Understanding Children’s Rights in Islam Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 6
Age: 12 years
Topic: Child’s Rights in Islam
Sub-topic: Protection, Participation, Education, Guidance, and Good
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Identify and explain the rights of children in Islam.
  2. Discuss the significance of protection, participation, education, guidance, and good in a child’s life.
  3. Describe how Islamic teachings support children’s rights.
  4. Recognize the role of parents and the community in safeguarding children’s rights.


  • Rights
  • Protection
  • Participation
  • Education
  • Guidance
  • Goodness

Set Induction:

Begin the lesson by asking students what they believe are the rights of children. Encourage them to share their thoughts and experiences regarding their rights at home and school.

Entry Behaviour:

Students should have a basic understanding of rights and responsibilities, particularly in the context of family and community.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts on children’s rights in Islam
  • Visual aids (images depicting children’s rights)

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Connect this lesson to previous teachings on compassion and care within the family and community, emphasizing that these values extend to children’s rights.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking (understanding and discussing children’s rights)
  • Communication (expressing opinions on rights)
  • Empathy (understanding the needs of children)

Learning Materials:

  • Copies of relevant Quranic verses and Hadiths
  • Handouts summarizing children’s rights in Islam

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • “Islamic Teachings on Children’s Rights” by A. Rahman

Instructional Materials:

  • Projector for presentations (if available)
  • Audio-visual materials related to children’s rights

Content: Explanation of the Topic

  1. Definition of Child’s Rights in Islam:
    • Children have specific rights that are acknowledged in Islam, ensuring their well-being, dignity, and development. These rights are derived from the Quran and Hadith, emphasizing the importance of treating children with kindness and respect.
  2. Right to Protection:
    • Children have the right to protection from harm and abuse. Parents and guardians are responsible for ensuring their safety and security.
    • Example: The Quran encourages parents to provide a safe environment for their children and to protect them from harm.
  3. Right to Participation:
    • Children should have the opportunity to express their views and participate in decisions affecting them, according to their age and maturity.
    • Example: Parents should listen to their children’s opinions and consider their feelings in family matters.
  4. Right to Education:
    • Education is a fundamental right for every child in Islam. Parents are encouraged to seek knowledge for their children and to ensure they receive a good education.
    • Example: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.”
  5. Right to Guidance:
    • Parents and guardians have the duty to provide guidance and moral instruction to their children, helping them grow into responsible and ethical individuals.
    • Example: Teaching children the values of honesty, kindness, and respect for others.
  6. Right to Goodness:
    • Children have the right to grow up in an environment filled with goodness, kindness, and love. This includes being cared for and supported emotionally and spiritually.
    • Example: Creating a loving home atmosphere where children feel valued and appreciated.
  7. Role of the Community:
    • The community also has a responsibility to protect children’s rights by providing support, resources, and opportunities for growth.
    • Example: Community programs that offer educational support and recreational activities for children.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Children have the right to _____ from harm and abuse. (a) neglect (b) protection (c) disrespect
  2. The right to _____ means children can express their opinions. (a) education (b) protection (c) participation
  3. Education is a _____ right for every child in Islam. (a) luxury (b) fundamental (c) optional
  4. Parents should provide _____ and moral instruction to their children. (a) guidance (b) criticism (c) neglect
  5. Children deserve to grow up in an environment of _____ . (a) kindness (b) harshness (c) confusion
  6. The community has a role in protecting children’s _____. (a) rights (b) responsibilities (c) choices
  7. Seeking knowledge is an _____ upon every Muslim. (a) option (b) obligation (c) suggestion
  8. The Quran encourages parents to provide a _____ environment. (a) unsafe (b) loving (c) neglectful
  9. Children should be allowed to participate in family _____ . (a) discussions (b) arguments (c) punishments
  10. Protecting children includes safeguarding them from _____ . (a) education (b) harm (c) opportunities
  11. The Prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of _____ for children. (a) knowledge (b) toys (c) wealth
  12. Goodness in a child’s life includes love and _____ . (a) kindness (b) anger (c) confusion
  13. Parents are responsible for ensuring their children’s _____ and security. (a) happiness (b) safety (c) freedom
  14. Children have the right to grow in a supportive _____ . (a) community (b) isolation (c) neglect
  15. Listening to children’s views is an important part of their right to _____ . (a) food (b) participation (c) silence

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What are children’s rights in Islam?
    Children’s rights include protection, education, participation, guidance, and growing up in a loving environment.
  2. Why is protection important for children?
    Protection ensures children are safe from harm, abuse, and neglect, allowing them to grow in a secure environment.
  3. How can children participate in family matters?
    Children can share their opinions and feelings about family decisions, which helps them feel valued and respected.
  4. What is the role of parents in a child’s education?
    Parents are responsible for seeking knowledge and providing educational opportunities for their children.
  5. What does guidance mean in the context of children’s rights?
    Guidance involves teaching children moral values and helping them make the right choices in life.
  6. How can communities support children’s rights?
    Communities can provide resources, educational programs, and safe spaces for children to grow and learn.
  7. What is the significance of kindness in a child’s upbringing?
    Kindness fosters emotional well-being and helps children develop positive relationships with others.
  8. What did the Prophet Muhammad say about education?
    He emphasized that seeking knowledge is an obligation for every Muslim, highlighting the importance of education.
  9. How can we create a loving environment for children?
    By showing affection, listening to their needs, and providing support, we can create a nurturing environment.
  10. What should parents do if they see their child being bullied?
    Parents should protect their child, address the issue with the school, and provide emotional support.
  11. What are some ways children can express their opinions?
    They can share their thoughts during family discussions or through creative outlets like writing or art.
  12. Why is it essential for children to have a say in family matters?
    It helps them feel important and teaches them about responsibility and decision-making.
  13. What is the role of education in a child’s life?
    Education equips children with knowledge and skills they need to succeed and contribute to society.
  14. How does Islam view neglecting a child’s rights?
    Islam condemns neglect and emphasizes the responsibility of parents and the community to protect children’s rights.
  15. What can children do to learn about their rights?
    Children can engage in discussions at home, learn from teachers, and read about their rights in Islamic teachings.

Presentation: Steps 1-3

  1. Step 1: Teacher revises the previous lesson on environmental sanitation and its significance.
  2. Step 2: Teacher introduces the topic of children’s rights in Islam and its importance.
  3. Step 3: Students discuss examples of rights they believe every child should have.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the definition and importance of children’s rights in Islam.
  • Discuss each right: protection, participation, education, guidance, and goodness.
  • Provide examples and engage students in discussion.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about their rights and responsibilities.
  • Complete fill-in-the-blank and FAQ activities.
  • Share personal experiences related to the topic.


  • Review students’ answers in fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Evaluate participation in discussions.
  • Conduct a Q&A session to check understanding.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What are the primary rights of children in Islam?
  2. Why is protection a fundamental right for children?
  3. How can children participate in family decisions?
  4. What is the role of education in a child’s life?
  5. Explain the concept of guidance in relation to children’s rights.
  6. What does it mean for children to grow up in goodness?
  7. How can the community support children’s rights?
  8. What obligation do parents have towards their children?
  9. Describe how kindness affects a child’s development.
  10. How can children express their opinions about their rights?


The teacher will go around to assess students’ understanding, address any misconceptions, and reinforce the importance of children’s rights as taught in Islam.