French Lesson Plan: Être and Avoir for jss 1

French Lesson Plan: Revision and Introduction to Verbs

Subject: French Language

Class: Primary 3

Term: Second Term

Week: 1

Age: 7 – 9 years

Topic: La Révision du Premier Trimestre et Introduction au Verbe

Sub-topic: Conjugation of “Être” and “Avoir”

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Recall previous French lessons and apply them correctly.
  2. Define and identify verbs in a sentence.
  3. Conjugate the verbs Être and Avoir correctly.
  4. Construct simple sentences using Être and Avoir.
  5. Demonstrate understanding through class activities and exercises.


  • Verbe – Verb
  • Être – To be
  • Avoir – To have
  • Conjugaison – Conjugation
  • Phrase – Sentence

Set Induction (Introduction to the Lesson)

The teacher starts by asking students a few questions in French, such as:

  • Comment t’appelles-tu? (What is your name?)
  • Quel âge as-tu? (How old are you?)
  • Où es-tu? (Where are you?)

After their responses, the teacher explains that the words “es” and “as” are verbs and will be the focus of today’s lesson.

Entry Behaviour

Students have been introduced to simple French words and greetings in the previous term. They can recognize and say simple French phrases.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Flashcards with the conjugation of verbs
  • Charts displaying Être and Avoir conjugations
  • French storybooks
  • Whiteboard and marker
  • Pictures representing examples of sentences

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher reminds pupils of common phrases they use in class, such as:

  • Je suis dans la classe (I am in the class).
  • Tu as un stylo (You have a pen).

Pupils are asked to identify the action words in these sentences. The teacher then explains that these words are verbs and introduce the two most common verbs in French: Être and Avoir.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Speaking – Students will practice pronunciation of sentences.
  • Writing – Pupils will write sentences using Être and Avoir.
  • Listening – Students will listen to the teacher’s explanations and repeat words correctly.

Learning Materials:

  1. Lagos State Scheme of Work
  2. French Textbooks for Primary Schools
  3. French-English Dictionary

Lesson Presentation

Definition and Explanation of Verbs

  • A verb is an action word that tells what someone or something does.
  • In French, verbs change depending on who is doing the action (conjugation).
  • The two most important verbs are Être (To be) and Avoir (To have).

Conjugation of Être (To be)

Subject Conjugation English Meaning
Je suis I am
Tu es You are
Il est He is
Elle est She is
Nous sommes We are
Vous êtes You are (plural/formal)
Ils sont They are (masculine/mixed)
Elles sont They are (feminine)

Examples of Sentences with Être:

  1. Je suis intelligent. (I am intelligent.)
  2. Tu es mon ami. (You are my friend.)
  3. Il est un garçon. (He is a boy.)
  4. Nous sommes heureux. (We are happy.)
  5. Elles sont belles. (They are beautiful.)

Conjugation of Avoir (To have)

Subject Conjugation English Meaning
J’ ai I have
Tu as You have
Il a He has
Elle a She has
Nous avons We have
Vous avez You have (plural/formal)
Ils ont They have (masculine/mixed)
Elles ont They have (feminine)

Examples of Sentences with Avoir:

  1. J’ai un crayon. (I have a pencil.)
  2. Tu as une règle. (You have a ruler.)
  3. Il a un livre. (He has a book.)
  4. Nous avons un sac. (We have a bag.)
  5. Vous avez un tableau. (You have a board.)

Teacher’s Activities

  • Writes the conjugations of Être and Avoir on the board.
  • Guides students in repeating the words correctly.
  • Asks students to form their own sentences using Être and Avoir.

Learners’ Activities

  • Repeat after the teacher to practice pronunciation.
  • Form sentences using the verbs.
  • Participate in group work to practice conjugation.

Evaluation Questions (Fill in the Blanks)

Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d):

  1. Je ___ un chien. (a) suis (b) ai (c) es (d) sommes
  2. Elle ___ une belle robe. (a) avons (b) ai (c) a (d) êtes
  3. Nous ___ dans la classe. (a) sommes (b) avez (c) a (d) suis
  4. Ils ___ un grand sac. (a) sommes (b) avez (c) ont (d) suis
  5. Tu ___ très intelligent. (a) est (b) ai (c) as (d) sont

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs and Answers)

  1. Q: Qu’est-ce qu’un verbe?
    A: Un verbe est un mot qui exprime une action ou un état.

  2. Q: Que signifie “Être” en anglais?
    A: “Être” signifie “To be.”

  3. Q: Que signifie “Avoir” en anglais?
    A: “Avoir” signifie “To have.”

  4. Q: Comment dit-on “I am happy” en français?
    A: “Je suis heureux (heureuse).”

  5. Q: Comment dit-on “She has a book” en français?
    A: “Elle a un livre.”


The teacher moves around to check students’ sentences, corrects mistakes, and praises correct work.