Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.


PAPER 1 CLASS:  SS 2                



  1. Your father has just built a new house for the family. Write a letter to your elder brother who lives abroad, describing the new house and the prestige it has accorded your family.
  2. Write an article suitable for publication in a national newspaper, discussing two major problems facing your country and suggesting ways of solving them.
  3. The electricity supply in your school has been irregular. As the Senior Prefect, write a letter to the Chairman of the Parent -Teacher Association (PTA) telling him about the             effect of this on the school and the need to provide a stand-by generator for the school.
  4. Your Principal is due for retirement at the end of the academic year. As the Senior Prefect, write a speech which you would deliver to honour him/her at a send-off party.
  5. Write a story ending with the expression: At last, we arrived safely.



You are advised to spend about 30 minutes on this section.


  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.


When I was in primary four, thirty-five years ago, schools closed for the day at 1:30pm. My two friends and I would then proceed for ‘full’ recreation as we either played football in. hidden neighbourhoods or went downstream to swim till dusk. The reprimands and occasional spankings we got from our mothers could not deter us. Our youthful adventurous spirit would not be suppressed.. We were resolute in our desire to be free of what we thought were too many chores. As far as we were concerned, that should be the preserve of the female gender.

One day we went fishing in a stream on the outskirts of the village after we had had our fill of entertainment playing football. We each caught some fish but were not satisfied: we wanted crabs which we could sell on our way back home to augment the meagre money for recess that each of us got when going off to school every day. We caught two big crabs from the first two holes we dug before going for a third. Convinced that we had dug deep enough, the eldest of us dipped his right hand into the hole that was about three-quarters filled with water, and soon reported excitedly that he had made a big catch. As he dragged it to the surface, we screamed in sudden terror. The ‘big catch’ was the fleshly middle part of a shimmering black snake! No one waited for the other as we scrambled for safety, leaving our other catch behind, the boy splashed frantically through the water, falling over twice before reaching us on the bank of the stream. None of us ventured back, more for fear of the snake than the dusk that had suddenly descended on the village.

When I got home, I met Mother, my two siblings and some anxious relations at the doorstep. They were about setting out to comb the entire village since their previous search to my school, my mates’ homes and the few playgrounds in the village had been futile. The concerned took on Mother’s face told me I had stirred up a hornets’ nest and should be prepared for the sting. My muddy legs and hands betrayed the lie I had hurriedly cooked up. I got the beating of my life, first from Mother and then Father, who came into the house and upon being told what had happened, went straight for the thick rubber he had wound around his bicycle carrier for tying loads.

(a) State two reasons why the writer and his friends always came home late.

(b) Why did the boys get home late on that fateful day?

(c) Why did the boys not realize that it was getting dark?

(d) In what two ways was the writer unlucky on that day?

(e) How does the writer’s mother usually demonstrate her disapproval of his behaviour? “… I had stirred up a hornets ‘nest and should be prepared for the sting”.

(i) What figure of speech is used in this expression?

(ii) What does it mean?

(g) “As he dragged it to the surface…”

(i) What grammatical name is given to this expression as it is used in the passage?

(ii) What is its function?

(ii) For each of the following words, find another word or phrase which means the same and which can replace it as it

is used in the passage:

(i) deter;

(ii) preserve;

(iii) augment;

(iv) ventured;

(v) concerned.



  1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it.


Young people are usually faced with several challenges as they grow up. These challenges have increased dramatically as a result of the present impressive advances in science. The Internet and the mobile phone, for instance, have indeed reduced the whole world to a global village and given birth to social media. Social media itself has made it possible for anyone to instantly keep abreast with happenings all around the world.

But many people are worried that a lot of youths use social media in various negative ways that tend to ultimately increase the challenges they face in life. First, internet chatting and dating have become common among youths, they spend valuable time in internet cafes or glued to their smart phones with the hope that through Skype or Facebook “luck” would come their way. The time wasted in this way could have been spent on studying and helping their parents with household chores.

Another downside of social media is the easy access to pornography that it offers. Attracted like gnats to bright light at night, many youths spend hours watching pornography. This has the inevitable effect of corrupting their minds. In the fantasy world that pornography plunges them into, they care little for anything else. In the end, the casualties are their studies and their morals.

Again, youths are often driven by the “get rich quick” syndrome as they observe successful and affluent members of the society all around them who flaunt their wealth by driving expensive cars and living ostentatious lifestyles. Because many youths are seized by the irresistible desire to become like these people overnight, they readily resort to any available means to succeed, including cyber crime. Since face-to-face contact is not involved, it is easy for these misguided youths to plan and executive all manner of scams on social media.

What can be done to rescue the youths from these influences? First, parents have a crucial role to play. Many youths have improper home training and most parents leave their children to learn life’s lessons on their own. They allow them to find solutions to their problems with minimal guidance. The reality is that the sooner parents change their method of raising children, the better.

Teachers also have to play a crucial role. Teachers should realize that just as parents take over the responsibility of teaching when their children are at home, they in turn become the youth’s parents at school. They should therefore ensure not only that the right skills are taught the youth, but also that the right attitudes are instilled in them.

The society at large should also realize that at their impressionable age, youths are simply influenced by what they observe happening around them, whether good or bad. So, instead of emphasizing materialism and flaunting of wealth, the society’s responsibility towards the youths should be mainly to instill in them its norms, customs and values through proper role modeling. Then the world will become a better place for the youth, because they will be able to control their own destiny.

(a) In three sentences, one for each, summarize the negative influences of social media on youths.

(b) In three sentences, one for each, summarize what must be done to rescue the youths from these influences.




Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.



CLASS:  SS 2                


In this section, there are two passages A and B. In each, there are numbered gaps. Below each passage are words arranged in alternatives A – D for each gap. Select the best alternatives to fill in the gaps.


There are three chief _l_ of human body: the head, the trunk, and the limbs or extremities. The _2_ of the body is composed of bones of various sizes and shapes, which give firm but _3_ support to the soft tissues, muscles and organs.The bones are _4__ together by bands of ligaments. The joints _5_ the many bones allow for greater or less _6_.The character of the joints determines the degree and quality of the _7_ which can be deter-mined.There are many kinds of _8_ joints, among them the ball and socket joint and the _9_ joint. Motion is then affected by the _I0_ and tendons.


Are you aware that you can become a millionaire if you go into farming? But this is if you go into large scale farming with very large _l l_ rather than tiny plots of farm worked with cutlasses and _ 12_; you have to use large _ 13_ able to turn virgin lands into ploughed _I4_ in a few days. Then, you must ensure that you have the knowledge of when to plant which __ 15__. Also, you need a sound knowledge of the __ 16_ because it might amount to a waste of resources to plant in a place where the plants would not grow well. Besides, you can engage in animal _I7. In that case, you may have _I8_ with thousands of egg-laying fowls, or a _I9_ with hundreds of swine bred for their meat. Better still, you can engage in _20_ farming in which case you combine the two types.



  A B C D
1 systems parts aspects kinds
2 framework skull scapula skeleton
3 flexible frail mobile movable
4 cramped hewn held tried
5 across through between among
6 facility motion freedom movement
7 artistry speech motility mobility
8 movable mobile motile floating
9 right-angle fixed hinge hanging
10 cartilage muscles marrow mucous



  A B C D  
11. plots plantations lands areas  
12. scythe scoop reapers hoes  
13. tractors harvesters sowers machines  
14. tracks ridges heaps furrows  
15. crops seeds seedlings fruits  
16. grounds field soil land  
17. breeding husbandry shepherding practice  
18. an aquarium as aviary a poultry a cage  
19. Rabbitry Piggery Zoo Ranch  
20. Sedentary Extensive Intensive mixed  


Section 2

In each of the following items, there is a gap and an underlined word. From the alternative A-D, choose which word would best fill in the gap and also be opposite in meaning to the underlined word.


  1. Go to work early so that you would not return _____________
  2. tried             B. lately                      C. late                         D. hungry
    22.       Each of those two ladies is a mother, but _____________of them is married
  3. both             B. neither                   C. everyone               D. one
  4. You may admire wither of the two ladies, but I advise you to marry ___________of them. A. neither B. each    C. one                         D. none
  5. Mr. Opawn is _____ to deal with whereas Mrs. Opawn is quite easy to deal w1ith
  6. stubborn             B. incorrigible            C. tranquil                  D. difficult
  7. While the principal is trying to be very economic in spending, other teachers are rather _______ A. ruinous           B. prodigal                         C. profuse                         D. liberal
  8. Mr. Nazir is said to be too effeminate, and this is surprising since Mrs. Nazir looks very _______A. robust                 B. coarse        C. feminine                     D. muscular
  9. She looks very cool-headed while her brother is very _______
  10. irregular             B. decentralized             C. eccentric               D. regular
  11. He is a great author; able to write  elementary  as well as course books.
  12. advanced             B. ordinary                        C. compound             D. intermediate
  13. Mr. Opawn used to admire his wife’s elegance: instead, he now detests   her______            A. daintiness      B. dirtiness                     C. chatty             D. crudity
  14. Nigeria’s plan for electric cars is in a stage of maturity, while her plan for electric         rail             still in____A. an oven    B. an embryo        C. an egg    D. the flowering stage


In each of the following items, fill the gap by choosing from the alternatives numbered A – D.

  1. Those who glory in oil boom should know that empires with lazy citizens have

_____________away.A. fainted           B. faded            C. gone                  D. vanished

  1. The manager told them, If at first you ___________ to agree with me, try and try             again. A. refuse                             B. fail                           C. seem                      D. try
  2. The Judge assured everybody, ‘I will be _________ to all, even to those accused of             murder.  A. base           B. foul     C. fail          D. vile
  3. If you knew them then, you would not have known how they could _______ in love.    A. fall                               B. drop                C. agree                         D. rise
  4. In order to escape punishment, he ___________a  stoy.
  5. counterfeited             B. violated story.            C. disproved                      D. invented
  6. It is difficult to A. famish ____________a robber giving all he has to help the          poor.  A. famish                         B. fancy              C. familiarise                  D. falsify
  7. If there is an embargo of three months, we would all________________ for food.
  8. famish             B. fancy          C. familiarize                  D. faint


Each of the following sentences contains a figure of speech or idiom containing the word ‘dog’. Choose the alternative that best explains the idiom or figure of speech.

  1. Although he was once rich, he died a dog’s death. This shows that he died
  2. as a gallant fighter. B.      miserably.            C.      incredibly. D.      of public hanging.
  3. Mrs Wariboko threw the jewels to the dogs. This shows that Mrs Wariboko
  4. was probably angry to have done that.            B.     realised the jewels were bad.
  5. gave up the jewels to save herself.            D.      lost the jewels.
  6. Ezewu: I’m going to persuade Akpan to take back his wife: Amadi: I advise you to             let the sleeping dog lie. By this, Amadi is advising Ezewu
  7. to stay away from trouble. B.      to save the Akpan’s marriage.
  8. not to make the matter worse.  D.  to understand the situation before going.
  9. I knew that when Shehu came to collect the laptop, he was only being a dog in the             manger. By this, we can say that Shehu
  10. needed and knew how to use the laptop.            B.      could use the laptop but did not really need it.     C.      did not need the laptop and prevented others from using it.
  11. had his own laptop and had spoilt it.
  12. The Spanish Challenger does not even stand a dog’s chance against Mike Bamidele.             This shows that the Spanish Challenger
  13. has no chance at all of beating Mike Bamidele.         B.      is too powerful for Mike Bamidele.      C.     does not even accept to fight Mike Bamidele.
  14. thinks Bamidele is dodging him.
  15. Dr Ayo Williams is the top dog in the hospital. From this, we know that DrAyo Williams.        A.      is the most efficient in the hospital.
  16. is just learning to become more perfect.
  17. teaches other doctors in the hospital.  D.      occupies a position of authority.
  18. At work, he is the boss; at home, he leads a dog’s life. This shows that: at home,                       he        A.      finds it difficult to feed himself.            B.      breeds and sells dogs.
  19. has no peace at all.  D.      is directed by his wife.


From each of the sentences in numbers 45 – 50, a word is underlined. Choose from the list numbered A – D the best word to replace the word underlined.


  1. Obagah took his habitual seat in the dining room.
  2. settled B. usual                      C. routine                        D. ordinary
  3. Some of the houses built in the palace compound are no longer habitable.
  4. livable B. blessed                   C. habitual                      D. inhabitable
  5.   The commander halted his soldiers for a short rest
  6. stopped B. held                        C. pulled             D. pushed
  7. Olu is a very handsome young man.
  8. suitable B. graceful                 C. generous                    D. hapless
  9. Many workers in Nigeria spend most of their money on hangers-on.
  10. clients B. servants                 C. dependants               D. pen pals
  11. Two hardy soldiers arrested the armed thieves.
  12. tough B. reckless                 C. stubborn                    D. rash


Following each of the sentences is a list of their possible interpretations. Choose the one you consider the best interpretation in each case.

  1. Who would have believed that Eban could ever change for the better? This shows   that
  2. Eban has changed his manners, and he is now good.
  3. Eban has refused to change his manners.
  4. Although Eban has changed, people still think that he is bad.
  5. Although he has not changed, people think he is now good.
  6. Not all that glitters is gold. This means
  7. it is only gold that glitters.
  8. although other things glitter, gold glitters brightest.
  9. although gold is good, it does not glitter.
  10. other things may glitter apart from gold.
  11. Either he or his wife is a liar. This means
  12.     both husbands and wives are telling a lie.
  13. one of the two of them is telling a lie.
  14. whenever the wife is telling the truth, the husband is lying.
  15. whenever the husband is telling the truth, the wife is lying.
  16. If two heads are better than one, fifty heads should be good enough to write the             constitution. This means
  17. a constitution written by fifty people should be very good.
  18. a constitution written by fifty people must be perfect.
  19. a constitution written by fifty people may be very good.
  20. the more the people that write the constitution, the better the constitution is.
  21. But for the timely intervention of Pa John, Mr Ade John would have married Miss             Ronke John, his half-sister.This means
  22.    Pa John prevented a brother and a sister from marrying,
  23.    a sister had married a brother just before their father came.
  24.     although Ade had married Ronke, Pa John separated them.
  25.   the two lovers would have planned to marry.
  26. I’m surprised that such a famous author should write this type of material.

This suggests that

  1.    the book is well written.  B.         there are no illustrations in the book.
  2.     the author has copied from another author.
  3.     the book is badly written.
  4. If you were not seeing double, you would have known that it was the principal that      was coming. This shows that the listener
  5.    had run away on seeing the principal.
  6.    had doubted if the person coming was the principal.
  7.    had said that he saw two principals.
  8.   had said that he saw the principal twice.
  9. Do not tell me that everything in the world happens by chance. ‘This shows that the             speaker believes
  10.    that there is nothing like fate.
  11.    not everything that God does has a plan.
  12.     that there is a plan for things that happen.
  13.   anything that happens is by chance.


Choose from the alternatives A – D word(s) to fill in the gap.

  1. Shade flew into_____________ when I refused to lend her my Chemistry book
  2. a fit of rage B. a fit of a rage                     C. rage                  D. fit of a rage
  3. Akin gained ______________ from his investments in the bottling company.
  4. little advantages B. a little advantages    C. the little advantage
  5. little advantage
  6. Experts in many institutions are carrying out__________ to find a cure for sickle-cell anaemia. A. researches        B. many researches           C. much researches        D. research
  7. There ___________________ between him and his brother.
  8. are many resemblances                                      C. is much resemblance
  9. are resemblances                                                         D. are pieces of resemblances
  10. Both of them are
  11. comrade in arms                          C. comrade in arm
  12. comrades in arms                          D. comrades in arm
  13. Women living with men as if they were married wives, are called_____________
  14. common-laws wife             B. commons-laws wives
  15. common-law wives             D. commons-law wives
  16. Since  the  beginning  of his  tenure, the  Prime  Minister  has  appointed  three
  17. Chancellor of the Exchequers.                          C. Chancellors of the Exchequers.
  18. Chancellors of the Exchequer.                          D. Chancellor of the Exchequer.
  19. If you don’t want to be overheard, don’t talk___________________.
  20. very loud B. much loud                   C. so loud             D. so loudly
  21. A medal of honour was awarded the
  22. late Colonel lately.             C. late Colonel late.
  23. lately Colonel late.             D. lately Colonel lately.
  24. They left the hall still arguing _______________
  25. very loud B. so loud                   C. very loudly                 D. so very loud
  26. _____________ you have seen the pen
  27. At last             B. Lastly                      C. Lastingly                D. Last
  28. ____________ peace has eluded the world for so long.
  29. Lasting             B. Last                             C. Lastingly                D. Lastly
  30. In any large city, there are idle men hanging___________ the streets.
  31. through             B. among                    C. against                          D. about
  32. A professor ranks much_____________ a school principal
  33. above             B. after                                    C. beyond                         D. before
  34. She looks much better__________ a distance.
  35. on             B. in                             C. of                            D. at
  36. I 1 first saw her__________ the station
  37. in             B. at                            C. from                       D. by
  38. I think she is now __________ Lagos.
  39. in             B. at                            C. with                                     D. by
  40. I can recognize her __________ her voice
  41. in             B. at                            C. with                        D. by
  42. Although, during the Second World War, America, Britain, Russia and France formed axis powers, a future war my lead to __________
  43. many an axis B. many axes             C. with                                     D. many axis
  44. A single insect may have hundreds of ___________
  45. larva             B. larvas                     C. larval                      D. larvae
  46. No one can fully understand all the_______ of nature
  47. phenomena B. phenomenal  C. phenomenon D. phenomenons
  48. That man has won many valuable prizes from five television _________

A).  quizzes    b)  quiz    c)   quizzes    d)  quizs






Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.



From the words lettered A to D choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined.

Example: beat

(a) bit          (b) bet        (c) breed         (d) bread


The correct answer is C because only ‘breed’contains the same vowel sound as the one underlined in ‘beat’.


  1. would

(A) cold                       (B) whom                    (C)   wood                   (D) owl

  1. cool

(A)  lose                      (B) book                      (C)   should                     (D) look

  1. roar

(A)  foal                      (B) raw                        (C)   tour                       (D) hear

  1. bit

(A) beat                       (B) kite                        (C)   high                        (D) knowledge

  1. burst

(A)  shirt                     (B) bust                       (C)   court                      (D) sort

  1. kite

(A) kit                          (B) buy                        (C)   city                        (D) ship

  1. away

(A) quay                      (B) eight                      (C)   village                     (D) bucket

  1. set

(A) mere                      (B) sear                       (C)   beer                        (D) said

  1. fair

(A) fear                       (B) deer                       (C)   bare                        (D) mere

  1. now

(A) boat                       (B) plough                   (C)   know                      (D) tow

  1. pass

(A) pat             (B) hard                 (C)   perch                      (D) bald

  1. home

(A) now                       (B) bout                       (C)   good                       (D) sew

  1. doctor

(A) butter                    (B) bit                          (C)   beat                     (D) eight

  1. pure

(A) figure                    (B) colour                    (C)   sure                     (D) legislature

  1. sought (A) caught (B) laugh                         (C)   work                         (D) though


From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that has the same consonant sound(s) as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. An example is given below:

Example: kin

(a)    knife                    (b) scene                            (c) know                            (d) queen

The correct answer is D because only ‘queen ‘contains the same consonant sound as the one underlined in ‘kin’

Now answer the questions that follow:

  1. champagne

(A) character                 (B) architect                    (C) shame                     (D) chief

  1. queue

(A) teach                     (B) chauvinism             (C) chance                   (D) chemical

  1. gnaw

(A) knock                    (B) gout                       (C) edge                      (D) saw

  1. strength

(A) austere                  (B) style                      (C) lustre                     (D) street

  1. lose

(A) loose                     (B) news                      (C) miss                       (D) lost

  1. comb

(A) publisher              (B) bubble                   (C) bright                    (D) rugby

  1. rough

(A) dough                    (B) blow                      (C) thought                 (D) ruffian

  1. seeks

(A) bags                      (B) axe                        (C) ask                         (D) skirt

  1. kitchen

(A) ritual                     (B) choir                      (C) chaos                     (D) machine

  1. both

(A) boot                       (B) bathe                     (C) author                    (D) machine

  1. wedge

(A) beg                        (B) bag                        (C) juice                      (D) gear

  1. boom

(A) comb                     (B) climb                     (C) plumb                    (D) stab

  1. wept

(A) begged                  (B) bombed                 (C) dodged                  (D) stopped

  1. zebra

(A) please                    (B) miss                       (C) assault                   (D) assist

  1. doubt

(A) handkerchief            (B) handsome             (C) sandwich               (D) sandy



From the words lettered A to D choose the word that rhymes with the given word. An example is given below:


Example: train


(A) ban                        (B) gain                       (C) game                     (D) barn


The correct answer is B because only ‘gain’ rhymes with ‘train’


Now answer the questions that follow:

  1. rain

(A) foreign                  (B) morning                (C) reign                      (D) herring

  1. tomb

(A) room                     (B) plump                    (C) moan                     (D) mare

  1. quay

(A) kill                        (B) may                       (C) key                        (D) okay

  1. height

(A) height                    (B) rite                         (C) mate                      (D) eight

  1. shed

(A) heed                      (B) herd                       (C) said                       (D) heard





In each of the following questions, the main/primary stress is indicated by writing the syllable on which it occurs in capital letters. From the words lettered A to D, Choose the one that has the correct stress. An example is given below:


Example: disagreement

(A) dis-a-GREE-ment                                        (B) dis-a-gree-MENT

(C) DIS-a-gree-ment                                         (D) dis-A-gree-ment


The correct answer is A because the main/primary stress of the wordy disagreement is on the third syllable. Now answer the following questions.

  1. education

(A) E-du-ca-tion                                      (B) e-du-CA-tion                  (C) e-DU-ca-tion

(D) e-du-ca-TION

  1. combination

(A) COM-bi-na-tion                          (B) com-BI-na-tion             (C) com-bi-NA-tion

(D) com-i-na-TION

  1. negotiate

(A) ne-go-ti-ATE                                       (B) ne-GO-tt-ate                (C) ne-go-Ti-ate

(D) NE-go-ti-ate

  1. equivalent

(A) E-quiv-a-lent                                      (B) e-QUIV-a-lent                (C) e-quiv-A-lent     (D) e-quiv-a-LENT

  1. expenditure

(A) EX-pen-di-ture                                       (B) ex-PEN-di-ture           (C) ex-pen-DI-ture

(D) ex-pen-di-TURE





In the following options lettered A to D, all the words except one, have the same stress pattern. Identify the one with the different stress pattern. An example is given below:

Example:     (A) away             (B) apart                      (C) behind                    (D) river

Options A, B, C, are all stressed on the second syllable while option D is the only one stressed on the first syllable. D is the correct answer.

Now answer the following questions

41        (A) repent                    (B) challenge              (C) engage                  (D) annoy

  1. (A) below             (B) ago                        (C) concern                 (D) people
  2. (A) number             (B) quality                   (C) exercise                 (D) remark
  3. (A) opinion             (B) conversion             (C) prevention             (D) calculate
  4. (A) people             (B) unused                  (C) sportsman (D) lorry



In each of the following sentences, the word that receives the emphatic stress u j written in capital letters, from the questions lettered A to D; choose the one to which the given sentence is the appropriate answer.

  1. My WIFE bakes cakes on Saturdays

(A)   Does my wife bake cakes on Sundays?

(B)   Does my wife bake bread on Saturdays?

(C)   Does my mother bake cakes on Saturday?

(D)  Does my wife make biscuits on Saturday?


  1. Toni’s watch is made of GOLD

(A)  Is Toni’s watch made of silver?

(B)   Is Toni’s bangle made of gold?

(C)   Whose watch is made of gold?

(D)  What is made of gold?


  1. The magistrate CAUTIONED the prosecution witness

(A)   Who cautioned the prosecution witness?

(B)   Did the magistrate praise the prosecution witness?

(C)   Did the magistrate caution the defence witness?

(D)  Did the magistrate caution the prosecution counsel?


  1. Honesty is ALWAYS the best policy.

(A)   Is honesty always the best policy?

(B)   Is honesty always the worst policy?

(C)  Is dishonesty always the best policy?

(D)  Is honesty seldom the best policy?


  1. He was pardoned by the PRINCIPAL.

(A)  Who was pardoned by the principal?

(B)   Was he pardoned by the teacher?

(C)  Was he punished by the teacher?

(D)  Was she pardoned by the principal?









Section 7

From the words lettered A to D, choose the word that contains the sound represented by the given phonetic symbol. An example is given below:


Example :        /aI/


(A).    boy        (B)   about      ( C) high          d)   Kill


The correct answer is C because only high contains the sound represented by the given symbols.

Now answer the following questions.


  1. / o  /
  2. a) dot             b) bought                     c)  money                    d)  curt


  1. / o:/

a). cot                          b)  sword                     c)  work                       d)  shop


  1. /m/
  2. A) climb             b) handkerchief            c) how                         d) cringe


  1. /I/
  2. a) people             b) kite                          c)  child                       d) biscuit


  1. / ∫ /

a).  mission                 b)  vision                     c)  decision                  d) chair


  1. /ie /
  2. a) fear             b)  cheer                      c)  fare                         d)  mere


  1. /dᴣ /
  2. a) gauge             b) gear                         c)   cake                       d)  judge


  1. / 3:/
  2. a) pork                        b)  burst                       c)  caught                    d)  more


  1. /ai/
  2. a) bout                        b) outside                    c)  know                      d)  buy


  1. /ᴣ /
  2. a) portion                   b)  mission                  c)  wrestle                   d)  occasion