Music JSS 1 First Term Examination Questions Music JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes
First Term Examination Questions
Music JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes
Objectives (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)
- The musical letters range from ___ to ___
- A. A, A
- B. A, D
- C. B, C
- D. C, C
- E. D, G
- The following musical instruments are locally made in Nigeria except ___
- A. Bàtà
- B. Oja
- C. Sekere
- D. Udu
- E. Saxophone
- The 6th line of a great stave is ___
- A. B
- B. C
- C. E
- D. F
- E. G
- Which of these is a simple duple time signature?
- A. 2/4
- B. 3/4
- C. 4/4
- D. 6/8
- E. 9/8
- The musical letters range from ___ to ___
- A. A, A
- B. A, G
- C. B, C
- D. C, C
- E. D, G
- What name is the imaginary line that divides the Great stave into two?
- A. Middle line
- B. Base line
- C. Divider line
- D. Staff line
- E. Great line
- Which line of the staff did the F clef below derive its name?
- A. C
- B. D
- C. F
- D. E
- E. A
- The Great staff consists of ___ lines and ___ spaces
- A. 11 and 10
- B. 5 and 4
- C. 4 and 5
- D. 9 and 10
- E. 7 and 8
- What is the letter name given to the second line of the treble stave?
- A. A
- B. B
- C. F
- D. D
- E. G
- Bàtà drums are commonly found in ___
- A. Lagos
- B. Libya
- C. America
- D. Accra
- E. Nigeria
- Sacred music is used for ___ purpose
- A. Educational
- B. Information
- C. Political
- D. Religious
- E. Social
- The “Ekwe” produces sound by ___
- A. Blowing
- B. Bowing
- C. Plucking
- D. Shaking
- E. Striking
- How many strings does a Violin have?
- A. 2
- B. 3
- C. 4
- D. 5
- E. 6
- “Common time” is written as ___
- A. 2/4
- B. 3/4
- C. 4/4
- D. 6/8
- E. 9/8
- ___ is used in joining the treble and bass staves together to make up a Great staff
- A. Clef
- B. Pause
- C. Brace
- D. Slur
- E. Ledger
- The song normally used in sending babies to sleep is called ___
- A. Oratorio
- B. Dirge
- C. Lullaby
- D. Cantata
- E. Opera
- The third space of the treble staff is ___
- A. A
- B. B
- C. C
- D. E
- E. F
- A person who plays the Trumpet is known as ___
- A. Organist
- B. Trumpeter
- C. Violinist
- D. Cellist
- E. Drummer
- Music is an art of ___
- A. Arranging sounds in a pleasant pattern
- B. Drawing musical instruments
- C. Enjoyment
- D. Making a noise
- E. Organizing any sound
- A musical staff is made up of ___
- A. 5 lines and 3 spaces
- B. 5 lines and 6 spaces
- C. 5 lines and 2 spaces
- D. 5 lines and 4 spaces
- E. 5 lines and 5 spaces
- The following instruments are made in Nigeria EXCEPT ___
- A. Gangan
- B. Udu
- C. Gong
- D. Oboe
- E. Agogo
- A shaded note with stem and two hooks is called ___
- A. Semiquaver
- B. Quaver
- C. Crotchet
- D. Minim
- E. Semibreve
- Unwanted sound is otherwise referred to as ___
- A. Music
- B. Melody
- C. Pitch
- D. Noise
- E. Harmony
- Another name for bass clef is ___ clef
- A. E
- B. F
- C. D
- D. B
- E. A
- Another name for tone quality is ___
- A. Element
- B. Timbre
- C. Goodtone
- D. Tempo
- E. Pitch
- The African xylophone is an example of ___
- A. Aerophone
- B. Membranophone
- C. Idiophone
- D. Chordophone
- E. Cellophone
- When a Treble and Bass staves are joined together with a brace, it becomes ___
- A. Long staff
- B. Mighty staff
- C. Musical staff
- D. Note staff
- E. Great staff
- What is the appropriate clef suitable for the given note below ___
- A. Bass clef
- B. Treble clef
- C. Alto clef
- D. Tenor clef
- E. Soprano clef
- An oval-shaped note is ___
- A. Semibreve
- B. Minim
- C. Quaver
- D. Crotchet
- E. Semiquaver
- What are the names given to the spaces below? ___
- Instruments made of skin are classified as ___
- A. Aerophones
- B. Cacophonie
- C. Chordophones
- D. Idiophones
- E. Membranophones
- 3/4 is an example of ___
- A. Simple Triple Time signature
- B. Simple Duple Time signature
- C. Simple Quadruple Time signature
- D. Compound Duple Time signature
- E. Compound Triple Time signature
- Which symbol is used to ___
- A. Brace
- B. Clef
- C. Flat
- D. Sharp
- E. Slur
- The treble staff is the same as ___
- A. C
- B. D
- C. E
- D. F
- E. G
- Identify the cheapest musical instrument among these ___
- A. Agogo
- B. Drum
- C. Flute
- D. Mouth organ
- E. Sekere
- How many are the musical alphabets ___
- A. 5
- B. 6
- C. 7
- D. 8
- E. 9
- One of the following tribes is known for the instrument called “Iya ilu” ___
- A. Hausas
- B. Ibibios
- C. Ibos
- D. Tivs
- E. Yorubas
- Which of the following is referred to as the “length of sound”? ___
- A. Duration
- B. Harmony
- C. Intensity
- D. Pitch
- E. Timbre
- The person who stands in front of a group of musicians/singers and uses hands or gestures to direct music is called a ___
- A. Trumpeter
- B. Conductor
- C. Producer
- D. Coordinator
- E. Driver
- ___ are musical characters used to represent sounds and their value
- A. Pitch
- B. Rhythm
- C. Notes
- D. Staff
- E. Stave
- ___ is used to divide a piece of music into equal bars
- A. Bar lines
- B. Pitch
- C. Ledger lines
- D. Brace
- E. Clef
- An instrument that produces sound by striking is called ___
- A. Membranophone
- B. Chordophone
- C. Idiophone
- D. Aerophone
- E. Drum
- In music notation, a dot placed after a note ___ its value
- A. Doubles
- B. Halves
- C. Triples
- D. Reduces
- E. Increases
- The primary musical scale is known as ___
- A. Chromatic
- B. Whole Tone
- C. Diatonic
- D. Pentatonic
- E. Major
- A clef that indicates notes in the lower range is ___
- A. Treble
- B. Alto
- C. Tenor
- D. Bass
- E. Soprano
SECTION B: Theory Questions
- What is the musical staff and its purpose in music notation?
- Define the term “clef” and name the most common clefs used in music notation.
- Explain the difference between a semibreve and a minim in terms of their duration.
- What is the significance of the time signature in a piece of music?
- Describe how the treble and bass clefs are used in a great staff.
- List and explain the four types of musical instruments and give examples of each.
- How does the use of musical notation benefit musicians and composers?
- What role does a conductor play in a musical performance?
- Explain the concept of rhythm and its importance in music.
- Define the term “timbre” and how it affects the quality of musical sound.
SECTION C: Open Sentence Questions
- A musical staff has ___ lines and ___ spaces.
- The ___ clef is used to represent higher pitch notes.
- The term ___ is used to describe the length of time a note is held.
- A ___ is an instrument that produces sound by being struck.
- The Great staff consists of ___ and ___ clefs.
- A musical note with a stem and one hook is called a ___.
- ___ is the name given to a musical symbol indicating silence.
- The ___ time signature is known for its simple duple pattern.
- A musical character that represents the pitch of sound is called a ___.
- The ___ clef is used for notes that are lower in pitch.
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