Weekly Brief for Physical and Health Education Primary 3 – First Term
Week 1: Revision of Basic 2 Work
- Objective: Review and reinforce key concepts from Basic 2.
- Activities: Practical exercises and discussions based on previous lessons.
Week 2: Moving Our Body Parts
- Objective: Understand and demonstrate movements made by people, animals, and machines.
- Activities: Imitation of movements and sounds, fundamental movement patterns such as bending, crawling, and galloping.
Week 3: Movements
- Objective: Define and demonstrate different movement patterns.
- Activities: Explanation of movement, demonstration of patterns (bending, crawling, galloping), and discussion on safety rules.
Week 4: Physical Fitness
- Objective: Define physical fitness and its components.
- Activities: Explanation of physical fitness, demonstration of endurance, strength, agility, and flexibility.
Weeks 5-6: Physical Fitness (Continued)
- Objective: Explore and practice components of physical fitness in detail.
- Activities: Listing and explaining endurance, strength, and flexibility; demonstrating and discussing physical fitness activities to achieve these components.
Week 7: Mid-Term Assessment
- Objective: Evaluate pupils’ understanding of topics covered so far.
- Activities: Conduct mid-term exams covering topics from Weeks 1-6.
Weeks 8-9: Athletes – Track Events
- Objective: Understand sprint races and techniques.
- Activities: Explanation of sprints (100m, 200m, 400m), skill development (take-off, acceleration), and safety rules.
Week 10: Athletes – Field Events (High Jump)
- Objective: Learn about and demonstrate high jump techniques.
- Activities: Phases of high jump (approach, take-off, flight, landing), practical jumping activities, and discussion on long jump concepts.
Week 11: Revision of All Topics Covered
- Objective: Review and consolidate knowledge from the entire term.
- Activities: Comprehensive review including practical activities, discussion, and quiz on all topics.
Week 12: Examination of the Topics Covered
- Objective: Assess overall understanding of the term’s content.
- Activities: Objective questions, theory questions, and true or false questions to evaluate pupils’ knowledge and skills.
This weekly brief provides a structured overview of the topics covered throughout the first term, outlining key objectives and activities for each
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