First Term Examination: Islamic Religious Studies (IRS) Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 13

First Term Examination: Islamic Religious Studies (IRS)

Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 13
Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes

Instructions for Teachers:

  1. Ensure the students are seated according to the seating arrangement.
  2. Distribute the exam papers after reading the instructions.
  3. Monitor the class to prevent any form of exam malpractice.
  4. No student should be allowed to talk or share answers.
  5. Collect the papers once the time is up, ensuring no papers are missing.

Instructions for Students:

  1. Write your name and class clearly at the top of your paper.
  2. Read each question carefully before answering.
  3. Do not talk, copy, or share answers during the exam.
  4. Choose the correct answers for multiple-choice questions.
  5. Write your answers clearly for the theory and fill-in-the-gaps sections.
  6. Any student caught cheating will have their paper canceled.

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Multiple-Choice Questions)

  1. The Prophet Muhammad was born in _____. a) Makkah
    b) Madinah
    c) Ta’if
    d) Abyssinia
  2. Jinn are created from _____. a) Water
    b) Smokeless fire
    c) Clay
    d) Light
  3. Angel Jibril delivered the Quran to the Prophet in the cave of _____. a) Hira
    b) Uhud
    c) Ta’if
    d) Makkah
  4. The migration of Muslims to Abyssinia was to escape _____. a) Persecution
    b) Hunger
    c) War
    d) Poverty
  5. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) visited Ta’if to _____. a) Trade
    b) Preach Islam
    c) Seek refuge
    d) Build a mosque
  6. Suratul Jinn is chapter _____ of the Quran.
    a) 70
    b) 72
    c) 75
    d) 68
  7. The first migration of Muslims happened in the year _____. a) 610 CE
    b) 615 CE
    c) 622 CE
    d) 632 CE
  8. Angel Jibril is responsible for _____. a) Life
    b) Rain
    c) Delivering messages
    d) Protection
  9. The Muslims were welcomed in Abyssinia by King _____. a) Pharaoh
    b) Solomon
    c) Negus
    d) Caesar
  10. Hijra means _____. a) Journey
    b) Peace
    c) Migration
    d) Prayers
  11. Jinn can believe in _____. a) Allah
    b) Idols
    c) Both a and b
    d) Neither
  12. The people of Ta’if _____ the Prophet Muhammad. a) Welcomed
    b) Rejected
    c) Helped
    d) Worshipped
  13. Angel _____ will blow the trumpet to announce the Day of Judgement. a) Israfil
    b) Jibril
    c) Mikail
    d) Azrael
  14. The first revelation came to the Prophet in the month of _____. a) Ramadan
    b) Safar
    c) Rajab
    d) Shawwal
  15. Suratul Jinn teaches us about _____. a) Humans
    b) Angels
    c) Jinn
    d) Prophets

Part B: Theory Questions (30 Short-Answer Questions)

  1. Who was the last prophet in Islam?
  2. What was the first verse revealed to the Prophet Muhammad?
  3. In which cave did the Prophet receive his first revelation?
  4. Who created the jinn according to Islam?
  5. What is the meaning of Hijra in Islam?
  6. Who was the angel that brought the Quran to Prophet Muhammad?
  7. Why did the Muslims migrate to Abyssinia?
  8. What chapter of the Quran talks about jinn?
  9. Who was the Christian king that helped the Muslims in Abyssinia?
  10. How many years did the Prophet preach in Makkah?
  11. What was the Prophet’s mission in Ta’if?
  12. Which angel is responsible for delivering messages to prophets?
  13. In what year did the first migration to Abyssinia happen?
  14. What are jinn created from?
  15. What does Suratul Jinn teach Muslims about?
  16. What was the reaction of the people of Ta’if to the Prophet’s message?
  17. What is the role of Angel Israfil?
  18. Who are the people mentioned in Suratul Jinn?
  19. What did the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) do after being rejected in Ta’if?
  20. How many years did the Prophet stay in Madinah?
  21. Who was Negus?
  22. What is the Quran?
  23. What does the word “Hijra” mean?
  24. Name one major event that happened during the Prophet’s time in Makkah.
  25. What are angels created from according to Islam?
  26. Name one place the Prophet preached in before Hijra.
  27. Which chapter in the Quran talks about the first migration?
  28. What is the main message of the Quran?
  29. What does the term “Tawheed” mean?
  30. Who leads the prayer in the mosque?

Part C: True or False Questions (30 True/False Questions)

  1. Jinn are created from water.
  2. The Prophet Muhammad was born in Makkah.
  3. Angel Jibril brought the Quran to Prophet Muhammad.
  4. Hijra means peace in Islam.
  5. The Muslims migrated to Abyssinia to escape persecution.
  6. Suratul Jinn is the 70th chapter of the Quran.
  7. Negus was the king of Egypt.
  8. Jibril delivered messages from Allah to prophets.
  9. The first migration to Abyssinia happened in 622 CE.
  10. The Prophet preached in Makkah for 13 years.
  11. The angel Israfil will blow the trumpet to announce the Day of Judgement.
  12. The jinn were created after humans.
  13. The people of Ta’if welcomed the Prophet Muhammad.
  14. Angels are created from light.
  15. Jinn can believe in Allah or false gods.

Part D: Fill-in-the-Gaps Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions Without Options)

  1. The Prophet Muhammad was born in _____.
  2. The angel responsible for delivering revelations is _____.
  3. The jinn are created from _____.
  4. The first migration of Muslims was to _____.
  5. Suratul Jinn talks about _____.
  6. The Christian king who protected the Muslims was _____.
  7. The Muslims migrated to Abyssinia in the year _____.
  8. The Prophet spent _____ years preaching in Makkah.
  9. The Prophet visited Ta’if to _____.
  10. Angel _____ is responsible for blowing the trumpet.
  11. Hijra means _____ in Islam.
  12. Jinn can believe in _____ or false gods.
  13. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) preached in Makkah for _____ years.
  14. Suratul Jinn is chapter _____ of the Quran.
  15. The first revelation came in the month of _____.
  16. Angel Jibril brought the Quran to the Prophet in the cave of _____.
  17. The Prophet Muhammad was born in the year _____.
  18. The Prophet’s mission in Ta’if was to _____.
  19. The Muslims sought protection from King _____.
  20. The Prophet migrated to _____ after being rejected in Makkah.
  21. The Prophet received the first revelation in the cave of _____.
  22. The jinn were created before _____.
  23. The Quran was revealed over a period of _____ years.
  24. Angels are created from _____.
  25. Jinn are mentioned in Suratul _____.
  26. The Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) visited Ta’if to _____.
  27. The first migration happened in the year _____.
  28. The people of Ta’if _____ the Prophet.
  29. The Quran is the holy book of _____.
  30. Suratul Jinn is the _____ chapter of the Quran.

Good luck with your exams!