JSS 2 Speech Work: Complete Second Term Revision Questions and Answers
Speech Work: Revision of All Topics Covered
Subject: English Language
Class: JSS 2
Term: Second Term
Week: 11
Age: 11 – 13 years
Duration: 40 minutes
Lesson Overview
This lesson is a complete revision of all Speech Work topics covered in the term. It includes:
- Part A – Review and FAQs
- Part B – Multiple Choice Questions (Fill-in-the-Blank with Options)
- Part C – Short Answer Questions
- Part D – True or False Questions
- Part E – Fill-in-the-Blank (No Options)
Part A: Review and Revision (20 FAQs with Answers)
What is a diphthong?
- A diphthong is a sound made by combining two vowel sounds in one syllable, like “boy” or “house.”
What is intonation?
- Intonation is the rise and fall of the voice when speaking.
How does intonation change a statement?
- A falling tone is used in statements, e.g., “She is coming.”
What type of intonation is used in yes/no questions?
- A rising tone, e.g., “Are you coming?”
What is stress in speech?
- Stress is when one syllable in a word is pronounced more strongly than others.
Give an example of a word with different stress patterns.
- “Import” (noun) vs. “Import” (verb).
How does stress affect meaning?
- It changes meaning; for example, “Record” (noun) vs. “Record” (verb).
What is rhythm in speech?
- Rhythm is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in speech or poetry.
Why is rhythm important?
- It makes speech sound natural and smooth.
How do we identify the rhythm of a poem?
- By clapping or tapping along with the syllables.
- What is the difference between /s/ and /z/?
- /s/ is voiceless (sip), and /z/ is voiced (zip).
- How do we pronounce “this” and “these”?
- “This” has a short vowel sound, while “these” has a long vowel sound.
- What is the difference between “loose” and “lose”?
- “Loose” means not tight, while “lose” means to misplace something.
- How do we pronounce /k/ and /g/?
- /k/ is voiceless (cup), and /g/ is voiced (gulp).
- What type of consonants are /m/, /n/, and /ŋ/?
- They are nasal sounds because air passes through the nose.
- How do we pronounce “sing” and “singer”?
- “Sing” has /ŋ/, while “singer” has /ŋə/.
- What is the difference between “man” and “many” in pronunciation?
- “Man” has /mæn/, while “many” has /meni/.
- How does stress affect a command?
- Commands usually have a strong, falling tone.
- What is an example of a word with both voiced and voiceless consonants?
- “Bag” has voiced /b/ and /g/, while “Back” has voiceless /b/ and /k/.
- What is the importance of learning stress and intonation?
- It helps in correct pronunciation and better communication.
Part B: Multiple Choice (Fill-in-the-Blank with Options)
The word “boy” contains a _______.
a) Diphthong
b) Monophthong
c) Triphthong
d) Consonant -
A falling tone is used in _______.
a) Questions
b) Commands
c) Statements
d) Greetings -
The word “import” has stress on the second syllable when it is a _______.
a) Noun
b) Verb
c) Pronoun
d) Adjective -
The word “rhythm” is related to _______.
a) Meaning
b) Intonation
c) Poetry
d) Volume -
The word “zip” begins with a _______ sound.
a) Voiceless
b) Voiced
c) Nasal
d) Silent -
The consonant /ŋ/ is in the word _______.
a) Man
b) Singer
c) Net
d) Sun -
The word “loose” rhymes with _______.
a) Lose
b) Goose
c) Pass
d) Glass -
The consonant /g/ is _______.
a) Voiced
b) Voiceless
c) Silent
d) Nasal -
The sentence “Close the door” is a _______.
a) Statement
b) Question
c) Command
d) Request -
The word “many” has a _______ sound.
a) /m/
b) /n/
c) /ŋ/
d) /p/
Part C: Short Answer Questions
- What is a diphthong?
- Give an example of a rising intonation question.
- What is stress in pronunciation?
- How do we pronounce “loose” and “lose” differently?
- What are nasal sounds?
- Write two words with the /s/ sound.
- Write two words with the /z/ sound.
- What is an example of a voiced consonant?
- What is an example of a voiceless consonant?
- Which word has /ŋ/, “singer” or “single”?
Part D: True or False Questions
- “Sip” and “zip” have the same sound. (False)
- A falling tone is used in questions. (False)
- The word “refuse” can be both a noun and a verb. (True)
- The sound /k/ is voiced. (False)
- The word “bag” has the /b/ sound. (True)
Part E: Fill-in-the-Blank
- A diphthong is a combination of two _______ sounds.
- The word “boy” contains a _______.
- “This” and “these” differ in _______.
- “Cup” starts with the sound _______.
- The word “singer” contains the sound _______.
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