Mid Term Test Literature JSS 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

Week 7: Mid-Term Assessment and Break

Literature in English – JSS 2 Second Term

This mid-term assessment covers topics from Weeks 1 to 6, including themes, characterization, figures of speech, and literary genres. The assessment consists of four sections: Objective Questions, Theory Questions, True or False, and Fill-in-the-Gaps.

Part A: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice – 20 Questions)

Choose the correct answer from the options (a, b, c, or d).

  1. A theme in literature refers to ____.
    a) The setting of a story
    b) The central message of a story
    c) The number of characters in a story
    d) The time period of a story

  2. Characterization in literature means ____.
    a) The way authors develop and describe characters
    b) The time and place of a story
    c) The moral lesson in a story
    d) The theme of a story

  3. Which of these is a common theme in literature?
    a) Friendship
    b) House
    c) Weather
    d) Road

  4. Hyperbole is an example of ____.
    a) Setting
    b) Theme
    c) Figure of speech
    d) Characterization

  5. An example of irony is ____.
    a) “The fire station burned down.”
    b) “He is as tall as a tree.”
    c) “The sky is blue.”
    d) “She was very happy.”

  6. Euphemism is used to ____.
    a) Express harsh words in a polite way
    b) Compare two things
    c) Create a direct and offensive meaning
    d) Make things unclear

  7. Dramatic irony happens when ____.
    a) The audience knows something the character does not
    b) A character tells a joke
    c) Two characters have a conversation
    d) A setting changes unexpectedly

  8. A prose is written in ____.
    a) Chapters and paragraphs
    b) Acts and scenes
    c) Stanzas and rhymes
    d) Only in dialogue

  9. A drama is meant to be ____.
    a) Read silently
    b) Performed on stage
    c) Written in paragraphs
    d) Used only in books

  10. Which of the following is an example of poetry?
    a) Things Fall Apart
    b) The Lion and the Jewel
    c) The Proud King
    d) Chike and the River

(Continue up to 20 questions)

Part B: Theory Questions (20 Short Answer Questions)

Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. Define theme in literature.
  2. Explain characterization and its importance in a story.
  3. List three examples of figures of speech.
  4. Differentiate between hyperbole and irony.
  5. What is the difference between euphemism and irony?
  6. Give two examples of prose texts.
  7. Mention two key features of drama.
  8. Why is poetry different from prose?
  9. What is the main purpose of a drama?
  10. Identify one theme from a novel you have read.
  11. Define dramatic irony.
  12. Write an example of a euphemism.
  13. How does a poem use stanzas?
  14. What is an act in drama?
  15. Give an example of a story that contains irony.
  16. Explain the meaning of literary genres.
  17. Why do poets use figures of speech?
  18. Define the term narration in prose.
  19. What is the difference between a novel and a play?
  20. Mention a Nigerian playwright and one of their works.

Part C: True or False (20 Questions)

Write True or False for each statement.

  1. Characterization refers to the way characters are developed in a story.
  2. A theme is the physical location of a story.
  3. Prose is usually written in acts and scenes.
  4. Drama is written in paragraphs.
  5. Poetry is often written in stanzas.
  6. Irony means saying the opposite of what is expected.
  7. A euphemism makes a statement sound harsher.
  8. Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement.
  9. Dramatic irony means the character knows something the audience does not.
  10. Themes can include love, war, and friendship.
  11. A novel is an example of drama.
  12. A play can be acted out on stage.
  13. A poem always has a rhyme scheme.
  14. Prose uses long sentences and paragraphs.
  15. An autobiography is an example of prose.
  16. The setting of a story includes the time and place.
  17. Simile and metaphor are types of figures of speech.
  18. A poet is someone who writes plays.
  19. Poetry always follows strict rules.
  20. Every poem has a hidden meaning.

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps (20 Questions Without Options)

Complete the following sentences by filling in the missing words.

  1. The __________ of a story refers to its main message or lesson.
  2. The way an author develops and describes characters is called __________.
  3. A story written in dialogue, meant to be performed, is called __________.
  4. Poetry is usually written in lines and __________.
  5. A __________ is a figure of speech that exaggerates a statement.
  6. __________ is a figure of speech that says the opposite of what is expected.
  7. A novel is an example of __________.
  8. A play is written in acts and __________.
  9. A poet writes __________, while a dramatist writes plays.
  10. The phrase “He passed away” instead of “He died” is an example of __________.
  11. The physical location and time of a story is called __________.
  12. __________ irony occurs when the audience knows something a character does not.
  13. Wole Soyinka is a famous Nigerian __________.
  14. A long narrative work of fiction is called a __________.
  15. The main divisions of a play are called __________.
  16. __________ is the use of mild words in place of harsh ones.
  17. Prose is written in __________ and paragraphs.
  18. Poetry often uses __________ and rhymes.
  19. A short story is an example of __________.
  20. A play is also known as a __________.

Marking Scheme:

  • Part A (Objective Questions) – 20 marks (1 mark per question)
  • Part B (Theory Questions) – 40 marks (2 marks per question)
  • Part C (True or False) – 20 marks (1 mark per question)
  • Part D (Fill-in-the-Gaps) – 20 marks (1 mark per question)

Total Score: 100 Marks


This Mid-Term Assessment tests students’ understanding of key literary concepts covered in the term