French feelings and attitudes French JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3
French JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3
Subject: French
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 3
Age: 12-13 years
Topic: Exprimer les attitudes
Sub-topic: Expressing Attitudes and Feelings
Duration: 40 minutes
Behavioural Objectives:
- Pupils will be able to express various attitudes and feelings in French.
- Pupils will use appropriate phrases to describe their emotions and reactions.
- Pupils will ask and answer questions about attitudes and feelings.
- Attitudes (Attitudes)
- Sentiments (Feelings)
- Heureux (Happy)
- Triste (Sad)
- En colère (Angry)
- Excité (Excited)
Set Induction:
Begin by asking pupils how they feel about different situations (e.g., winning a game, getting a good grade). Introduce the idea of expressing feelings in French.
Entry Behaviour:
Pupils should know basic French vocabulary and sentence structures from previous lessons.
Learning Resources and Materials:
- Whiteboard and markers
- French-English dictionaries
- Flashcards with feelings and attitudes
- Handouts with sample sentences and phrases
Building Background / Connection to Prior Knowledge:
Recall previous lessons on self-description and character traits. Connect these to expressing how we feel.
Embedded Core Skills:
- Emotional vocabulary development
- Sentence construction
- Expressive communication
Learning Materials:
- Flashcards with adjectives for feelings
- Handouts with example phrases
Reference Books:
- Lagos State Scheme of Work for French
Instructional Materials:
- Flashcards
- Sample phrases handouts
- Introduction to Attitudes and Feelings: Explain what attitudes and feelings are and why they are important.
- Vocabulary for Feelings: Teach vocabulary related to feelings (e.g., heureux, triste, en colère).
- Using Phrases to Express Feelings: Show how to use these phrases in sentences (e.g., “Je suis heureux” / “I am happy”).
- Examples:
- Je suis heureux. (I am happy.)
- Je suis triste. (I am sad.)
- Je suis en colère. (I am angry.)
- Je suis excité. (I am excited.)
- Je me sens fatigué. (I feel tired.)
- Je suis _______ quand je reçois un cadeau.
a) triste
b) en colère
c) heureux
d) fatigué - Elle est _______ après le film.
a) heureuse
b) malade
c) stressée
d) joyeuse - Tu te sens _______ avant l’examen.
a) excité
b) nerveux
c) calme
d) content - Mon frère est _______ quand il perd un match.
a) excité
b) fâché
c) heureux
d) triste - Nous sommes _______ de partir en vacances.
a) fatigués
b) impatients
c) ennuyés
d) préoccupés - Ils sont _______ après avoir terminé leur travail.
a) frustrés
b) heureux
c) fâchés
d) déçus - Je suis _______ quand il pleut.
a) content
b) triste
c) excité
d) inquiet - Elle se sent _______ après une longue journée.
a) reposée
b) joyeuse
c) fatiguée
d) enthousiaste - Tu es _______ quand tu gagnes un prix.
a) triste
b) heureux
c) en colère
d) anxieux - Mon ami est _______ pendant les vacances.
a) joyeux
b) frustré
c) inquiet
d) nerveux - Nous sommes _______ à l’idée d’un voyage scolaire.
a) excités
b) fâchés
c) ennuyés
d) préoccupés - Elle est _______ après une dispute.
a) joyeuse
b) triste
c) calme
d) heureuse - Je me sens _______ quand je fais du sport.
a) fatigué
b) joyeux
c) anxieux
d) stressé - Ils se sentent _______ en regardant le film d’horreur.
a) effrayés
b) heureux
c) détendus
d) joyeux - Tu es _______ après avoir bien travaillé.
a) satisfait
b) inquiet
c) nerveux
d) ennuyé
Class Activity Discussion:
- How do you say “happy” in French?
- “Heureux.”
- What does “Je suis en colère” mean?
- It means “I am angry.”
- How would you describe someone who is excited about a party?
- “Excité.”
- What does “Je me sens fatigué” mean?
- It means “I feel tired.”
- Give an example of a sentence using “triste.”
- “Je suis triste.”
- What does “impatient” mean in English?
- It means “impatient.”
- How can you describe someone who is calm?
- “Calme.”
- What is the French word for “nervous”?
- “Nerveux.”
- How would you express being excited about a holiday?
- “Excité.”
- What does “heureux” mean in English?
- It means “happy.”
- How would you describe someone who feels frustrated?
- “Frustré.”
- What does “joyeux” mean?
- It means “joyful.”
- How do you say “tired” in French?
- “Fatigué.”
- What is the French word for “worried”?
- “Inquiet.”
- How can you describe someone who feels relaxed?
- “Détendu.”
- Step 1: Review the previous topic on self-description.
- Step 2: Introduce expressing attitudes and feelings, with vocabulary and sentence structures.
- Step 3: Practice using phrases to describe feelings and attitudes. Correct students as needed.
Teacher’s Activities:
- Introduce and explain new vocabulary and phrases.
- Provide examples and practice sentences.
- Conduct the evaluation and class activity discussions.
Learners’ Activities:
- Participate in discussions and describe their feelings.
- Complete fill-in-the-blank questions.
- Use new vocabulary to express their own emotions.
- Evaluate pupils’ ability to use vocabulary related to feelings and attitudes in sentences.
- Review responses to fill-in-the-blank questions and class activities.
Evaluation Questions:
- How do you say “angry” in French?
- What is the French word for “happy”?
- How would you describe someone who is nervous?
- What does “excité” mean in English?
- How can you express feeling tired in French?
- What does “joyeux” mean?
- How do you describe someone who is calm?
- What is the French word for “worried”?
- How would you express feeling excited about a new movie?
- What does “fatigué” mean in English?
- Go around to mark pupils’ work and provide feedback. Ensure they can accurately express and describe attitudes and feelings in French.
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