Definition and Nature of Angels, Their Roles and Duties Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 2
Term: First Term
Week: 4
Age: 12 years
Topic: The Angels
Sub-topic: Definition and Nature of Angels, Their Roles and Duties
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define angels in the context of Islamic belief.
  2. Describe the nature of angels as per Islamic teachings.
  3. Identify the roles and duties of angels in the universe.
  4. Understand the significance of angels in a Muslim’s life.


  • Angels
  • Divine beings
  • Duties
  • Nature
  • Worship

Set Induction:

Begin the lesson by asking students what they know about angels in various cultures and religions. This will pique their interest and relate to their prior knowledge.

Entry Behaviour:

Students should have a basic understanding of spiritual beings and their roles in religious contexts.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • The Quran
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Handouts on the nature and roles of angels
  • Audio-visual materials explaining angelic duties

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Connect this lesson to previous discussions about faith in unseen beings, such as angels, and their importance in Islam.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking (analyzing the roles of angels)
  • Communication (discussing beliefs about angels)
  • Research skills (finding information about specific angels)

Learning Materials:

  • Copies of the Quran
  • Handouts detailing the nature and duties of angels

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • “Islamic Beliefs and Practices” by M. A. Maududi

Instructional Materials:

  • Projector for presentations (if available)
  • Audio devices for related content

Content: Explanation of the Topic

  1. Definition of Angels:
    • Angels (Malaika in Arabic) are created beings made from light, as per Islamic belief. They are unseen and have no physical form like humans.
    • They are obedient servants of Allah, created to perform specific duties without free will.
  2. Nature of Angels:
    • Creation: Angels are created by Allah from light, as indicated in various Hadiths.
    • Invisibility: They cannot be seen by human eyes, although some prophets were granted the ability to see them.
    • Obedience: Angels do not disobey Allah and fulfill their duties perfectly.
    • No physical needs: Unlike humans, angels do not eat, drink, or sleep.
  3. Roles and Duties of Angels:
    • Worship: Angels continuously worship Allah and glorify Him.
    • Messengers: Some angels, like Jibril (Gabriel), convey messages from Allah to the prophets.
    • Recording deeds: Angels known as Kiraman Katibin record the deeds of humans, both good and bad.
    • Guardians: Angels act as protectors for believers, providing support and safeguarding them.
    • Taking souls: The Angel of Death (Malak al-Mawt) is responsible for taking the souls of humans at the time of death.
    • Asking forgiveness: Angels seek forgiveness for believers and pray for their well-being.
  4. Significance of Angels in Islam:
    • Belief in angels is one of the six articles of faith in Islam.
    • They serve as intermediaries between Allah and humans, providing guidance and protection.
    • Understanding the roles of angels enhances a Muslim’s faith and awareness of the unseen aspects of their belief.

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions:

  1. Angels are created beings made from _____. (a) water (b) light (c) earth
  2. The Arabic word for angels is _____. (a) Malaika (b) Jinn (c) Prophets
  3. Angels do not have _____ . (a) free will (b) bodies (c) wings
  4. The Angel of Death is known as _____ . (a) Jibril (b) Mikail (c) Malak al-Mawt
  5. Angels record the deeds of humans, both good and _____. (a) bad (b) ugly (c) joyful
  6. One of the duties of angels is to seek forgiveness for _____. (a) themselves (b) non-believers (c) believers
  7. Angels are responsible for conveying messages from Allah to the _____. (a) humans (b) animals (c) jinn
  8. Belief in angels is one of the _____ of faith in Islam. (a) five pillars (b) six articles (c) ten commandments
  9. Angels worship Allah continuously and do not _____ . (a) sleep (b) eat (c) laugh
  10. Jibril is known as the angel of _____. (a) mercy (b) death (c) revelation
  11. Angels do not disobey _____ . (a) humans (b) prophets (c) Allah
  12. The angel responsible for providing sustenance is called _____. (a) Mikail (b) Jibril (c) Izrail
  13. Angels are considered _____ beings in Islam. (a) created (b) mythical (c) unimportant
  14. One role of angels is to act as _____ for believers. (a) judges (b) guardians (c) friends
  15. Angels have _____ needs like humans. (a) similar (b) no (c) many

FAQs with Answers:

  1. What are angels in Islam?
    Angels are created beings made from light that serve Allah without free will.
  2. How are angels created?
    Angels are created by Allah from light, as mentioned in Islamic teachings.
  3. Can humans see angels?
    Generally, angels are invisible to humans, though some prophets were allowed to see them.
  4. What is the role of the Angel of Death?
    The Angel of Death, Malak al-Mawt, is responsible for taking the souls of humans.
  5. What does Jibril do?
    Jibril is the angel who conveys messages from Allah to the prophets.
  6. Do angels have physical bodies?
    No, angels do not have physical bodies and do not require food or sleep.
  7. What is the significance of angels in Islam?
    Belief in angels is fundamental in Islam, serving as intermediaries between Allah and humans.
  8. How do angels record deeds?
    Angels known as Kiraman Katibin record the deeds of individuals, both good and bad.
  9. What is the purpose of angelic worship?
    Angels worship Allah continuously, serving as a reminder of Allah’s greatness.
  10. How do angels protect believers?
    Angels act as guardians, providing spiritual support and protection to believers.
  11. What are the six articles of faith?
    They include belief in Allah, angels, books, prophets, the Day of Judgment, and divine predestination.
  12. Do angels experience emotions like humans?
    Angels do not have emotions like humans; they act solely in obedience to Allah.
  13. Can angels intervene in human affairs?
    Angels provide guidance and support to believers but do not interfere with free will.
  14. What types of angels are mentioned in Islamic teachings?
    Notable angels include Jibril, Mikail, Israfil, and the Angel of Death.
  15. How can understanding angels help Muslims?
    Understanding the role of angels strengthens a Muslim’s faith and awareness of the unseen.

Presentation: Steps 1-3

  1. Step 1: Teacher revises the previous lesson on the Prophets.
  2. Step 2: Teacher introduces the concept of angels and their significance in Islam.
  3. Step 3: Students share what they know or believe about angels.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the definitions, nature, and roles of angels.
  • Discuss the significance of belief in angels in Islam.
  • Clarify the functions angels perform according to Islamic teachings.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Engage in discussions about angels and share their views.
  • Complete fill-in-the-blank and FAQ activities.
  • Participate in group activities to research specific angels.


  • Review students’ answers in fill-in-the-blank questions.
  • Evaluate participation in discussions.
  • Check understanding through Q&A sessions.

Ten Evaluation Questions Related to the Topic:

  1. Define angels in Islam.
  2. What are the key characteristics of angels?
  3. Name two roles of angels.
  4. Who is the Angel of Death?
  5. How do angels worship Allah?
  6. Explain the significance of Jibril in Islam.
  7. What does it mean that angels have no free will?
  8. How do angels record human deeds?
  9. Why is belief in angels important for Muslims?
  10. Describe how angels serve as guardians for believers.


The teacher will go around to mark students’ work, ensuring they understand the significance of angels in Islam and reinforcing the key concepts discussed in the lesson. This will help solidify their knowledge of angels’ definitions, nature, and roles within the Islamic faith.