Articles of Faith and Kalimatush-Shahādah Islamic Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Islamic Religious Studies JSS 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 8

Subject: Islamic Religious Studies
Class: JSS 1
Term: First Term
Week: 8
Age: 11 – 12 years
Topic: Iman (Faith) as the First Pillar of Islam
Sub-topic: Articles of Faith and Kalimatush-Shahādah
Duration: 40 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Discuss the meaning of Iman (faith).
  2. Relate the significance of Iman to the other pillars of Islam.
  3. Justify the six articles of Iman according to Hadith 2 of An-Nawawi.
  4. Highlight the conditions of Kalimatush-Shahādah in relation to Iman.


  • Iman
  • Faith
  • Articles of Faith
  • Kalimatush-Shahādah
  • Belief

Set Induction:

The teacher will begin by asking students to define the word “faith” and lead a discussion on the importance of belief in daily life.

Entry Behaviour:

Students have been introduced to the five pillars of Islam and are aware of the basic concept of faith (Iman).

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Qur’an
  • Hadith collections (An-Nawawi’s 40 Hadiths)
  • Charts showing the six articles of Iman

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Students have prior knowledge of the five pillars of Islam and understand that faith (Iman) is essential for practicing Islam.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Discussion
  • Problem-solving

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Islamic Religious Studies Textbook for JSS 1
  • An-Nawawi’s 40 Hadiths

Instructional Materials:

  • Qur’an
  • Chart showing the six articles of faith
  • Poster of the five pillars of Islam


  1. Meaning of Iman: Iman means “faith” or “belief” in Islam. It represents the complete trust in and commitment to Allah. Faith is the first and most important pillar of Islam, as it forms the foundation for all other acts of worship. Without Iman, the other pillars of Islam lose their significance.
  2. Significance of Iman in Relation to Other Pillars: The five pillars of Islam—Shahādah (faith), Salat (prayer), Zakat (charity), Saum (fasting), and Hajj (pilgrimage)—are all based on faith in Allah. Iman is the inner belief that motivates a Muslim to observe the practices of Islam with sincerity and devotion. Without Iman, the outward practices of Islam become mere rituals.
  3. The Six Articles of Iman: The six articles of Iman are essential beliefs that every Muslim must hold. These articles are mentioned in Hadith 2 of An-Nawawi, which says that Iman includes belief in:
    • Allah (The one and only God).
    • Angels (Messengers and servants of Allah).
    • Books (Revealed scriptures, including the Qur’an).
    • Prophets (Messengers sent by Allah to guide humanity).
    • Day of Judgment (The day when all will be judged by Allah).
    • Qadar (Divine preordainment or predestination).
  4. Conditions of Kalimatush-Shahādah: Kalimatush-Shahādah is the declaration of faith, which is: “Ashhadu alla ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah” (I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger). This declaration has specific conditions that must be met:
    • Knowledge: One must have knowledge of what they are declaring.
    • Certainty: There should be no doubt in the heart about the truth of the declaration.
    • Sincerity: The declaration must be made sincerely for the sake of Allah.
    • Truthfulness: The person must believe in their heart what they are saying.
    • Love: The person must love Allah and His messenger.
    • Submission: One must submit to the will of Allah in all aspects of life.
    • Acceptance: The person must accept the declaration with full conviction.

Evaluation: (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

  1. Iman means __________ in Islam.
    a) fasting
    b) faith
    c) charity
    d) prayer
  2. The first pillar of Islam is __________.
    a) Salat
    b) Hajj
    c) Zakat
    d) Iman
  3. The six articles of faith include belief in __________.
    a) sports
    b) cars
    c) Allah
    d) books
  4. The declaration of faith is called __________.
    a) Shahādah
    b) Zakat
    c) Hajj
    d) Fasting
  5. The belief in Allah’s divine preordainment is called __________.
    a) Salat
    b) Qadar
    c) Zakat
    d) Prophets

Class Activity Discussion: (FAQs with Answers)

  1. What is Iman?
    Iman means faith or belief in Allah and all that He has commanded Muslims to believe in.
  2. How many articles of faith are there in Islam?
    There are six articles of faith in Islam.
  3. Why is Iman the first pillar of Islam?
    Iman is the foundation of Islam, and without faith, the other pillars of Islam have no meaning.
  4. What are the six articles of Iman?
    Belief in Allah, His angels, His books, His prophets, the Day of Judgment, and divine preordainment (Qadar).
  5. What is Kalimatush-Shahādah?
    Kalimatush-Shahādah is the declaration of faith in Islam, which states that there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is His messenger.
  6. Why is faith important in Islam?
    Faith is important because it drives a Muslim’s actions and commitment to Allah and the practice of Islam.
  7. What does Qadar mean?
    Qadar means divine preordainment or predestination, the belief that everything happens according to Allah’s will.
  8. How does Iman relate to other pillars of Islam?
    Iman is the foundation that supports the other pillars, such as prayer, fasting, and charity.
  9. What does it mean to believe in the Day of Judgment?
    It means that Muslims believe that they will be judged by Allah for their actions on the Day of Judgment.
  10. What are the conditions of Kalimatush-Shahādah?
    The conditions include knowledge, certainty, sincerity, truthfulness, love, submission, and acceptance.


Step 1:
The teacher revises the previous lesson on the five pillars of Islam.

Step 2:
The teacher explains the meaning of Iman and its role as the first pillar of Islam. The teacher also explains the six articles of faith and how they are supported by Hadith 2 of An-Nawawi.

Step 3:
The teacher highlights the conditions of Kalimatush-Shahādah and explains how these relate to the faith of a Muslim. The teacher invites students to participate by asking questions and giving examples.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explains the meaning and importance of Iman.
  • Discusses the six articles of faith and their significance in Islam.
  • Guides students through the conditions of Kalimatush-Shahādah.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in discussions on the meaning of Iman.
  • Answer questions about the six articles of faith.
  • Practice reciting Kalimatush-Shahādah.

Assessment: (Evaluation Questions)

  1. What does Iman mean in Islam?
  2. List the six articles of faith.
  3. Why is Iman important in Islam?
  4. What is the meaning of Qadar?
  5. What is Kalimatush-Shahādah?
  6. Mention the conditions of Kalimatush-Shahādah.
  7. How does Iman relate to the other pillars of Islam?
  8. What is the significance of believing in the Day of Judgment?
  9. Who are the prophets in the six articles of faith?
  10. What is the importance of sincerity in Kalimatush-Shahādah?


The teacher will ensure that students understand the meaning of Iman and its importance as the first pillar of Islam. Students will also be encouraged to memorize the six articles of faith and recite Kalimatush-Shahādah with the correct understanding of its conditions.

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