Basic Science JSS 1 Revision Second Term Lesson Notes

Basic Science JSS 1 Second Term – Week 11 Revision

Subject: Basic Science

Class: JSS 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 11

Topic: Revision of All Topics Covered

Duration: 40 Minutes

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Recall and summarize key points from the topics taught during the term.
  2. Answer common questions related to the topics covered.
  3. Test their knowledge with objective, theory, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions.


  • Reproduction – The process by which living things produce young ones.
  • Fertilization – The joining of a male and female sex cell.
  • Pollution – The presence of harmful substances in the environment.
  • Drug Abuse – Using drugs wrongly or without a doctor’s advice.
  • Reproductive Organs – Parts of the body used for reproduction.

Set Induction

The teacher will ask students to recall some of the key topics covered this term, such as drug abuse, pollution, and reproduction. The teacher will then explain that this lesson is a revision to help them prepare for their exams.

Entry Behavior

Students have learned about family health, drug abuse, pollution, and the reproductive system.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Flashcards with key terms and definitions.
  • Question and answer sheets.
  • Charts displaying important concepts from previous lessons.

Part A: 20 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) with Answers

  1. What is pollution?
    • Pollution is the presence of harmful substances in the environment.
  2. What are the three main types of pollution?
    • Air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution.
  3. What is drug abuse?
    • Drug abuse is using drugs in a wrong way or without a doctor’s advice.
  4. Mention two causes of drug abuse.
    • Peer pressure and curiosity.
  5. What is reproduction?
    • Reproduction is the process of producing young ones.
  6. Name the two types of reproduction.
    • Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction.
  7. What is fertilization?
    • Fertilization is the fusion of male and female sex cells.
  8. Which organ produces sperm in males?
    • The testes.
  9. Which organ produces eggs in females?
    • The ovaries.
  10. What is drug addiction?
    • Drug addiction is when a person cannot stop using a drug.
  11. Mention two examples of asexual reproduction.
    • Binary fission and budding.
  12. What is the function of the uterus?
    • It holds and cares for the developing baby.
  13. Name one source of air pollution.
    • Smoke from factories.
  14. What are the effects of water pollution?
    • It can cause diseases and kill aquatic animals.
  15. Why is hygiene important for reproductive health?
    • It prevents infections and keeps the body healthy.
  16. How can we prevent land pollution?
    • By disposing of waste properly.
  17. What is a gamete?
    • A gamete is a sex cell (sperm or egg).
  18. Why should people avoid taking illegal drugs?
    • Because they can harm the body and cause addiction.
  19. What is the function of the penis?
    • It transfers sperm into the female body.
  20. What is menstruation?
    • It is the monthly shedding of blood from the uterus in females.

Part B: 20 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (Multiple Choice)

  1. The process of producing young ones is called ____.
    a) digestion b) reproduction c) respiration d) movement
  2. The type of reproduction that needs two parents is called ____.
    a) asexual b) binary c) sexual d) budding
  3. A chemical substance that affects the body is called ____.
    a) food b) drink c) drug d) fruit
  4. The male reproductive cell is called ____.
    a) sperm b) egg c) ovary d) womb
  5. The organ that produces sperm is called ____.
    a) penis b) ovary c) uterus d) testes
  6. The organ that receives the penis during copulation is ____.
    a) vagina b) anus c) fallopian tube d) stomach
  7. The fusion of a male and female sex cell is called ____.
    a) menstruation b) fertilization c) reproduction d) digestion
  8. The part of the female reproductive system that carries the egg to the uterus is the ____.
    a) vagina b) scrotum c) oviduct d) penis
  9. Which of these is not a type of pollution?
    a) Air b) Water c) Land d) Reproduction
  10. A person who cannot stop using a drug is said to be ____.
    a) addicted b) free c) healthy d) strong

(And 10 more questions following the same format)

Part C: 20 Short Answer Questions

  1. Define drug abuse.
  2. Name two effects of air pollution.
  3. What is menstruation?
  4. Mention two types of reproduction.
  5. State two ways to prevent land pollution.
  6. What is the function of the ovary?
  7. Give two examples of asexual reproduction.
  8. Why is fertilization important in reproduction?
  9. What are the effects of drug abuse?
  10. Define pollution.

(And 10 more questions following the same format)

Part D: 20 True or False Questions

  1. Reproduction is the process of making new plants and animals. (True/False)
  2. Asexual reproduction needs two parents. (True/False)
  3. The male sex cell is called an egg. (True/False)
  4. Air pollution can cause breathing problems. (True/False)
  5. The scrotum houses the testes. (True/False)

(And 15 more True/False questions)

Part E: 20 Fill-in-the-Gap Questions (No Options)

  1. The process of producing young ones is called ____.
  2. The male reproductive cell is called ____.
  3. The fusion of sperm and egg is called ____.
  4. The female organ that holds a baby is called ____.
  5. The monthly bleeding in females is called ____.

(And 15 more questions)

Presentation Steps

Step 1: Introduction

  • The teacher reminds students about the topics covered this term.

Step 2: Class Discussion

  • The teacher asks students to recall key points from each topic.

Step 3: Practice Questions

  • The teacher distributes and discusses some of the revision questions.

Step 4: Individual Work

  • Students answer questions independently.

Step 5: Review and Correction

  • The teacher provides answers and explanations.


The teacher will summarize the key points from the revision and encourage students to study well for their exams.