First Term Examination Composition English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Creative Writing Composition English Grammar Primary 5 First Term Lesson Notes

Week 12 Examination of Topics Covered in the First Term

Instructions for Teachers and Students:

  • Teachers:
    1. Ensure that all students understand the instructions before starting the exam.
    2. Monitor students closely to prevent any form of cheating or exam malpractice.
    3. Collect and review all exam papers thoroughly to ensure fairness and accuracy.
    4. Provide a quiet and comfortable environment for students to complete their exams.
  • Students:
    1. Read all instructions carefully before beginning the exam.
    2. Write clearly and legibly.
    3. Do not talk or communicate with other students during the exam.
    4. Use only the allotted time and do not attempt to cheat.
    5. If you do not understand a question, ask the teacher for clarification.

Part A: Objective Questions

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions
Choose the correct option (a, b, c, or d) to complete each sentence.

  1. An informal letter usually includes a _______ greeting.
    a) Formal
    b) Casual
    c) Technical
    d) Business
  2. The main purpose of a formal letter is to _______ information clearly.
    a) Share
    b) Describe
    c) Persuade
    d) Entertain
  3. In a descriptive essay, you should _______ the object in detail.
    a) Ignore
    b) Describe
    c) Analyze
    d) Compare
  4. An invitation letter usually ends with _______.
    a) A casual goodbye
    b) A polite closing
    c) A question
    d) A personal anecdote
  5. The main feature of a formal letter is _______.
    a) Personal anecdotes
    b) Detailed RSVP
    c) Structured format
    d) Friendly tone
  6. A descriptive essay about a bicycle should include details about its _______.
    a) Colour
    b) Brand
    c) Parts
    d) Size
  7. The key feature of an informal letter is its _______.
    a) Polite language
    b) Formal tone
    c) Casual tone
    d) Structured format
  8. A reply to an invitation letter should always include _______.
    a) A detailed event description
    b) Polite acknowledgment
    c) Informal closing
    d) Personal stories
  9. In a debate, you should _______ clearly to support your position.
    a) Whisper
    b) Speak loudly
    c) Speak clearly
    d) Avoid speaking
  10. To write a formal letter of invitation, you should include the _______ of the event.
    a) Date
    b) Color
    c) Texture
    d) Sound
  11. The primary purpose of a descriptive essay is to _______ the object.
    a) Compare
    b) Describe
    c) Summarize
    d) Argue
  12. A letter to a friend about holiday plans is an example of a _______ letter.
    a) Formal
    b) Informal
    c) Business
    d) Technical
  13. In a formal letter, the greeting should be _______.
    a) Dear [Name]
    b) Hi [Name]
    c) Hey [Name]
    d) Hello [Name]
  14. In a debate, the procedure includes _______ presenting arguments.
    a) Quickly
    b) Carefully
    c) Lazily
    d) Briefly
  15. A formal reply should end with a _______.
    a) Polite closing
    b) Friendly joke
    c) Casual note
    d) Personal message
  16. The format of an informal letter is usually _______.
    a) Structured
    b) Casual
    c) Detailed
    d) Formal
  17. An essay about “My Favorite Friend” is an example of a _______ essay.
    a) Descriptive
    b) Narrative
    c) Persuasive
    d) Expository
  18. The opening line of a formal letter is often a _______.
    a) Friendly question
    b) Polite greeting
    c) Personal anecdote
    d) Casual remark
  19. To reply to an informal invitation, you should use _______.
    a) Formal language
    b) Casual language
    c) Technical terms
    d) Business language
  20. A descriptive essay should include details about the _______ of the object.
    a) Purpose
    b) Features
    c) History
    d) Use
  21. The greeting in a formal letter should be _______.
    a) Friendly
    b) Casual
    c) Professional
    d) Personal
  22. When writing a letter to a friend, you should use a _______ closing.
    a) Polite
    b) Formal
    c) Casual
    d) Business
  23. A formal invitation letter often includes a request for _______.
    a) RSVP
    b) Personal stories
    c) Informal tone
    d) Casual address
  24. The main goal of a debate is to _______ one’s viewpoint.
    a) Argue
    b) Hide
    c) Ignore
    d) Confuse
  25. To write a descriptive essay about an automobile, you need to describe its _______.
    a) Features
    b) Color
    c) Brand
    d) Price
  26. The reply to a formal invitation should be written in _______ language.
    a) Casual
    b) Informal
    c) Formal
    d) Technical
  27. The conclusion of an informal letter is usually _______.
    a) Formal
    b) Friendly
    c) Professional
    d) Structured
  28. A descriptive essay should help the reader _______ the object.
    a) Understand
    b) Ignore
    c) Forget
    d) Confuse
  29. A debate involves presenting arguments in a _______ manner.
    a) Clear
    b) Vague
    c) Confusing
    d) Disorganized
  30. The format of a formal letter is usually _______.
    a) Structured and detailed
    b) Casual and simple
    c) Friendly and informal
    d) Disorganized and relaxed

Part B: Theory Questions

  1. What are the main features of a formal letter?
  2. How does an informal letter differ from a formal letter?
  3. Describe the purpose of a descriptive essay.
  4. What should be included in a formal reply to an invitation?
  5. How can you distinguish between a formal and an informal invitation letter?
  6. What is the main goal of writing a descriptive essay about an object?
  7. How should you conclude a letter to a friend?
  8. Explain the format of a formal letter.
  9. What are the key components of an informal invitation?
  10. Describe the process of writing a reply to a formal invitation.
  11. What is the role of an RSVP in an invitation letter?
  12. How should you write the greeting in a formal letter?
  13. What details should be included in a descriptive essay about a bicycle?
  14. Explain the difference between the tone of formal and informal letters.
  15. What should you include in a reply to an informal invitation?
  16. How does a debate differ from a regular discussion?
  17. What is the purpose of using descriptive language in a composition?
  18. How should you address the recipient in a formal letter?
  19. Describe the style used in an informal letter.
  20. What elements are necessary for writing a formal invitation?
  21. How should you respond if you cannot attend an event mentioned in an invitation letter?
  22. What are the common features of an informal letter?
  23. Explain the structure of a descriptive essay.
  24. How do you distinguish between a formal and informal reply?
  25. What should you include in a letter of invitation?
  26. How can you effectively present your argument in a debate?
  27. Describe how to write an effective descriptive essay about an automobile.
  28. What is the difference between a reply to a formal invitation and an informal one?
  29. How should you format a letter to a friend?
  30. What are the essential components of a formal letter of invitation?

Part C: True or False Questions

  1. A formal letter typically ends with a casual closing. (True/False)
  2. An informal letter is usually more structured than a formal letter. (True/False)
  3. The main goal of a descriptive essay is to describe an object in detail. (True/False)
  4. A formal invitation letter should include RSVP details. (True/False)
  5. In a debate, you should speak clearly to present your arguments. (True/False)
  6. An informal letter uses a formal tone. (True/False)
  7. A descriptive essay should include personal anecdotes. (True/False)
  8. The format of a formal letter is casual and relaxed. (True/False)
  9. In an informal reply, you should use casual language. (True/False)
  10. A reply to a formal invitation should include polite acknowledgment. (True/False)
  11. An informal invitation includes a detailed RSVP request. (True/False)
  12. The greeting in a formal letter is usually “Dear [Name].” (True/False)
  13. A descriptive essay about an automobile should describe its color and features. (True/False)
  14. An informal letter is often written with a casual tone and friendly language. (True/False)
  15. A debate involves arguing in a disorganized manner. (True/False)
  16. The conclusion of a formal letter should be casual. (True/False)
  17. Descriptive language helps readers understand the object better. (True/False)
  18. A reply to an informal invitation should be written formally. (True/False)
  19. The tone of an informal letter is usually formal. (True/False)
  20. A formal letter of invitation should not include RSVP details. (True/False)
  21. In a descriptive essay, you should include details about the object’s use. (True/False)
  22. An informal letter to a friend is usually written in a formal tone. (True/False)
  23. The format of a formal letter is structured and organized. (True/False)
  24. A descriptive essay should not include personal opinions. (True/False)
  25. A formal invitation letter should be written with a polite closing. (True/False)
  26. The main purpose of a debate is to confuse the audience. (True/False)
  27. An informal letter is usually structured with clear formatting. (True/False)
  28. A descriptive essay about a bicycle should include its features and size. (True/False)
  29. In a debate, you should present your arguments clearly and concisely. (True/False)
  30. A formal letter should end with a friendly closing. (True/False)

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