Personal Hygiene The use of The Toilet Health Habits Nursery 1 Second Term

Personal Hygiene The use of The Toilet

Printable Toilet Rules for Good Bathroom Hygiene – Cushelle

Arguably the most important of our bathroom rules for personal hygiene: always remember to wash your hands. Soap, warm water, and a thorough hand washing …

Lesson Notes: Personal Hygiene – The Use of the Toilet

Subject: Health Habits
Class: Nursery 1
Term: Second Term
Week: 7
Topic: Personal Hygiene – The Use of the Toilet

Behavioral Objectives

By the end of this lesson, pupils should be able to:

  1. Explain what a toilet is.
  2. Identify different types of toilets.
  3. State the uses of a toilet.
  4. Describe how to maintain hygiene when using the toilet.


  • Toilet: A place to ease oneself.
  • Defecate: To pass out waste from the body.
  • Hygiene: Keeping clean.
  • Water Closet: A modern toilet system with water for flushing.

Set Induction

The teacher asks:

  • “What do we do when we feel like weee weee or puuu puuu?”
  • “Why is it important to use the toilet properly?”
    The teacher uses a clean toilet model or a picture to explain.

Entry Behavior

Pupils know how to inform an adult when they need to use the toilet and some basic hygiene practices like washing hands.

Learning Resources and Materials

  • Pictures of different types of toilets.
  • A clean toilet model (if available).
  • Handwashing materials like soap and water.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge

The teacher reminds pupils of the importance of staying clean and asks:

  • “What do we do after using the toilet?”

Embedded Core Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Hygiene practices


What is a Toilet?

  • A toilet is a place where we ease ourselves.
  • We use the toilet when we need to weee weee (urinate) or puuu puuu (defecate).
  • Toilets can be found in homes, schools, and public places.

Types of Toilets

  1. Water Closet System: A modern toilet that flushes with water.
  2. Potty: A small plastic toilet for children.
  3. Pit Toilet: A simple toilet that uses a hole in the ground.
  4. Latrine: A shared or public toilet system.
  5. Bucket Toilet: Used in the olden days to collect waste in buckets.

Uses of Toilets

  1. To ease ourselves (weee weee or puuu puuu).
  2. To defecate.
  3. To fart.
  4. To clean up when we mess up.

Hygiene Tips When Using the Toilet

  1. Always clean yourself after using the toilet.
  2. Flush the toilet or cover it properly.
  3. Wash your hands with soap and water after using the toilet.
  4. Keep the toilet clean to prevent germs and bad smells.

Questions for Pupils

Fill in the Blanks

  1. A toilet is a place we go to _______.
    a) play
    b) eat
    c) ease ourselves
    d) sleep
    Answer: c) ease ourselves
  2. We should _______ the toilet after using it.
    a) play in
    b) leave dirty
    c) flush or clean
    d) paint
    Answer: c) flush or clean
  3. Washing our _______ after using the toilet keeps us healthy.
    a) hair
    b) clothes
    c) hands
    d) legs
    Answer: c) hands
  4. A _______ toilet is a hole in the ground.
    a) water closet
    b) potty
    c) pit
    d) bucket
    Answer: c) pit
  5. A modern toilet that flushes with water is called a _______.
    a) potty
    b) water closet
    c) latrine
    d) bucket toilet
    Answer: b) water closet

True or False Questions

  1. We go to the toilet to play games.
    Answer: False
  2. It is good to keep the toilet clean.
    Answer: True
  3. We should wash our hands after using the toilet.
    Answer: True
  4. A bucket toilet is used in modern homes.
    Answer: False
  5. A potty is for children to use as a toilet.
    Answer: True

Practical Questions

  1. Show how to wash your hands properly after using the toilet.
  2. Point to a picture of a water closet.
  3. Say why we should flush or clean the toilet after using it.

Presentation Steps

Step 1:

  • Revise the previous topic (Consequences of Neglecting Body Care).

Step 2:

  • Introduce the topic “Personal Hygiene – The Use of the Toilet.”
  • Use pictures to explain different types of toilets.

Step 3:

  • Discuss how to use the toilet properly and maintain hygiene.

Teacher’s Activities

  • Show and explain the uses of different types of toilets.
  • Teach pupils how to keep themselves and the toilet clean.
  • Lead a handwashing demonstration.

Learner’s Activities

  • Listen to the teacher and identify types of toilets in pictures.
  • Participate in a handwashing exercise.
  • Share why keeping the toilet clean is important.


  1. What is a toilet?
  2. Name three types of toilets.
  3. Why should we wash our hands after using the toilet?
  4. What should we do to the toilet after using it?
  5. Name one type of toilet used in olden days.

Evaluation Questions

  1. What do we use a toilet for?
  2. What is a pit toilet?
  3. How do we clean up after using the toilet?
  4. Why should we keep our toilets clean?
  5. What happens if we don’t wash our hands after using the toilet?


The teacher reviews the importance of using the toilet properly and maintaining hygiene. Pupils are encouraged to always inform an adult when they need to use the toilet.

Captivating Title: How to Stay Clean When Using the Toilet
Focus Keyphrase: Personal Hygiene for Using the Toilet
SEO Title: Nursery 1 Health Habits: The Use of the Toilet | Week 7
Slug: toilet-hygiene-nursery-1-health-habits
Meta Description: A Nursery 1 lesson on the importance of using the toilet, types of toilets, and hygiene tips for staying clean and healthy.

The class teacher wraps up or conclude the lesson by giving out short note to summarize the topic that he or she has just taught.

The class teacher also goes round to make sure that the notes are well copied or well written by the pupils.

He or she does the necessary corrections when and where  the needs arise.



Mention four things that we can do in the toilet .

  1. ____________________________________
  2. ____________________________________
  3. ____________________________________
  4. ____________________________________



Mention four types of toilet


  1. ____________________________________
  2. ____________________________________
  3. ____________________________________
  4. ____________________________________



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