Learn French Dates and Days of the Week | JSS 1


Lesson Plan: Learning Dates and Days of the Week in French

Subject: French

Class: JSS 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 2

Age: 10 – 12 years

Topic: Les Dates et Les Jours de la Semaine (Dates and Days of the Week)

Sub-topic: Saying the Date and Naming the Days of the Week

Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. State the date in French correctly.
  2. Name the days of the week in French.
  3. Use dates in sentences correctly.
  4. Identify the weekend days in French.
  5. Construct simple sentences about their daily activities in French.


  • Date – La date
  • Today – Aujourd’hui
  • Yesterday – Hier
  • Tomorrow – Demain
  • Week – La semaine
  • Weekend – Le week-end
  • Days of the week – Les jours de la semaine

Set Induction

The teacher asks students:

  1. What is today’s date?
  2. How do we say “Monday” in French?
  3. What are the days of the weekend?

The teacher explains that just like in English, French also has days of the week and a way to say dates.

Entry Behaviour

Students already know how to count numbers in French and say basic greetings.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Flashcards with French days of the week
  • Charts showing examples of dates
  • French-English dictionary
  • Audio recordings of French pronunciation

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

  1. Students already know some numbers in French.
  2. The teacher reminds them that dates involve numbers.
  3. The teacher connects the lesson to daily life (e.g., “What day is today?”).

Embedded Core Skills

  • Listening: Students listen to the correct pronunciation.
  • Speaking: Students repeat the days of the week and dates.
  • Reading: Students read sentences using dates.
  • Writing: Students write sentences with dates.

Learning Materials

  • French textbooks
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Printed worksheets

Reference Books

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • French for Beginners Textbook

Instructional Materials

  • Flashcards
  • Charts
  • Whiteboard and marker


Definition and Explanation of Dates and Days of the Week

  • The date tells us what day it is today.
  • The days of the week help us plan our activities.

How to Say the Date in French

  • Quelle est la date d’aujourd’hui? (What is today’s date?)
  • Aujourd’hui, c’est lundi 1er janvier 2016. (Today is Monday, January 1, 2016.)
  • Quand es-tu né(e)? (When were you born?)
  • Je suis né(e) le 28 août 2005. (I was born on August 28, 2005.)

Days of the Week in French

French English
Dimanche Sunday
Lundi Monday
Mardi Tuesday
Mercredi Wednesday
Jeudi Thursday
Vendredi Friday
Samedi Saturday
  • Le week-end (Weekend) = Samedi et Dimanche (Saturday and Sunday)
  • Christians go to church on Dimanche (Sunday).
  • Muslims go to the mosque on Vendredi (Friday).

Examples of Sentences with Dates and Days of the Week

  1. Aujourd’hui, c’est mardi. (Today is Tuesday.)
  2. Hier, c’était mon anniversaire. (Yesterday was my birthday.)
  3. Demain sera mercredi. (Tomorrow will be Wednesday.)
  4. Samedi et dimanche sont les jours du week-end. (Saturday and Sunday are weekend days.)
  5. Je suis né(e) le 10 avril 2010. (I was born on April 10, 2010.)


Fill in the Blanks (Choose the Correct Answer)

  1. Aujourd’hui, c’est ___.
    a) Lundi
    b) Hier
    c) Demain
    d) Semaine

  2. Hier, c’était ___.
    a) Aujourd’hui
    b) Demain
    c) Samedi
    d) Hier

  3. Quel est le premier jour de la semaine?
    a) Lundi
    b) Dimanche
    c) Vendredi
    d) Jeudi

  4. Le week-end comprend ___.
    a) Mardi et jeudi
    b) Lundi et vendredi
    c) Samedi et dimanche
    d) Mercredi et samedi

  5. Vendredi est le jour où les musulmans vont à ___.
    a) L’école
    b) La mosquée
    c) L’hôpital
    d) La banque

  6. Je suis né(e) en ___.
    a) Dimanche
    b) Mars
    c) Avril
    d) Janvier

  7. Demain sera ___.
    a) Hier
    b) Lundi
    c) Vendredi
    d) Aujourd’hui

  8. Aujourd’hui, c’est mercredi. Hier, c’était ___.
    a) Lundi
    b) Dimanche
    c) Mardi
    d) Jeudi

  9. Quel est le cinquième jour de la semaine?
    a) Mardi
    b) Mercredi
    c) Jeudi
    d) Vendredi

  10. Samedi est ___.
    a) Le premier jour de la semaine
    b) Un jour de week-end
    c) Un jour férié
    d) Un jour d’école

Class Activity Discussion

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and Answers

  1. What does “Quelle est la date d’aujourd’hui?” mean?

    • It means “What is today’s date?”
  2. How do you say “Monday” in French?

    • “Lundi.”
  3. Which days are in the weekend?

    • “Samedi et dimanche.”
  4. How do you say “I was born on August 15, 2007” in French?

    • “Je suis né(e) le 15 août 2007.”
  5. What is the third day of the week?

    • “Mardi.”
  6. How do you say “Yesterday was my birthday” in French?

    • “Hier, c’était mon anniversaire.”
  7. Which day is the first of the week?

    • “Dimanche.”
  8. What is “Wednesday” in French?

    • “Mercredi.”
  9. How do you say “Tomorrow will be Friday” in French?

    • “Demain sera vendredi.”
  10. What is “le week-end” in English?

  • “The weekend.”


Teacher’s Activities

  1. The teacher revises the previous lesson on numbers.
  2. The teacher writes the days of the week on the board.
  3. The teacher asks students to say today’s date.
  4. The teacher explains how to say the date in French.

Learners’ Activities

  1. Students listen and repeat the words.
  2. Students practice saying their birth dates.
  3. Students write the days of the week in French.

Assessment (Evaluation Questions)

  1. How do you say “Today is Monday” in French?
  2. Translate “Je suis né(e) le 5 mai 2009.”
  3. What is the French word for “Saturday”?
  4. How do you ask someone their birthdate in French?
  5. What is the sixth day of the week in French?


The teacher marks the students’ work and provides feedback.