Examination Questions Literature JSS 2 Second Term Lesson Notes

Week 12: Literature in English Examination – JSS 2 Second Term

General Instructions for Teachers and Students

To the Teacher:

  • Ensure the exam environment is quiet and free from distractions.
  • Read out the instructions clearly before the exam begins.
  • Monitor students carefully to prevent malpractice.
  • Collect and check all answer sheets before students leave.

To the Student:

  • Read all instructions carefully before you start.
  • Answer all questions to the best of your ability.
  • Do not copy from others or share answers.
  • Work independently and maintain honesty during the exam.
  • Write neatly and legibly.
  • Check your work before submitting your answer sheet.

PART A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options)

Choose the correct answer from (a, b, c, or d).

  1. The main message of a literary work is called its ____.
    a) Theme
    b) Plot
    c) Setting
    d) Character

  2. The sequence of events in a story is called the ____.
    a) Theme
    b) Plot
    c) Setting
    d) Dialogue

  3. The person who writes a play is called a ____.
    a) Novelist
    b) Playwright
    c) Poet
    d) Actor

  4. A polite way of saying something unpleasant is called ____.
    a) Hyperbole
    b) Irony
    c) Euphemism
    d) Allegory

  5. A play is divided into ____.
    a) Stanzas
    b) Chapters
    c) Acts and scenes
    d) Verses

  6. A story written in dialogue and meant to be performed is called a ____.
    a) Novel
    b) Drama
    c) Poetry
    d) Prose

  7. A novel is an example of ____.
    a) Prose
    b) Drama
    c) Poetry
    d) Dialogue

  8. The background where a story takes place is called its ____.
    a) Plot
    b) Setting
    c) Theme
    d) Act

  9. When the opposite of what is expected happens, it is called ____.
    a) Metaphor
    b) Irony
    c) Simile
    d) Hyperbole

  10. The person who performs in a play is called an ____.
    a) Actor
    b) Playwright
    c) Novelist
    d) Director

  11. The use of exaggeration for emphasis is called ____.
    a) Metaphor
    b) Hyperbole
    c) Simile
    d) Irony

  12. The conversation between characters in a play is called ____.
    a) Dialogue
    b) Setting
    c) Plot
    d) Conflict

  13. The struggle between opposing forces in a story is called ____.
    a) Climax
    b) Conflict
    c) Exposition
    d) Resolution

  14. A comparison using “like” or “as” is called a ____.
    a) Simile
    b) Metaphor
    c) Irony
    d) Hyperbole

  15. A literary work that teaches a moral lesson is called a ____.
    a) Fable
    b) Epic
    c) Drama
    d) Comedy

  16. The last part of a story where problems are resolved is called the ____.
    a) Climax
    b) Setting
    c) Resolution
    d) Introduction

  17. The central character in a story is called the ____.
    a) Protagonist
    b) Antagonist
    c) Villain
    d) Narrator

  18. A short poem that expresses personal feelings is called a ____.
    a) Narrative poem
    b) Lyric poem
    c) Epic poem
    d) Ballad

  19. The use of words that imitate sounds is called ____.
    a) Onomatopoeia
    b) Metaphor
    c) Hyperbole
    d) Simile

  20. The contrast between appearance and reality in a story is called ____.
    a) Personification
    b) Euphemism
    c) Irony
    d) Hyperbole

  21. A character who opposes the main character in a story is called the ____.
    a) Protagonist
    b) Antagonist
    c) Narrator
    d) Hero

  22. A play written to be performed on stage is called ____.
    a) Novel
    b) Poetry
    c) Drama
    d) Allegory

  23. A story passed down through generations by word of mouth is called ____.
    a) Fable
    b) Myth
    c) Folktale
    d) Legend

  24. The part of the story where the conflict begins is called the ____.
    a) Exposition
    b) Rising action
    c) Climax
    d) Falling action

  25. A serious drama with a sad ending is called a ____.
    a) Comedy
    b) Tragedy
    c) Melodrama
    d) Farce

  26. The use of objects or actions to represent ideas is called ____.
    a) Hyperbole
    b) Symbolism
    c) Imagery
    d) Metaphor

  27. A long narrative poem about heroic deeds is called an ____.
    a) Epic
    b) Sonnet
    c) Ballad
    d) Lyric

  28. A humorous play intended to make people laugh is called a ____.
    a) Comedy
    b) Tragedy
    c) Satire
    d) Parody

  29. The point of highest tension in a story is called the ____.
    a) Exposition
    b) Climax
    c) Resolution
    d) Falling action

  30. A play that includes exaggerated humor and improbable events is called a ____.
    a) Tragedy
    b) Comedy
    c) Farce
    d) Satire

PART B: Theory Questions (30 Short-Answer Questions)

  1. What is theme in literature?
  2. Define characterization.
  3. Explain the difference between hyperbole and irony.
  4. What is dramatic irony?
  5. Why do writers use figures of speech?
  6. Identify two examples of prose texts.
  7. Name one theme in a novel you have read.
  8. What is the difference between prose and poetry?
  9. Define setting in literature.
  10. Write an example of euphemism.
  11. Who is a playwright?
  12. What is the difference between a play and a novel?
  13. What is a stanza in poetry?
  14. Explain the term dialogue in drama.
  15. What is the role of actors in a play?
  16. Why is setting important in a story?
  17. Differentiate between protagonist and antagonist.
  18. What is a fable?
  19. Define allegory and give an example.
  20. Write a short summary of any story you have read this term.
  21. What is the definition of literature?

  22. Mention three types of literature and give one example of each.

  23. What is the difference between prose and poetry?

  24. Define drama and state its main features.

  25. Explain the meaning of theme in literature and give one example.

  26. What is the role of a playwright in drama?

  27. Differentiate between fiction and non-fiction.

  28. Explain the importance of setting in a story.

  29. What is a metaphor? Give an example.

  30. Explain the difference between simile and metaphor with examples.

  31. What is an irony? Give an example from a known story.

  32. What is hyperbole? Give an example of a hyperbolic expression.

  33. Define euphemism and give two examples.

  34. Explain what a protagonist is and provide an example from any story you know.

  35. What is an antagonist in literature?

  36. Mention two differences between comedy and tragedy.

  37. What is the difference between direct and indirect speech?

  38. Define allegory and mention one book or story that is an allegory.

  39. What is symbolism in literature? Give one example.

  40. Explain what foreshadowing means in a story.

  41. What is the climax of a story, and why is it important?

  42. Mention and define the four main elements of a plot.

  43. What is a narrator? Explain the types of narrators in stories.

  44. Define onomatopoeia and give three examples.

  45. Explain personification and give an example.

  46. What is the difference between a novel and a short story?

  47. Define tragedy and mention one famous tragedy play or novel.

  48. What is the purpose of dialogue in a play or story?

  49. What is a fable? Mention one popular fable and its moral lesson.

  50. Explain the meaning of characterization in literature.

PART C: True or False (30 Questions)

Write True or False for each statement.

  1. A theme is the central message of a story.
  2. Characterization refers to the way a writer develops characters.
  3. Hyperbole is when an event happens that is the opposite of what is expected.
  4. A play is also known as drama.
  5. A playwright is the person who directs a play.
  6. Irony means exaggeration.
  7. A novel is a type of prose fiction.
  8. The setting of a story includes time and place.
  9. Poetry is written in paragraphs.
  10. A stanza is a section of a poem.
  11. A playwright writes novels.
  12. Acts and scenes are used to divide a play.
  13. Dramatic irony occurs when the audience knows something the character does not.
  14. A metaphor is a direct comparison between two things.
  15. A simile uses “like” or “as” to compare things.
  16. A theme is the sequence of events in a story.
  17. The protagonist is the main character of a story.
  18. Dialogue means the conversation between characters.
  19. Poetry is usually written in lines and stanzas.
  20. Euphemism is a polite way of saying something harsh.
  21. Prose is written in lines and stanzas like poetry.

  22. Drama is meant to be performed on stage or acted out.

  23. The theme of a story is the lesson or message it conveys.

  24. A metaphor compares two things using “like” or “as.”

  25. Hyperbole is an exaggerated statement that is not meant to be taken literally.

  26. An irony is when the opposite of what is expected happens.

  27. Euphemism is a way of saying something unpleasant in a polite way.

  28. A playwright is a person who writes poems.

  29. Fiction refers to real-life events and facts.

  30. The setting of a story refers to the time and place in which it happens.

  31. Symbolism is when objects, colors, or events represent deeper meanings.

  32. A novel is a long fictional story, while a short story is usually brief.

  33. Onomatopoeia refers to words that imitate sounds, like “buzz” or “hiss.”

  34. The climax of a story is the most exciting or important part.

  35. Foreshadowing is when an author gives hints about what will happen later.

  36. A fable is a story that often teaches a moral lesson and usually has animals as characters.

  37. Personification is when human qualities are given to non-human things.

  38. An antagonist is always the hero of a story.

  39. Tragedy is a type of drama that usually ends in a sad or unfortunate way.

  40. Dialogue is the conversation between characters in a play or story.

  41. A protagonist is another name for a side character.

  42. All stories must have a plot.

  43. Comedy and tragedy are two major types of drama.

  44. Euphemism is used to exaggerate statements.

  45. Flashback refers to events that take place in the future.

  46. Allegory is when a story has a hidden or deeper meaning.

  47. Every poem must have rhymes.

  48. Fiction books can be based on real-life events.

  49. The moral of a story is also known as the theme.

  50. A narrator is a person who tells a story.

PART D: Fill-in-the-Gaps (Questions Without Options)

Complete the following sentences.

  1. The ________ of a story is its main idea or message.
  2. ________ is the way a writer describes and develops characters.
  3. A story written in dialogue and acts is called a ________.
  4. Poetry is written in lines and ________.
  5. An exaggerated statement is called a ________.
  6. Saying “He passed away” instead of “He died” is an example of ________.
  7. A novel is an example of ________.
  8. A play is written in acts and ________.
  9. A poet writes ________, while a playwright writes plays.
  10. The location and time of a story is called its ________.
  11. When something happens that is unexpected, it is called ________.
  12. The part of a story where problems are solved is called ________.
  13. A person who acts in a play is called an ________.
  14. A long story written in prose is called a ________.
  15. A short poem that expresses emotions is called a ________.
  16. The message of a fable is called its ________.
  17. The struggle between characters in a story is called ________.
  18. A poem that tells a story is called a ________.
  19. A play written to be performed on stage is called ________.
  20. The main character of a story is called the ________
  21. A story’s main idea or central message is called the __________.

  22. The __________ is the time and place in which a story happens.

  23. The person who writes a play is called a __________.

  24. A long fictional story is known as a __________.

  25. The sequence of events in a story is called the __________.

  26. The main character in a story is called the __________.

  27. A word or phrase used to make something unpleasant sound better is called a __________.

  28. A figure of speech that compares two things using “like” or “as” is a __________.

  29. The use of hints or clues to suggest future events in a story is called __________.

  30. When the opposite of what is expected happens, it is known as __________.

  31. A play written to make people laugh is called a __________.

  32. A character who opposes the main character is called the __________.

  33. A story that teaches a moral lesson and often features animals as characters is a __________.

  34. The conversation between characters in a story or play is called __________.

  35. A highly exaggerated statement that is not meant to be taken literally is called __________.

  36. A literary device in which an object, person, or event represents something deeper is called __________.

  37. The moment of greatest tension or excitement in a story is called the __________.

  38. A comparison between two things without using “like” or “as” is called a __________.

  39. A story with imaginary characters and events is classified as __________.

  40. The part of a story where conflicts are resolved and the story ends is called the __________.

  41. A poem with no fixed rhyme or meter is called __________ poetry.

  42. A drama that ends sadly, often with the downfall of the main character, is called a __________.

  43. The person who tells a story is called the __________.

  44. A figure of speech that gives human qualities to non-human things is called __________.

  45. The first part of a story, where characters and settings are introduced, is called the __________.

  46. The repetition of the same beginning sound in a series of words is called __________.

  47. A literary technique where an event from the past is inserted into the story is called __________.

  48. The words “buzz,” “hiss,” and “bang” are examples of __________.

  49. The written version of a play is called the __________.

  50. A __________ is a short, amusing story that teaches a lesson.


This Week 12 Examination comprehensively assesses all topics covered during the term. The structured sections test knowledge, comprehension, recall, and practical application of key concepts. Students should attempt all questions honestly and review their work before submission.