Archimedean Spiral, Hyperbola, Link Mechanisms Technical Drawing SS 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 1 and 2

Lesson Plan: Technical Drawing

Subject: Technical Drawing

Class: SS2

Term: First Term

Week: 1 and 2

Age: 16-17 years

Topic: Special Curves (Loci)

Sub-topic: Archimedean Spiral, Hyperbola, Link Mechanisms

Duration: 80 minutes

Behavioural Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

  1. Define various loci, e.g., Archimedean spiral, hyperbola.
  2. Construct various loci.
  3. State the practical applications of each loci.
  4. Plot the loci of points on different link mechanisms.


Loci, Archimedean Spiral, Hyperbola, Link Mechanisms

Set Induction:

Begin with a discussion on common curves seen in daily life, such as spirals in snail shells and curves in bridges.

Entry Behaviour:

Students have basic knowledge of geometric shapes and drawing tools.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Drawing instruments (compass, protractor, T-square, set square, divider, scale, French curve, straight edge)
  • Drawing board and paper
  • Models of curves
  • Charts and posters

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

Discuss how geometric shapes are used in previous topics and real-life applications.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking and problem solving
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Leadership and personal development

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Technical Drawing
  • Drawing manuals and textbooks
  • Online resources (e.g.,

Instructional Materials:

  • Protractor, compass, T-square, set square, divider, scale, French curve, straight edge
  • Drawing board, drawing paper, models, charts, posters


Definitions and Constructions:

  1. Archimedean Spiral:
    • Definition: The Archimedean spiral is a type of spiral named after the Greek mathematician Archimedes. It is defined as a curve that moves away from a fixed point with a constant speed along a line which rotates with constant angular velocity.
    • Construction: To draw an Archimedean spiral, use a compass to draw multiple circles with increasing radii from a common center. Each radius should increase by a consistent increment. Connect the points where each circle intersects a radial line extending from the center.
    • Applications: Archimedean spirals are used in mechanical devices like spiral springs and also in graphic design and architecture for aesthetic curves.
  2. Hyperbola:
    • Definition: A hyperbola is a type of smooth curve lying in a plane, defined by its geometric properties or by equations that satisfy certain conditions. It consists of two separate curves called branches that mirror each other and open in opposite directions.
    • Construction: To construct a hyperbola, start with two fixed points (foci) and a constant difference of distances from any point on the curve to the foci. Using set squares and a ruler, plot points equidistant from the central axis ensuring the distances to the foci are maintained.
    • Applications: Hyperbolas are found in various fields such as physics (trajectory of particles), engineering (cooling towers), and navigation (radio signals).
  3. Link Mechanisms:
    • Definition: Link mechanisms refer to the paths or loci traced by a point on a moving link within a mechanism. These paths can be complex and are crucial in designing mechanical systems.
    • Construction: To plot the loci of points on link mechanisms, use a divider to measure and mark points along the movement path of the mechanism. This involves understanding the geometry and movement constraints of the mechanism.
    • Applications: Link mechanisms are used in various machines, including engines, robotic arms, and manufacturing equipment, to create desired movements and outputs.

Evaluation (Fill-in-the-Blank Questions):

  1. The ________ spiral has equal distances between its coils.
    a) Archimedean
    b) Parabolic
    c) Elliptical
    d) Circular
  2. A hyperbola is defined by its ________ properties.
    a) geometric
    b) arithmetic
    c) algebraic
    d) trigonometric
  3. The path traced by a point on a moving link is called ________.
    a) trajectory
    b) locus
    c) hyperbola
    d) arc
  4. The ________ is used to draw circles and arcs.
    a) compass
    b) protractor
    c) T-square
    d) set square
  5. A French curve is used to draw ________ lines.
    a) straight
    b) curved
    c) parallel
    d) perpendicular
  6. The point where a spiral starts is called the ________.
    a) vertex
    b) focus
    c) origin
    d) end
  7. Hyperbolas have two branches that open in ________ directions.
    a) same
    b) different
    c) parallel
    d) perpendicular
  8. The Archimedean spiral is named after the mathematician ________.
    a) Pythagoras
    b) Archimedes
    c) Euclid
    d) Newton
  9. Link mechanisms are used to create ________ movements in machines.
    a) random
    b) desired
    c) chaotic
    d) unpredictable
  10. The constant difference in distances from any point on a hyperbola to the foci is called the ________.
    a) radius
    b) diameter
    c) constant
    d) distance
  11. The instrument used to measure angles is called a ________.
    a) compass
    b) protractor
    c) T-square
    d) ruler
  12. A hyperbola is an example of a ________ curve.
    a) linear
    b) quadratic
    c) conic
    d) cubic
  13. The Archimedean spiral is used in ________ devices like springs.
    a) electrical
    b) mechanical
    c) optical
    d) chemical
  14. The points on a hyperbola are ________ from the center axis.
    a) equidistant
    b) random
    c) unequal
    d) variable
  15. The Archimedean spiral increases in radius by a ________ increment.
    a) random
    b) constant
    c) variable
    d) geometric

Class Activity Discussion (FAQs):

  1. What is an Archimedean spiral?
    • It’s a spiral with equal distances between its coils.
  2. How do you construct a hyperbola?
    • By plotting points equidistant from a central axis using set squares and a ruler.
  3. What are link mechanisms?
    • They are paths traced by a point on a moving link in a mechanism.
  4. What tools are used for drawing circles?
    • Compass and divider.
  5. Why are French curves important?
    • They help draw smooth curves that can’t be made with a compass or straight edge.
  6. What is the use of a protractor?
    • It is used to measure and draw angles.
  7. How is a hyperbola different from a circle?
    • A hyperbola has two branches that open in opposite directions, while a circle is a closed curve.
  8. What practical applications do hyperbolas have?
    • They are used in physics, engineering, and navigation.
  9. What is the significance of the foci in a hyperbola?
    • The foci are two fixed points used to define and construct the hyperbola.
  10. What is the starting point of an Archimedean spiral called?
  • The origin.
  1. How are link mechanisms applied in machines?
  • They create desired movements in engines, robotic arms, and manufacturing equipment.
  1. Who was Archimedes?
  • A Greek mathematician known for his contributions to geometry and mechanics.
  1. Why do we use constant increments in constructing spirals?
  • To ensure the spiral expands uniformly.
  1. What is the role of a T-square in technical drawing?
  • It is used to draw horizontal lines and ensure accuracy in drawing.
  1. How can link mechanisms help in robotics?
  • They can control the movement and functionality of robotic arms.


Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic, discussing basic geometric shapes and their properties. Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic, explaining different types of loci and their applications. Step 3: The teacher allows students to contribute by sharing their ideas on loci, and corrects them when necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Explain the definitions and constructions of loci.
  • Demonstrate the use of drawing instruments.
  • Guide students in constructing loci.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Participate in brainstorming sessions.
  • Practice constructing various loci.
  • Plot points on different link mechanisms.


Evaluation Questions:

  1. Define an Archimedean spiral.
  2. What are the practical applications of hyperbolas?
  3. Describe a link mechanism.
  4. How do you construct a hyperbola?
  5. List the tools needed to draw an Archimedean spiral.
  6. What is the difference between a hyperbola and a parabola?
  7. Explain how link mechanisms are used in engines.
  8. How can you use a French curve in technical drawing?
  9. What is the role of the foci in a hyperbola?
  10. Describe the process of constructing an Archimedean spiral.


The teacher goes round to mark learners’ work, takes notes of learners who need help, and makes necessary corrections.