Social Studies JSS 1 Second Term – Week 11 Revision of All Topics Covered

Social Studies JSS 1 Second Term – Week 11

Revision of All Topics Covered

Subject: Social Studies
Class: JSS 1
Term: Second Term
Week: 11
Duration: 1 Hour

Part A: Review and Revision (20 FAQs with Answers)

  1. What is socialization?
    Socialization is the process of learning values, customs, and behaviors of society.

  2. Who are the main agents of socialization?
    Family, school, religion, peer groups, and the media.

  3. How does the family help in socialization?
    The family teaches children basic manners, values, and traditions.

  4. What role does the school play in socialization?
    Schools help children learn discipline, teamwork, and knowledge.

  5. Why is socialization important?
    It helps people fit into society and understand their roles.

  6. What is culture?
    Culture is the way of life of a group of people, including their traditions, language, and food.

  7. What are the two types of culture?
    Material culture (things people make) and non-material culture (beliefs and values).

  8. What are some common cultural practices in Nigeria?
    Traditional weddings, naming ceremonies, and festivals.

  9. How does culture bring people together?
    It helps people understand and respect each other’s way of life.

  10. What is cultural diversity?
    It means different cultures exist in a country or society.

  11. Give an example of a cultural similarity in Nigeria.
    Most ethnic groups have respect for elders.

  12. What is an example of a cultural difference in Nigeria?
    Different ethnic groups have different traditional dresses and languages.

  13. How can we preserve Nigerian culture?
    By learning and practicing our traditions and languages.

  14. What are some effects of socialization?
    It helps people learn rules, respect others, and build relationships.

  15. How does religion help in socialization?
    It teaches morals, kindness, and good behavior.

  16. Why is language an important part of culture?
    It helps people communicate and pass down traditions.

  17. What role does the media play in socialization?
    It spreads information and teaches people about different cultures.

  18. What is globalization?
    It is the way cultures and ideas spread across the world.

  19. How has globalization affected Nigerian culture?
    It has introduced new foods, fashion, and music.

  20. Why should we respect other people’s cultures?
    It helps us live in peace and learn from each other.

Part B: Objective Questions (Multiple Choice – 20 Questions)

  1. Socialization means learning how to _______.
    a) Dance
    b) Behave in society
    c) Cook
    d) Play games

  2. Which of these is a primary agent of socialization?
    a) Family
    b) Internet
    c) Government
    d) Library

  3. The first agent of socialization in a child’s life is _______.
    a) Friends
    b) School
    c) Family
    d) Television

  4. Culture includes _______.
    a) Only food
    b) Beliefs, language, and customs
    c) Only music
    d) Only clothes

  5. A common cultural practice in Nigeria is _______.
    a) Eating burgers
    b) Traditional marriages
    c) Watching football
    d) Shopping online

  6. Which of these is an example of material culture?
    a) Language
    b) Clothes
    c) Values
    d) Respect

  7. What is the main difference between cultures in Nigeria?
    a) Religion
    b) Language, dressing, and food
    c) Education
    d) All people in Nigeria are the same

  8. The mass media includes _______.
    a) Televisions and newspapers
    b) Only radio
    c) Schools
    d) Mosques and churches

  9. What is the effect of socialization?
    a) People learn how to live together
    b) People become confused
    c) People stop learning
    d) People fight more

  10. Nigerian culture can be preserved by _______.
    a) Watching only foreign movies
    b) Learning local languages and traditions
    c) Ignoring traditions
    d) Forgetting old customs

Part C: Theory Questions (Short Answer – 20 Questions)

  1. What is an agent of socialization?
  2. Name two examples of Nigerian cultural festivals.
  3. Mention two features of culture.
  4. What is globalization?
  5. Give two ways to preserve Nigerian culture.
  6. What are the two types of culture?
  7. Name two effects of socialization.
  8. Mention two examples of material culture.
  9. What is cultural diversity?
  10. Give two examples of non-material culture.
  11. Why is language important in culture?
  12. Mention two common cultural practices in Nigeria.
  13. What is one benefit of socialization?
  14. How does religion help in socialization?
  15. Mention two ways schools help in socialization.
  16. What is the difference between material and non-material culture?
  17. Name two traditional Nigerian foods.
  18. How can the media influence socialization?
  19. What role do traditional rulers play in culture?
  20. What is the main importance of culture?

Part D: True or False Questions (20 Questions)

  1. The family is the first agent of socialization. (True/False)
  2. Socialization stops when a person becomes an adult. (True/False)
  3. Every Nigerian speaks the same language. (True/False)
  4. Music is part of culture. (True/False)
  5. Schools do not help in socialization. (True/False)
  6. Culture is only about food and clothes. (True/False)
  7. Respect for elders is a common Nigerian culture. (True/False)
  8. Religion teaches people how to behave. (True/False)
  9. Socialization happens only in childhood. (True/False)
  10. Learning a new language is part of socialization. (True/False)

Part E: Fill in the Gaps Questions (20 Questions – No Options)

  1. The process of learning how to behave in society is called _______.
  2. The _______ is the first agent of socialization.
  3. _______ is the way of life of a group of people.
  4. Nigerian culture includes food, dressing, and _______.
  5. _______ teaches children values and good behavior.
  6. Respect for elders is a feature of _______ culture.
  7. _______ and _______ are examples of material culture.
  8. _______ means different cultures exist in a country.
  9. The media helps in socialization through _______.
  10. _______ is a Nigerian traditional dish.