All these are agricultural products EXCEPT ____ (a) Kenaf (b) cotton (c) rubber (d) plastic

8. The removal of surplus seedling from area sown with seed is ____ (a) mulching (b) supplying (c) thinning (d) harvesting

9. The reproductive part of a plant is ____ (a) leaf (b) seed (c) stem (c) flower

10. The following are farm structures EXCEPT _____ (a) silo (b) crib (c) rhombus (d) weigh bridge

11. Which of these animals serve as means of transportation? (a) pig (b) goat (c) donkey (d) sheep

12. The removal of surplus seedling from area sown with seed is _____ (a) mulching (b) supplying (c) thinning (d) harvesting

13. It has parallel vein leaf, fibrous root; these are the characteristics of ____ plant. (a) Monocotyledon (c) cocoa (d) orange

14. The reproductive part of a plant is ____ (a) leaf (b) seed (c) stem (d) flower

15. The following are farm structures EXCEPT _____ (a) silo (b) crib (c) rhombus (d) weigh

16. Monocotyledonous crops have the following characteristics EXCEPT _________ (a) one seed leaf (b) fibrous root (c) tap root (d) narrow leaf

17. ____ is the process by which green plants manufacture their food (a0 pollination (b) photosynthesis (c) ovulation (d) respiration

18. Which of the following farm produce is used in the clothing industry? (a) Kenaf (b) cotton (c) sisals (d) jute

19. Stomachs of ruminant animals are divided into ___ chambers (a) 5 (b) 4 (c) 3 (d) 2

20. The process of making people aware of the available agricultural products through radio, television and newspaper is ___________ (a) broadcasting (b) announcement (c) advertisement (d) announcer

21. The process of deliberately keeping or culturing bees is known as ____________ (a) bumble bees (b) horticulture (c) ranching (d) apiculture

22. Which of the following can damage farm structure constructed with woods? (a) earthworm (b) termites (c) Eel worm (d) cotton strainers

23. All building and structures in the farms are collectively called ____ (a) farm structure (b) livestock building (c) farms stead (d) farm building

24. Hunting of animals, gathering of fruits are traced back to ________ (a) nomads (b) early men (c) ancestor (d) Oyo empire

25. _____ and _____ are types of agriculture (a) horticulture and monoculture (b) subsistence and commercial (c) floriculture and silviculture (d) horticulture and animal husbandry

26. A pepper plant that grows in a yam plot is regarded as a ____ (a) crop (b) flower (c) weed (d) vegetables

27. Cotton is an example of ___ crop (a) beverages (b) cereal (c) fibre (d) latex

28. Which of the following animals is an example of succulent feed? (a) bone meal (b) fish meal (c) hay (d) silage

29. Which of the following animals does not feed on hay (a) cattle (b) goat (c) horse (d) poultry

30. The separation of agricultural produce into various sizes and qualities is referred to as ____ (a) assembling (b) bulking (c) grading (d) packaging

31. Which of the following is not characteristics of paper (a) it is easily torn (b) it offers no barriers to water (c) it is a waste from pulpwood (d) it is flexible

32. Live animals need the following for transportation except (a) Open-top lorry (b) Keepers to accompany them (c) feed bon deck (d) stacking

33. Constraints to adequate packaging include the following except (a) cost (b) choice of materials (c) lack of knowledge about materials (d) distance to market

34. The slatted wooden boxes for fruits allow for (a) free circulation air (b) water to enter the container (c) recycled (d) burnt

35. The knowledge of packaging materials is essential because each product to be packsged has its own (a) direction (b) shape (c) properties (d) size

36. Which of the following is not an objective of pricing? (a) to achieve profitability (b) to find out if consumers will be willing to pay that price (c) to support market position of the producer (d) to make the market unstable

37. An increase in quantity demanded results in (a) a decrease in price (b) an increase in price (c) equilibrium price (d) a supply price

38. Which of the following statements does not refer to advertisement (a0 it is a form of marketing communication (b) it is a promotion for agricultural product (c) it is a mean of publicizing the success of a farm enterprises (d) a supply price

39. The inability of a farmer to store his products during period of high production results in (a) low prices (b) high prices (c) changes in price (d) prices forcast

40. Cost of production is a form of ___ in producing a commodity (a) sales ( b) investment n(c) distribution n(d) market

41. The perception most consumers about price-quality relationship is that a relatively high price is a sign of ______ (a) good quality (b) bad quality (c) average quality (d) half baked quality

42. Prices of agricultural products can be expressed in the following ways except (a) currency (b) weight (c) quality (d) degrees

43. For farmers to make profit, the cost of production must be (a) low (b) high (c) moderate (d) beneficial

44. Trays could be made of the following except (a) plastic (b) metal (c) cardboards (d) polyethylene

45. Fibres are materials needed from the following products except (a) jute raffia (b) sisal (c) metal



Answer 4 questions from this section

1. What is Agricultural Science 5mks

b. List and explain five (5) importance of agriculture 5mks

2. Explain the following: (i) packaging (ii) branding 6mks

b. List and explain two advantages of packaging 2mks

c. Explain two disadvantages of branding 2mks

3. What is advertising? 4mks

b. State and explain three form of advertising 6mks

4. List five (5) methods of advertising 5mks

b. What is pricing 5mks

5. State and explain four (4) reasons for packaging 5mks

b. List and explain five (5) factors of price of agricultural products 5mks

















  1. a. What is Asexual propagation?

b. Explain; cutting, layering and grafting.

  1. a. List four characteristics of swamp forest

b. List two characteristics of rain forest.

  1. a. List four importance of export promotion.

b. List two export prohibitions in Nigeria.

  1. a. What is Stock Exchange?

b. Define: (i) Stock (ii) Shareholders (iii) Stockbrokers

  1. a. List five Agric business enterprises whose share are traded in NSE

b. List five importance of stock exchange in Agriculture

  1. What does IPO mean?
  2. What are the things needed to be done by a company that wishes to enlist on the Nigerian stock exchange?

