Christian Religious CRS First Term Examination JSS 2
Part A Objective Questions
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
- John the Baptist refused to baptize Jesus because __________.
(a) he was his cousin
(b) he had no sin to confess
(c) he was to die on the cross
(d) he is God - __________ is a pupil who receives instruction from his teacher.
(a) an apprentice
(b) a student
(c) a disciple
(d) a learner - “Cast yourself down from this mountain if you are the son of God, for it is written, he shall give his angels charge over you lest you dash your foot against a stone.” This was Jesus’ __________ temptation.
(a) last
(b) 2nd
(c) 1st
(d) 4th - Jesus Christ was tempted __________ times.
(a) 6
(b) 2
(c) 4
(d) 3 - The test or trial to do what is wrong is known as __________.
(a) revenge
(b) test
(c) judgment
(d) temptation - One of the purposes of Jesus’ baptism was __________.
(a) to make him a man
(b) to make him popular
(c) to prepare him for ministry
(d) to expose him - The dove that appeared at Jesus’ baptism signifies __________.
(a) an animal
(b) a bird
(c) holiness
(d) the Holy Spirit - A person who prepares the way for the arrival of another is called __________.
(a) a soothsayer
(b) a forerunner
(c) a role model
(d) a disciple - Where was Jesus Christ born?
(a) in the hospital
(b) in an inn
(c) in a stable
(d) in a manger - The birth of Jesus was first announced to __________.
(a) Simeon
(b) Anna
(c) Joseph
(d) Mary - Jesus was presented in the temple __________ days after birth.
(a) 20
(b) 40
(c) 80
(d) 7 - The items for Jesus’ presentation were __________.
(a) two turtle doves
(b) an old pigeon
(c) a ram
(d) a goat - At what age was Jesus Christ baptized?
(a) 40
(b) 30
(c) 20
(d) 50 - __________ were the first to visit Jesus after his birth.
(a) the wise men
(b) the shepherds
(c) the prophets
(d) the angels - As Christians in the world, our light is expected to __________.
(a) fade off
(b) shine
(c) grow
(d) burst - The myrrh among the gifts of the wise men was originally used to __________.
(a) preserve food
(b) preserve dead bodies
(c) cook food
(d) wash dead bodies - The wise men presented __________ gifts to Jesus.
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) many
(d) 5 - __________ and __________ prophesied about Jesus on the day of his presentation.
(a) Paul and Simon
(b) Simon and Hannah
(c) Mary and Joseph
(d) Simeon and Anna - Usually, in Jewish custom, women who newly gave birth do not enter the temple because __________.
(a) they are considered unclean because of the flow of blood from childbirth
(b) they are not yet fit to go out
(c) they just delivered
(d) they are unholy - When was the sonship of Jesus first announced?
(a) at his crucifixion
(b) at his presentation
(c) at his fasting
(d) at his baptism - The tree on which Jesus met Zacchaeus is called __________.
(a) iroko tree
(b) sycamore tree
(c) savanna tree
(d) mustard tree - Christians should hold earthly possessions with __________ hands.
(a) tight
(b) loosed
(c) zealous
(d) transparent - All but one are worldly possessions.
(a) money
(b) housing
(c) clothing
(d) heaven - As Christians __________ should be our goal.
(a) the earth
(b) heaven
(c) money
(d) Church - Christians as salt of the earth means __________.
(a) our lives should influence people positively
(b) we should cook our food with our lives
(c) we should sell our lives
(d) we should love our lives - The wise men refused to go back to Herod because __________.
(a) they were afraid
(b) Herod was wicked
(c) they were warned in a dream by an angel
(d) they missed their way - Jesus __________ sinners but __________ their sins.
(a) hates, loves
(b) loves, hates
(c) hates, hates
(d) loves, loves - Jesus called his first four disciples at __________.
(a) the sea of Galilee
(b) the Red Sea
(c) Gethsemane
(d) the temple - The names of Jesus’ disciples include all but one.
(a) Simon Peter
(b) Judas Iscariot
(c) James
(d) Paul - The first disciple of Jesus was __________.
(a) Matthew
(b) John
(c) Andrew
(d) Peter - The disciple known as the betrayer was __________.
(a) Judas Iscariot
(b) Thomas
(c) James
(d) Simon - __________ was the first person Jesus called to be his disciple.
(a) John
(b) Peter
(c) Andrew
(d) James - Jesus’ ministry began after his baptism by __________.
(a) Peter
(b) John the Baptist
(c) James
(d) Philip - Jesus was tempted by Satan after __________.
(a) his baptism
(b) his birth
(c) his crucifixion
(d) his ascension - Jesus was born in the town of __________.
(a) Bethlehem
(b) Nazareth
(c) Jerusalem
(d) Capernaum - The first miracle of Jesus was performed at a __________.
(a) wedding in Cana
(b) synagogue in Capernaum
(c) mountain in Galilee
(d) temple in Jerusalem - The wise men followed a __________ to find the newborn Jesus.
(a) star
(b) angel
(c) cloud
(d) dream - The baptism of Jesus by John was an act of __________.
(a) obedience
(b) punishment
(c) sacrifice
(d) joy - Jesus called his disciples to be __________ of men.
(a) leaders
(b) fishers
(c) teachers
(d) healers - __________ is the city where Jesus performed his first miracle.
(a) Nazareth
(b) Capernaum
(c) Jerusalem
(d) Cana - Jesus performed miracles to __________.
(a) show his power
(b) prove his divinity
(c) help people
(d) all of the above - The Sermon on the Mount is found in the book of __________.
(a) Mark
(b) John
(c) Matthew
(d) Luke - The message of Jesus was mainly about __________.
(a) repentance
(b) wealth
(c) revenge
(d) fame - Jesus taught his followers to pray using the __________.
(a) Lord’s Prayer
(b) Hail Mary
(c) Psalm 23
(d) Creed - Jesus’ crucifixion took place on __________.
(a) Good Friday
(b) Easter Sunday
(c) Christmas Day
(d) Palm Sunday - The resurrection of Jesus is celebrated on __________.
(a) Good Friday
(b) Christmas Day
(c) Easter Sunday
(d) Ascension Day - Jesus’ teachings were mainly recorded in the __________.
(a) Psalms
(b) Acts of the Apostles
(c) Gospels
(d) Proverbs - The first commandment is to love __________ with all your heart.
(a) your neighbor
(b) God
(c) yourself
(d) your enemy - Jesus’ mission on earth was to __________.
(a) heal the sick
(b) teach love and repentance
(c) die for the sins of mankind
(d) all of the above - After his resurrection, Jesus ascended into __________.
(a) heaven
(b) hell
(c) the sea
(d) a mountain
Part B Theory Questions Evaluation Questions
Instruction: Answer only three questions from this section.
- (a) Quote Matthew 16:26.
(b) Explain what it means for Christians to be the salt and light of the world. - (a) Who is a disciple?
(b) List the first four disciples of Jesus and explain where and what they were doing when Jesus called them.
(c) Name the twelve disciples of Jesus. - (a) Narrate the prophecy of Simeon and Anna regarding Jesus.
(b) Discuss the significance of the gifts presented to Jesus by the wise men. - (a) Describe the event of Jesus’ baptism at the River Jordan.
(b) Explain the significance of Jesus’ baptism. - (a) Define worldly possession.
(b) List five examples of worldly possessions.
(c) Explain who is a forerunner and identify Jesus’ forerunner.
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