1st Term Examination ENGLISH STUDIES JSS 3




1st Term Examination





Instruction: Read the passage carefully and answer the questions on it.


Teaching today is a very interesting and challenging job, because the students of today are the leaders of tomorrow. People used to think that students were like empty buckets, all the teacher had to do was to fill the buckets with the waters of knowledge or information.

These days, teaching and the learning process is very different. It is true that teachers have to provide information, but students have to process that information, if it is to be remembered and used.

The students process the information by first understanding it, then they have to think about it, and see how they can remember it, and use it. So, providing information, or knowledge, is not enough. Teachers have also to teach skills and attitudes to their students.

Teachers have to teach skills such as social skills to avoid and resolve conflicts in the society and attitudes to themselves, their friends and relations, community, country and even the world. Remember, no one else can make us better people except ourselves.



  1. According to the passage students were viewed before now as ? (A) Intelligent and resourceful people (B) Empty buckets to be filled with knowledge (C)Empty and unfilled buckets of knowledge (D) Learners with the great skills and attitudes
  2. A teacher’s job is challenging today because he ______(A) Fills empty buckets (B) Gives knowledge only (C) Teachers skills and attitudes (D) Gives information only
  3. According to the passage ,teachers teach social skill in order to ______(A) Live peacefully with neighbors (B)Create conflicts in the society (C) Fill students who are empty buckets (D)Live peacefully with students
  4. The emphasis on the use of pronoun ‘‘it’’ in paragraph three  refers to _____ (A) Knowledge (B) Teachers (C) Information (D) Students
  5. Another word for challenging as used in the passage is ___________ (a)uninspiring (b)easy (c) a learning process (d)difficult



From the options lettered A – D, choose the appropriate word that can fill in each of the numbered gaps.

The Abuja ___6_______ of the newspaper regularly sends reports on events in the Capital city. The _____7____ arranges the writing and the stories before they are printed in a newspaper, it was the ____8_____ who prevented the TV discussion from becoming a rowdy debate. The children then decided to ______9____ to channel 20 to watch cartoons. Only one of them opted to read a magazine but was sad because it did not contain ___10_______


  A B C D
11. Editor Correspondent Publisher Vendor
12. Reporter Pressman Journalist Editor
13. Cameraman Producer Station manager Moderators
14. Switch off Tune in Switch on Put on
15. Jingles Advertisement Captions Centre spread


Fill in the gaps with the most suitable word from the options A – D

  1. John is not prepared to marry now, even though he brought his _______

home yesterday (a)fiancée (b)bride (c)woman (d)finance

  1. The ________ of food coming out of our neighbor’s kitchen is tantalizing

(a)smell (b)scent (c)fragrance (d)aroma

  1. As the hens in their cages sighted their keeper, they started ______ in

excitement (a)crowling (b)cackling (c)shouting (d)singing

  1. The passive form of the sentence “The man nearly killed the snake is

_________ (a)the snake was nearly killed by the man (b)the man was nearly

killed by the snake (c)the snake had been killed by the man (d)the snake had

been nearly killed by the man.
20.The _________ for the selection of winners were unfair (a) criterion

(b)criterium (c)criteria (d)criterions

From the options A – D choose the word which is nearest in meaning to the underlined word in the sentences below:

21.The doctor warned the patient against anxieties (a)worries (b)fear (c)pain


22.The old couple enjoyed walking slowly down the road every evening

(a)jogging (b)hopping (c)marching (d)strolling


From the option A – D, choose the one that correctly interpret

 the underlined expressions in the sentences below

  1. Elders who respect themselves always call a spade a spade. This means that

such elders always _____________ (a)speak cautiously (b)speak with

confidence (c)speak reasonably (d)speak frankly

  1. If he comes now that we are still around he can kill two birds with one stone.

This means that his coming now will make it possible for him to __________ (a)have frank discussion with them (b)achieve two aims at the same time (c)achieve what may appear impossible (d)destroy two innocent creative at the same time

Choose the one word that is opposite in meaning   to the underlined word in the sentence below

  1. A gentleman like him would not intentionally hit another person (a)deliberately

(b)purposefully (c)accidentally (d)consciously

  1. This newspaper contains an authentic report of the accident (a)false (b)genuine

(c)true (d)counterfeit

  1. The lady whose son was ill refused to keep calm (a)cry (b)be still (c)panic


Read the poem below and answer questions 28 – 30

He that is down needs fear no falls

He that is low no pride

He that is humble ever shall have God to be his guide


  1. The rhyming scheme of the above poem is (a)abab (b)aabb (c)abcd (d)aaba
  2. The poem encourages _______ (a)fear (b)pride (c)humility (d)failure
  3. A poem that can be woven into a song is known as a _________ poem

(a)sonnet (b)lyrical (c)musical (d)pastoral



Answer all the questions in this section



Instruction: change the following sentences for ACTIVE to PASSIVE.  An example is done for you

John kicked the ball (active) = The ball was kicked by John (passive)


  1. The old man broke the glass
  2. A Policeman caught two of the thieves
  3. She is throwing away the rubbish
  4. The hungry boy ate the food
  5. I am doing an exercise

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word or answer


  1. They have a washing machine, it is ______________
  2. Those are their books. They’re ____________
  3. My brother’s son is my ______________
  4. The daughter of my cousin is my ____________
  5. You have a boat. It is _______


INSTRUCTION; fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the suitable form of the word in brackets


  1. (cruel) This woman is known for her ___________
  2. (deep) The __________ of the tank is two metres
  • (think) Their minds were filled with great ___________
  1. (holy) Saints are noted for their ____________
  2. (magic) She saw a _________ in the market