Types and Times of Salat (Prayers), Definitions, Importance, and Categories of Prayers Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 3
Age: 12 years
Topic: As-Salat (Prayers) in Islam
Sub-topic: Types and Times of Salat (Prayers), Definitions, Importance, and Categories of Prayers
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define Salat and explain its importance in Islam.
  2. Identify the different types of Salat (prayers).
  3. Describe the times for obligatory and non-obligatory prayers.
  4. Differentiate between obligatory, non-obligatory, and special prayers.


  • Salat
  • Obligatory
  • Non-obligatory
  • Special prayers
  • Fard (obligatory)

Set Induction:

Begin the lesson by asking students how many times they pray each day and what they know about the significance of prayer in Islam. This will engage their thoughts and connect to their prior knowledge.

Entry Behaviour:

Students should have a basic understanding of the concept of prayer in Islam and may already practice daily prayers.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • The Quran
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts detailing the types and times of Salat
  • Audio-visual materials on the significance of prayer

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Connect this lesson to previous discussions about worship in Islam and the role of prayer in a Muslim’s life.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking (understanding the importance of prayers)
  • Communication (sharing experiences about prayer)
  • Research skills (finding information about types and times of Salat)

Learning Materials:

  • Copies of the Quran
  • Handouts listing types and times of Salat

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • “The Meaning of Prayer in Islam” by Ahmad Von Denffer

Instructional Materials:

  • Projector for presentations (if available)
  • Audio devices for related content

Content: Explanation of the Topic

  1. Definition of Salat:
    • Salat refers to the Islamic ritual prayer performed five times a day.
    • It is an act of worship that establishes a connection between the worshipper and Allah.
  2. Importance of Salat:
    • Obligation: Salat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, making it obligatory for every Muslim.
    • Spiritual Connection: It helps to maintain a close relationship with Allah and serves as a reminder of His greatness.
    • Discipline: Praying regularly instills discipline and organization in a Muslim’s daily life.
    • Community: Salat encourages unity and fellowship among Muslims, especially in congregational prayers.
  3. Types of Salat:
    • Obligatory Prayers (Fard): These are mandatory prayers that every Muslim must perform. They include:
      • Fajr: 2 rak’ahs before dawn.
      • Dhuhr: 4 rak’ahs after midday.
      • Asr: 4 rak’ahs in the afternoon.
      • Maghrib: 3 rak’ahs just after sunset.
      • Isha: 4 rak’ahs at night.
    • Non-Obligatory Prayers:
      • Sunnah: Recommended prayers that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regularly performed, such as:
        • Sunnah Mu’akkadah (emphasized Sunnah)
        • Sunnah Ghair Mu’akkadah (non-emphasized Sunnah)
      • Nafl: Voluntary prayers that can be performed at any time, such as Tahajjud or Duha.
    • Special Prayers:
      • Jumu’ah: The Friday congregational prayer, which replaces the Dhuhr prayer on Fridays.
      • Eid Prayers: Special prayers performed during Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
      • Tarawih: Additional prayers performed during the nights of Ramadan.
  4. Times of Salat:
    • Fajr: From dawn until just before sunrise.
    • Dhuhr: After the sun passes its zenith until mid-afternoon.
    • Asr: From mid-afternoon until just before sunset.
    • Maghrib: Immediately after sunset until twilight.
    • Isha: From twilight until midnight.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Salat is an act of _____ in Islam. (a) worship (b) friendship (c) business
  2. The five daily prayers are known as _____ . (a) Sunnah (b) Fard (c) Nafl
  3. The _____ prayer is performed at dawn. (a) Dhuhr (b) Fajr (c) Asr
  4. _____ prayers are those that are recommended but not obligatory. (a) Obligatory (b) Non-obligatory (c) Special
  5. The _____ prayer replaces Dhuhr on Fridays. (a) Maghrib (b) Isha (c) Jumu’ah
  6. The time for Isha prayer is from twilight until _____ . (a) midnight (b) noon (c) sunset
  7. Sunnah prayers are divided into Mu’akkadah and _____ . (a) obligatory (b) non-emphasized (c) special
  8. The prayer performed during Eid is known as _____ . (a) Tarawih (b) Fajr (c) Eid prayer
  9. Praying regularly helps to establish a connection with _____. (a) people (b) Allah (c) community
  10. Nafl prayers can be performed at any _____ . (a) time (b) day (c) season
  11. The Asr prayer consists of _____ rak’ahs. (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4
  12. The _____ prayer is performed just after sunset. (a) Fajr (b) Maghrib (c) Dhuhr
  13. The importance of Salat includes _____ and spiritual connection. (a) anger (b) organization (c) disobedience
  14. Muslims perform Salat to maintain discipline and _____ . (a) laziness (b) focus (c) chaos
  15. The recommended prayers that the Prophet regularly performed are called _____ . (a) Sunnah (b) Nafl (c) Fard

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is Salat?
    Salat is the Islamic ritual prayer performed five times a day as a form of worship.
  2. Why is Salat important?
    It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and helps maintain a connection with Allah.
  3. What are the types of Salat?
    Types include obligatory (Fard), non-obligatory (Sunnah and Nafl), and special prayers (like Jumu’ah and Eid).
  4. How many rak’ahs are in the Fajr prayer?
    Fajr prayer consists of 2 rak’ahs.
  5. What is the Jumu’ah prayer?
    Jumu’ah is the Friday congregational prayer that replaces the Dhuhr prayer.
  6. What are Sunnah prayers?
    Sunnah prayers are recommended prayers that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) regularly performed.
  7. What is the time for Asr prayer?
    Asr prayer is from mid-afternoon until just before sunset.
  8. Can you perform Nafl prayers at any time?
    Yes, Nafl prayers can be performed at any time except during specific forbidden times.
  9. What is Tarawih prayer?
    Tarawih is an additional prayer performed during the nights of Ramadan.
  10. What does Fard mean in relation to prayer?
    Fard refers to obligatory prayers that every Muslim must perform.
  11. How does Salat contribute to community?
    It fosters unity and fellowship among Muslims, especially during congregational prayers.
  12. What is the significance of the Eid prayer?
    Eid prayer is a special prayer performed to celebrate Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
  13. Why should Muslims pray regularly?
    Regular prayers help maintain spiritual discipline and connection with Allah.
  14. What happens if someone misses an obligatory prayer?
    Missing an obligatory prayer is discouraged, and one should make it up as soon as possible.
  15. Are there any specific times when prayers cannot be performed?
    Yes, there are certain times, such as during sunrise and sunset, when prayers should not be performed.

Presentation: Steps 1-3

  1. Step 1: Teacher revises the previous lesson on the Prophets of Allah.
  2. Step 2: Teacher introduces the concept of Salat and its importance in Islam.
  3. Step 3: Students discuss their experiences with prayer and the types they know.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the definitions and importance of Salat.
  • Discuss the types of Salat and their specific times.
  • Clarify the differences between obligatory, non-obligatory, and special prayers.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about their prayer routines.
  • Complete fill-in-the-blank and FAQ activities.
  • Engage in group activities to share knowledge about Salat.


  • Review students’ answers in fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Evaluate participation in discussions.
  • Check understanding through Q&A sessions.

Class Work

  1. Define Salat.
  2. List the five daily prayers and their rak’ahs.
  3. What is the significance of prayer in Islam?
  4. Name two types of non-obligatory prayers.
  5. Describe the timing of the Dhuhr prayer.
  6. What does the term Fard mean?
  7. Explain the difference between Sunnah and Nafl prayers.
  8. What is the purpose of special prayers like Jumu’ah?
  9. How does Salat contribute to personal discipline?
  10. Why is it important for Muslims to perform their prayers on time?


The teacher will go around to mark students’ work, ensuring they understand the significance of Salat in Islam and reinforcing the key concepts discussed in the lesson. This will help solidify their knowledge of the types and times of prayers, as well as the importance of Salat in their daily lives.