Parler de la Beauté French JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

French JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: French
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 11 years
Topic: Parler de la Beauté
Sub-topic: Talking About Beauty
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

  • Pupils will be able to use French vocabulary to discuss beauty and appearance.
  • Pupils will be able to express opinions about beauty in French using appropriate adjectives and phrases.

Keywords: beau (beautiful), belle (beautiful), joli (pretty), moche (ugly), charmant (charming), élégant (elegant), attrayant (attractive), séduisant (attractive), laid (unattractive).

Set Induction: Start with a discussion about what pupils find beautiful in their surroundings or famous people. Show images of different styles and ask students which ones they find beautiful and why, using basic French phrases.

Entry Behaviour: Pupils should be familiar with basic French adjectives and sentence structures.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Pictures of people, landscapes, and objects with varying degrees of beauty
  • Flashcards with beauty-related adjectives
  • Markers and board

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge: Discuss beauty in English to ensure pupils understand the concept. Connect this to French vocabulary and expressions.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Descriptive language use
  • Expressing opinions
  • Listening and speaking skills

Learning Materials:

  • Flashcards with beauty adjectives
  • Pictures showing various forms of beauty
  • Descriptive worksheet

Reference Books: Lagos State Scheme of Work for French

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards
  • Pictures of beautiful and unattractive objects/people
  • Descriptive worksheet


  1. Introduction to vocabulary related to beauty.
  2. Present flashcards and pictures showing different forms of beauty.
  3. Pronounce each adjective and phrase and have students repeat.
  4. Discuss the differences between beauty and attractiveness using examples.
  5. Engage in an activity where pupils express their opinions about the beauty of various images in French.
  6. Practice sentences such as “Ce paysage est très beau” (This landscape is very beautiful) and “Elle est vraiment charmante” (She is really charming).


SN English French Meaning
1 Beautiful Beau Pleasing to the senses; attractive
2 Beautiful Belle Pleasing to the senses; attractive
3 Pretty Joli Attractive in a delicate way
4 Ugly Moche Unpleasant to look at
5 Charming Charmant Delightfully pleasing or attractive
6 Elegant Élégant Graceful and stylish
7 Attractive Attrayant Appealing to the senses
8 Attractive Séduisant Appealing or captivating
9 Unattractive Laid Not pleasing to the eye

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Cette robe est ______. (a) jolie (b) moche (c) laide
  2. Le jardin est ______. (a) beau (b) moche (c) laid
  3. Il trouve ce film ______. (a) charmant (b) laid (c) moche
  4. Ce tableau est ______. (a) attrayant (b) laid (c) moche
  5. La voiture est ______. (a) élégante (b) moche (c) démodée
  6. Elle est ______ et ______. (a) belle, charmante (b) moche, désagréable (c) laide, ennuyeuse
  7. Le monument est ______. (a) séduisant (b) peu attrayant (c) laid
  8. Cette vue est ______. (a) belle (b) déplaisante (c) moche
  9. Le sourire de Marie est ______. (a) joli (b) peu charmant (c) laid
  10. Son style est ______. (a) élégant (b) peu attrayant (c) laid
  11. Ce décor est ______. (a) séduisant (b) moche (c) désagréable
  12. Le film est ______. (a) beau (b) ennuyeux (c) moche
  13. Le portrait est ______. (a) charmant (b) laid (c) peu attrayant
  14. La sculpture est ______. (a) élégante (b) peu attrayante (c) laide
  15. Son costume est ______. (a) beau (b) démodé (c) laid

Class Activity Discussion 

  1. Q: Comment dit-on “beautiful” en français?
    A: Beau (for masculine) / Belle (for feminine).
  2. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “ugly”?
    A: Moche.
  3. Q: Comment se dit “charming” en français?
    A: Charmant.
  4. Q: Quel adjectif utilise-t-on pour décrire quelque chose de très joli?
    A: Très beau.
  5. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “attractive” en français?
    A: Attrayant.
  6. Q: Comment se dit “elegant” en français?
    A: Élégant.
  7. Q: Quel mot est utilisé pour décrire quelque chose qui n’est pas beau?
    A: Laid.
  8. Q: Comment dit-on “pretty” en français?
    A: Joli.
  9. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “seductive” en français?
    A: Séduisant.
  10. Q: Comment se dit “unattractive” en français?
    A: Peu attrayant.
  11. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “charming”?
    A: Charmant.
  12. Q: Comment décrire quelque chose qui est très beau?
    A: Très beau.
  13. Q: Quel adjectif décrire un paysage agréable?
    A: Beau.
  14. Q: Comment se dit “unpleasant” en français pour décrire quelque chose de laid?
    A: Déplaisant.
  15. Q: Quelle est la traduction de “beautiful” pour une femme?
    A: Belle.
SN French Simple Sentence in French Meaning of the Simple Sentence in English
1 Beau Le paysage est vraiment beau. The landscape is really beautiful.
2 Belle Elle porte une robe belle. She is wearing a beautiful dress.
3 Joli Le jardin est très joli. The garden is very pretty.
4 Moche Ce film était vraiment moche. That movie was really ugly.
5 Charmant Le restaurant est charmant. The restaurant is charming.
6 Élégant Il a un style élégant. He has an elegant style.
7 Attrayant Le design de la maison est attrayant. The design of the house is attractive.
8 Séduisant Elle a un sourire séduisant. She has an attractive smile.
9 Laid Le bâtiment est laid. The building is unattractive.


  1. Step 1: Revise the previous lesson on hair description or introduce the topic of beauty.
  2. Step 2: Present beauty-related vocabulary using flashcards and pictures.
  3. Step 3: Allow pupils to express their opinions on the beauty of various images and people using the new vocabulary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Present and explain beauty-related vocabulary.
  • Facilitate discussions and descriptive activities.
  • Provide feedback and correct any mistakes.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Repeat vocabulary and use it to describe beauty.
  • Participate in activities where they express opinions about the beauty of images.
  • Describe different forms of beauty in French.


  • Observe pupils’ ability to use beauty-related vocabulary in context.
  • Use fill-in-the-blank questions to check understanding.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Comment se dit “beautiful” en français?
  2. Quelle est la traduction de “ugly” pour décrire quelque chose?
  3. Comment décrire quelque chose qui est charmant en français?
  4. Quel adjectif utilise-t-on pour quelque chose d’élégant?
  5. Quelle est la traduction de “attractive” en français?
  6. Comment se dit “seductive” en français?
  7. Quel mot utilise-t-on pour décrire quelque chose de très beau?
  8. Comment dit-on “pretty” en français?
  9. Quelle est la traduction de “unattractive” en français?
  10. Comment se dit “elegant” en français?

Conclusion: Review key vocabulary related to beauty and assess pupils’ understanding by asking them to describe various images or objects using the new vocabulary. Mark their participation and provide feedback as needed.