FIRST TERM SS 3 CRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CRS WEEK SEVEN TOPIC: THE TRIALS OF CHRIST CONTENT · Christ before the High Priest Matt. 26:36-75, Mk 14:53-72,LK. 22 · Christ before Pilate and the Roman Authorities Matt 27:11-13, MK 23:1-25, LK. 23:1-5 · Christ before Herod Lk.23:6-12 The Trials of Christ (Matt 26:57-68) There were basically
FIRST TERM SS 3 CRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CRS WEEK FIVE AND SIX TOPIC: MISSION OF THE DISCIPLES CONTENT · Mission of the twelve – Matt. 10:1-15, Matt. 10:1-15, Mark 6:7-13, Luke 9:1-16 · Mission of the seventy – Luke 10:1-24 · Lessons to Learn from the two missions and the significance. Mission of the
FIRST TERM SS 3 CRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES CRS WEEK FOUR TOPIC: The Demands of Discipleship CONTENT · What discipleship entails. · Lessons to Learn from demands of discipleship and call to discipleship. What discipleship entails In anything one wants to do, there must be some difficulties. In most cases, one has to sacrifice
WEEK THREE TOPIC: DISCIPLESHIP CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP Matthew 4: 18 – 25, 9: 9 – 13, Mark 1: 16 – 20, 2: 13 – 17; Luke 5: 1 – 11, 27 – 32 Matthew and Mark’s account In Matthew’s account of the call of the first disciples, it was done by Jesus himself. Jesus
WEEK TWO TOPIC: COMPARATIVE ACCOUNT OF THE TEMPTATION IN THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS. Mat 4: 1-11, Mark 1: 12-13. Luke 4: 1-13 CONTENT The temptation accounts The significance of the temptation Jesus Christ fasted for forty days and forty nights and was tempted in the wilderness by the devil. According to Mathew and Luke the
WEEK ONE TOPIC: COMPARATIVE ACCOUNT OF THE BAPTISM IN THE SYNOPTIC GOSPELS. MAT. 3: 13 – 17, MARK 1: 9 – 11, Luke, 3: 21 –22 CONTENT Meaning of the synoptic gospels The baptism of Jesus Christ Significance of the baptism of Jesus Christ SYNOPTIC GOSPELS Synoptic Gospels are the first three gospels, which have
FIRST TERM SS 3 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING SCHEME OF WORK WEEK Revision of last term’s work Regulation of the Capital Market: Regulation of the Capital market (meaning, reasons for regulation) Types of regulation – Statutory regulation; (i) The Law ISA No.45, 1999 (ii) Securities and Exchange Commission (the
WEEK FOUR (5) DATE:………………… TOPIC: GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING CONTENTS: Public Sector Accounting: Public sector accounting Sources of government revenue Capital expenditures. Recurrent expenditure. Head and sub-heads Capital and revenue account. SUB-TOPIC 1: PUBLIC SECTOR ACCOUNTING: Public sector can be defined as the government sector whose affairs or services are made
WEEK 4 DATE______________ TOPIC: CONTRACT ACCOUNTS CONTENTS: Definition of contract account Reasons for contract account Types of construction contract Methods of recognizing revenue under contract account Preparation of contract accounts SUB-TOPIC 1: Meaning of contract account This is a system of
FIRST TERM SS 3 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Week 3 Date——————— TOPIC: Hire purchases and Installment payment accounts: (i) Hire purchase and Installment payment Accounts: -The system, Preparation of Accounts in the (a) seller’s ledger and hirer’s ledger. (b) Goods account (c) Hire purchase Account and interest Account. CONTENT: (i) Hire purchase and