Uniqueness of Nigerian Culture Social Studies Jss 1 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Social Studies JSS 1 Second Term Lesson Notes – Week 9

Topic: Uniqueness of Nigerian Culture

Subject: Social Studies

Class: JSS 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 9

Age: 10 – 12 years

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define culture and explain what makes Nigerian culture unique.
  2. Identify elements that make Nigerian culture distinct from other cultures.
  3. Discuss how Nigerian culture promotes unity and national identity.
  4. Explain the significance of preserving Nigerian cultural heritage.


  • Culture
  • Uniqueness
  • Heritage
  • Traditions
  • Identity
  • Diversity
  • National unity

Set Induction

The teacher will show pictures or videos of different Nigerian cultural practices, such as traditional dances, foods, and festivals, and ask students to identify them.

Entry Behavior

Students have previously learned about cultural similarities and differences among Nigerians.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Pictures of Nigerian traditional attire, food, festivals, and dances
  • Videos of Nigerian cultural performances
  • Flashcards with cultural symbols

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher will remind students of cultural similarities and differences among Nigerians and introduce the idea that, despite these differences, Nigerian culture is unique.

Embedded Core Skills

  • Communication skills
  • Critical thinking
  • Social awareness
  • Cultural appreciation

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Unified Scheme of Work
  • Social Studies for Junior Secondary Schools (UBE Edition)
  • Essential Social Studies for JSS 1

Lesson Content

1. Meaning of Nigerian Culture

Culture refers to the way of life of a group of people, including their customs, traditions, beliefs, values, and arts. Nigerian culture is a blend of diverse traditions from over 250 ethnic groups, making it rich and unique.

2. Uniqueness of Nigerian Culture

Nigeria’s cultural uniqueness is reflected in the following aspects:

i. Diversity of Ethnic Groups

  • Nigeria is home to over 250 ethnic groups, including Yoruba, Hausa-Fulani, Igbo, Tiv, Kanuri, Ijaw, and Ibibio.
  • Each ethnic group has distinct languages, traditions, and beliefs.

ii. Rich Languages

  • Nigeria has over 500 languages spoken by different ethnic groups.
  • English is the official language, but local languages like Yoruba, Hausa, and Igbo are widely spoken.

iii. Traditional Attire

  • Different ethnic groups wear unique traditional clothes.
  • Examples:
    • Yoruba: Agbada and Iro & Buba
    • Igbo: Isi Agu and George wrapper
    • Hausa: Babban Riga and Hijab for women

iv. Unique Nigerian Foods

  • Each ethnic group has special dishes.
  • Examples:
    • Yoruba: Amala and Ewedu
    • Igbo: Fufu and Oha soup
    • Hausa: Tuwo Shinkafa and Miyan Kuka

v. Nigerian Festivals and Celebrations

  • Nigerians celebrate various cultural and religious festivals.
  • Examples:
    • Igbo: New Yam Festival
    • Yoruba: Osun-Osogbo Festival
    • Hausa: Durbar Festival

vi. Traditional Music and Dance

  • Nigerian culture includes vibrant music and dance styles.
  • Examples:
    • Yoruba: Bata and Fuji music
    • Igbo: Atilogwu dance
    • Hausa: Koroso dance

vii. Art and Craft

  • Nigeria is known for traditional arts like sculpture, pottery, and beadwork.
  • Examples: Benin Bronze, Nok Terracotta, and Aso Oke weaving.

viii. Unique Greeting Styles

  • Different ethnic groups have distinct greeting customs.
  • Examples:
    • Yoruba: Prostrating or kneeling
    • Igbo: Handshakes and verbal greetings
    • Hausa: Bowing slightly and using Islamic greetings

ix. Religious and Traditional Beliefs

  • Nigeria has a mix of Christianity, Islam, and traditional religions.
  • Many cultural practices include religious elements, such as naming ceremonies and chieftaincy titles.

x. Strong Family and Community Ties

  • Nigerian culture places importance on family values and respect for elders.
  • Extended families often live together and support one another.

Week 9: Uniqueness of Nigerian Culture

15 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. One unique feature of Nigerian culture is its rich variety of _______.
    a) Languages
    b) Oceans
    c) Continents
    d) Foreign traditions

  2. Nigeria has over _______ ethnic groups, each with its own culture.
    a) 10
    b) 50
    c) 250
    d) 1,000

  3. A unique aspect of Nigerian culture is the use of _______ to show respect to elders.
    a) Greetings
    b) Running
    c) Whispering
    d) Ignoring

  4. Traditional Nigerian music includes talking drums, which are mostly used by the _______ people.
    a) Igbo
    b) Yoruba
    c) Hausa
    d) Tiv

  5. The Hausa people are known for their beautiful _______ decorations on walls and buildings.
    a) Leather
    b) Painting
    c) Fishing
    d) Farming

  6. One unique festival in Nigeria is the _______ festival, held in Lagos to celebrate the Eyo masquerade.
    a) Durbar
    b) Osun-Osogbo
    c) Eyo
    d) Argungu

  7. The Igbo traditional title for a respected man in society is _______.
    a) Emir
    b) Obi
    c) Chief
    d) Eze

  8. A unique food from the northern part of Nigeria is _______.
    a) Amala
    b) Tuwo Shinkafa
    c) Afang soup
    d) Banga soup

  9. Nigeria is unique for having a blend of both modern and _______ cultures.
    a) Traditional
    b) Western
    c) Digital
    d) Asian

  10. The Yoruba people believe in the importance of their ancestral gods, also known as _______.
    a) Orisha
    b) Eyo
    c) Obi
    d) Emir

  11. The Fulani people are known for their unique long-distance travel with _______.
    a) Cows
    b) Chickens
    c) Cats
    d) Horses

  12. The annual Argungu Festival in Kebbi State is famous for _______ competitions.
    a) Dancing
    b) Fishing
    c) Running
    d) Singing

  13. Traditional Nigerian clothing, such as agbada and isiagu, is a sign of _______.
    a) Wealth and status
    b) Poverty
    c) Illiteracy
    d) Unemployment

  14. Kola nuts are commonly used in Nigerian culture as a symbol of _______.
    a) Welcome and respect
    b) Anger
    c) War
    d) Sadness

  15. The way Nigerians blend different cultures in their daily lives makes their culture _______.
    a) Unique
    b) Common
    c) Unimportant
    d) Confusing

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs & Answers)

  1. What makes Nigerian culture unique?

    • Nigeria’s diverse ethnic groups, languages, traditions, and festivals make its culture unique.
  2. How many ethnic groups are in Nigeria?

    • There are over 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria.
  3. What are the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria?

    • Yoruba, Hausa-Fulani, and Igbo.
  4. What is an example of a unique Nigerian festival?

    • The Durbar Festival celebrated by the Hausa people.
  5. How do the Yoruba and Igbo people greet differently?

    • The Yoruba kneel or prostrate, while the Igbo shake hands.
  6. Name three Nigerian traditional foods.

    • Amala, Tuwo Shinkafa, and Fufu.
  7. What are the main religions practiced in Nigeria?

    • Christianity, Islam, and traditional religions.
  8. What type of traditional music is popular in Yoruba culture?

    • Fuji and Bata music.
  9. How does Nigerian art reflect its culture?

    • Nigerian art includes sculptures, pottery, beadwork, and fabric weaving that showcase its traditions.
  10. Why is it important to preserve Nigerian culture?

  • It helps maintain identity, unity, and historical heritage.

Presentation Structure

Step 1: Introduction of the Topic

  • The teacher introduces the topic by asking students what they think makes Nigerian culture special.

Step 2: Group Discussion

  • Students discuss different aspects of Nigerian culture and share their experiences.

Step 3: Explanation and Correction

  • The teacher explains key points, gives examples, and answers students’ questions.

Teacher and Learner Activities

Teacher Activities

  1. Defines and explains Nigerian culture.
  2. Shows images and videos of unique Nigerian cultural elements.
  3. Encourages students to share examples of cultural uniqueness.
  4. Corrects misconceptions about Nigerian culture.

Learner Activities

  1. Listen and participate in discussions.
  2. Identify unique Nigerian cultural elements.
  3. Share their experiences with Nigerian traditions.
  4. Ask questions and seek clarifications.

Assessment (Evaluation Questions)

  1. Define Nigerian culture.
  2. List four elements that make Nigerian culture unique.
  3. How many ethnic groups are in Nigeria?
  4. Name three traditional Nigerian attires and their ethnic groups.
  5. Mention three Nigerian traditional foods.
  6. Identify two Nigerian traditional festivals and their ethnic groups.
  7. How do Nigerians from different cultures greet each other?
  8. What is the significance of preserving Nigerian culture?
  9. Name two types of traditional Nigerian music and their ethnic groups.
  10. Give two examples of Nigerian arts and crafts.


  • The teacher marks students’ work, provides corrections, and summarizes the lesson.
  • Students will be encouraged to appreciate Nigerian culture and respect its diversity.