Understanding Hadith: Teachings from An-Nawawi’s Collection Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 9

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 9
Age: 12 years
Topic: Hadith
Sub-topic: Hadith One and Two of An-Nawawi’s Collection
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define what Hadith is and its significance in Islam.
  2. Explain the content of Hadith One and Hadith Two from An-Nawawi’s collection.
  3. Discuss the lessons derived from these Hadiths and their relevance to daily life.


  • Hadith
  • Sunnah
  • An-Nawawi
  • Narration
  • Islam

Set Induction:

Start the lesson by asking students what they know about Hadith and its importance in understanding Islamic teachings. Encourage them to think about how Hadith complements the Quran.

Entry Behaviour:

Students should have a basic understanding of the Quran and its teachings.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Copies of An-Nawawi’s collection of Hadith
  • Visual aids or handouts summarizing the Hadiths

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Connect this lesson to previous discussions on the importance of following the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and how Hadith serves as a guide for Muslims.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking (analyzing the messages in the Hadith)
  • Communication (discussing interpretations and applications)
  • Ethical reasoning (considering the moral implications of the teachings)

Learning Materials:

  • An-Nawawi’s collection of Hadith (translated versions)
  • Handouts summarizing key concepts

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • “Riyad as-Salihin” by Imam An-Nawawi

Instructional Materials:

  • Projector for presentations (if available)
  • Audio-visual materials related to Hadith studies

Content: Explanation of the Topic

  1. Definition of Hadith:
    • Hadith refers to the sayings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
    • It serves as a primary source of Islamic law and guidance alongside the Quran.
  2. Importance of Hadith:
    • Hadith provides context and elaboration on the teachings of the Quran.
    • It helps Muslims understand how to implement Islamic principles in daily life.
  3. Hadith One from An-Nawawi’s Collection:
    • Content: This Hadith emphasizes the intention behind actions, stating, “Actions are judged by intentions, and every person will have what they intended.”
    • Lessons:
      • The importance of sincerity in all deeds.
      • Understanding that the value of an action depends on the intention behind it.
  4. Hadith Two from An-Nawawi’s Collection:
    • Content: This Hadith advises Muslims to avoid anything that is doubtful and to remain in what is clear. The Prophet (S.A.W) said, “Leave that which makes you doubt for that which does not make you doubt.”
    • Lessons:
      • The significance of being cautious and thoughtful in decision-making.
      • Encouragement to seek clarity and avoid uncertainties in matters of faith and daily life.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Hadith refers to the _____ of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). (a) actions (b) sayings (c) both a and b
  2. An-Nawawi’s collection is known for its _____ of Hadith. (a) compilation (b) destruction (c) confusion
  3. “Actions are judged by _____.” (a) results (b) intentions (c) popularity
  4. The second Hadith emphasizes avoiding _____ matters. (a) clear (b) doubtful (c) easy
  5. Sincerity in action is important according to the first _____ . (a) Quran (b) Hadith (c) prayer
  6. Muslims are encouraged to seek _____ in their actions. (a) doubt (b) clarity (c) chaos
  7. Every person will have what they _____ . (a) deserve (b) want (c) intended
  8. The teachings of Hadith are as important as the _____ . (a) Sunnah (b) Quran (c) Fiqh
  9. Avoiding doubtful matters helps to maintain _____ . (a) confusion (b) peace of mind (c) distraction
  10. Hadith provides context and _____ to the Quran. (a) destruction (b) confusion (c) elaboration
  11. Intention is key to the _____ of actions. (a) judgment (b) chaos (c) popularity
  12. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is the source of all _____ . (a) confusion (b) guidance (c) errors
  13. Doubtful matters can lead to _____ . (a) clarity (b) uncertainty (c) truth
  14. A clear understanding of actions is important for _____ . (a) confusion (b) faith (c) entertainment
  15. The Hadith encourages Muslims to focus on what is _____ . (a) clear (b) vague (c) unknown

FAQs with Answers:

  1. What is Hadith?
    Hadith is a collection of sayings, actions, and approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
  2. Why is Hadith important in Islam?
    It provides guidance on how to implement the teachings of the Quran in daily life.
  3. What does the first Hadith from An-Nawawi’s collection teach?
    It emphasizes that the value of actions is determined by the intention behind them.
  4. What is the key message of the second Hadith?
    It advises Muslims to avoid doubtful matters and to seek clarity in decision-making.
  5. How can Hadith help Muslims in their daily lives?
    It provides practical guidance on ethical behavior and decision-making.
  6. Who compiled An-Nawawi’s collection of Hadith?
    Imam An-Nawawi, a prominent Islamic scholar, compiled this collection.
  7. What does sincerity in action mean?
    It means performing actions with the right intention and for the sake of pleasing Allah.
  8. What should Muslims do when faced with uncertainty?
    They should seek clarity and avoid engaging in doubtful matters.
  9. How does Hadith complement the Quran?
    Hadith provides context and elaborates on the teachings found in the Quran.
  10. Can Hadith influence a Muslim’s moral decisions?
    Yes, Hadith provides ethical guidance that influences a Muslim’s actions and decisions.

Presentation: Steps 1-3

  1. Step 1: Teacher revises the previous lesson on the importance of Hadith.
  2. Step 2: Teacher introduces the topic of Hadith from An-Nawawi’s collection and discusses the significance of each Hadith.
  3. Step 3: Students share their interpretations of the lessons learned from each Hadith.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Introduce and explain the concept of Hadith.
  • Discuss the content and implications of the two Hadiths from An-Nawawi’s collection.
  • Encourage students to reflect on how these teachings can apply to their lives.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions about the significance of Hadith.
  • Complete fill-in-the-blank and FAQ activities.
  • Share personal reflections on how the Hadiths influence their daily actions.


  • Review students’ answers in fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Evaluate participation in discussions.
  • Conduct a Q&A session to check understanding.

Ten Evaluation Questions Related to the Topic:

  1. What is the definition of Hadith?
  2. Why is Hadith considered a primary source of guidance in Islam?
  3. What is the key message of the first Hadith from An-Nawawi’s collection?
  4. How should intentions affect a Muslim’s actions?
  5. What advice does the second Hadith give regarding doubtful matters?
  6. How can Muslims ensure sincerity in their actions?
  7. In what ways does Hadith support the teachings of the Quran?
  8. Who was Imam An-Nawawi, and why is he significant?
  9. What practical lessons can be learned from these Hadiths?
  10. How can Hadith influence a Muslim’s ethical decisions?


The teacher will go around to assess students’ understanding, address any misconceptions, and reinforce the significance of Hadith in guiding Muslim conduct and beliefs.