Mastering Punctuation and Nouns

Literacy/English Primary 1 Summer Coaching Lesson Notes Week 1

Subject: Literacy/English

Class: Primary 1

Term: Summer Coaching

Week: 1

Age: 6-7 years


  1. Phonics: Punctuation Marks (Full-stop, Comma)
  2. Grammar: Nouns
  3. Creative Writing: My Favourite Food
  4. Comprehension: Smart English

Behavioral Objectives:


  • Identify full stops and commas in a sentence.
  • Use full stops and commas appropriately in speech.


  • Define the concept of a noun.
  • Identify nouns in any sentence.

Creative Writing:

  • Write comprehensible sentences about their favourite food.


  • Full stop, Comma, Noun, Sentence, Writing, Favourite

Set Induction:

  • Begin with a fun story that uses full stops and commas.
  • Show pictures of different foods to engage students.

Entry Behaviour:

  • Students are familiar with basic sentence structures.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Flashcards with punctuation marks.
  • Pictures of various foods.
  • Worksheets for writing exercises.
  • Storybook “Smart English”.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Review basic sentence structures from previous lessons.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work

Instructional Materials:

  • Flashcards, Pictures, Worksheets, Storybook


Phonics: Punctuation Marks (Full-stop, Comma)

  1. Identify full stop (.) and comma (,).
  2. Use in sentences:
    • “I like apples.”
    • “I like apples, bananas, and grapes.”

Grammar: Nouns

  1. Define noun: A word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
  2. Identify nouns in sentences:
    • “The cat is on the mat.”
    • “Mary went to the park.”

Creative Writing: My Favourite Food

  1. Write sentences about their favourite food.
    • “My favourite food is pizza. It is tasty.”

Comprehension: Smart English

Topic 1: A Day at the Park


Last Saturday, I went to the park with my family. We arrived early in the morning. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. My sister and I played on the swings and slides. We also saw some beautiful flowers and big trees. After playing, we had a picnic. We ate sandwiches, fruits, and drank juice. Later, we played soccer with our friends. It was a fun and exciting day at the park. We went home tired but happy.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. When did we go to the park?
    • a) Last Friday
    • b) Last Saturday
    • c) Last Sunday
    • d) Last Monday
  2. Who did I go to the park with?
    • a) My friends
    • b) My family
    • c) My teacher
    • d) My neighbors
  3. What was the weather like?
    • a) Rainy
    • b) Cloudy
    • c) Sunny
    • d) Snowy
  4. What did my sister and I play on?
    • a) See-saw
    • b) Merry-go-round
    • c) Swings and slides
    • d) Monkey bars
  5. What did we see at the park?
    • a) Animals
    • b) Flowers and trees
    • c) Bicycles
    • d) Cars
  6. What did we eat at the picnic?
    • a) Pizza
    • b) Sandwiches and fruits
    • c) Burgers
    • d) Candy
  7. What did we drink?
    • a) Water
    • b) Juice
    • c) Milk
    • d) Soda
  8. What sport did we play?
    • a) Basketball
    • b) Tennis
    • c) Soccer
    • d) Cricket
  9. How did we feel after the day at the park?
    • a) Tired and happy
    • b) Sad
    • c) Angry
    • d) Scared
  10. What time of day did we arrive at the park?
    • a) Afternoon
    • b) Morning
    • c) Evening
    • d) Night
  11. What were the birds doing?
    • a) Sleeping
    • b) Flying
    • c) Singing
    • d) Eating
  12. What did we do after playing?
    • a) Went home
    • b) Had a picnic
    • c) Watched a movie
    • d) Went shopping
  13. Who did we play soccer with?
    • a) Other families
    • b) Strangers
    • c) Our friends
    • d) Teachers
  14. What color were the flowers we saw?
    • a) Blue
    • b) Purple
    • c) Yellow
    • d) Red
  15. What did we drink at the picnic?
    • a) Milkshake
    • b) Juice
    • c) Water
    • d) Lemonade


  1. The cat is on the ______. (a) tree (b) mat (c) house (d) chair
  2. I like ______. (a) run (b) apple (c) jump (d) blue
  3. My favourite food is ______. (a) pizza (b) tree (c) book (d) car
  4. ______ went to the park. (a) Mary (b) Run (c) Blue (d) Big
  5. A ______ is on the table. (a) book (b) swim (c) happy (d) jump
  6. He likes to eat ______. (a) apples (b) run (c) blue (d) jump
  7. The dog is ______. (a) barking (b) swim (c) car (d) happy
  8. I see a ______ in the sky. (a) star (b) run (c) blue (d) jump
  9. The ______ is red. (a) ball (b) run (c) swim (d) happy
  10. She has a ______. (a) doll (b) jump (c) blue (d) run
  11. He is ______. (a) happy (b) tree (c) book (d) car
  12. The ______ is on the wall. (a) picture (b) run (c) swim (d) happy
  13. She likes to ______. (a) dance (b) tree (c) book (d) car
  14. I have a ______. (a) pencil (b) run (c) swim (d) happy
  15. The ______ is fast. (a) car (b) run (c) swim (d) happy

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What is a full stop?
    • A full stop is a punctuation mark used to end a sentence.
  2. How do you use a comma?
    • A comma is used to separate items in a list.
  3. What is a noun?
    • A noun is a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
  4. Can you give an example of a noun?
    • Yes, “cat” is a noun.
  5. Where do we put a full stop?
    • At the end of a sentence.
  6. What does a comma look like?
    • It looks like this: (,)
  7. Give an example of a sentence with a comma.
    • “I like apples, bananas, and grapes.”
  8. What is your favourite food?
    • My favourite food is pizza.
  9. How do you start a sentence?
    • With a capital letter.
  10. What is a sentence?
  • A group of words that tells a complete thought.
  1. Give an example of a noun in a sentence.
  • “The dog is barking.”
  1. Where do we use a full stop?
  • At the end of a sentence.
  1. Can you write a sentence with a full stop?
  • “I have a dog.”
  1. Name a food you like.
  • Pizza.
  1. What is a punctuation mark?
  • A symbol used to clarify meaning in sentences.


Step 1:

  • Revise the previous topic: Basic sentence structure.

Step 2:

  • Introduce the new topics: Punctuation marks, Nouns, Writing about food, and Comprehension.
  • Explain punctuation marks using examples.
  • Define and explain nouns with examples.
  • Guide students in writing sentences about their favourite food.
  • Read a story from “Smart English”.

Step 3:

  • Allow pupils to give their own contributions.
  • Correct the pupils when and where necessary.

Teacher’s Activities:

  • Show examples of sentences with full stops and commas.
  • Explain and define nouns with real-life examples.
  • Guide students in writing about their favourite food.
  • Read a story and ask comprehension questions.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Identify full stops and commas in sentences.
  • Write sentences with correct punctuation.
  • Participate in group activity to identify nouns.
  • Write about their favourite food.
  • Answer questions from the story read.


  • Worksheet with fill-in-the-blank sentences.
  • Group activity to identify nouns.
  • Writing exercise about favourite food.

Evaluation Questions (10):

  1. What is a full stop?
  2. Where do you use a comma?
  3. Give an example of a noun.
  4. Write a sentence with a full stop.
  5. What is your favourite food?
  6. Identify the nouns in this sentence: “The cat is on the mat.”
  7. How do you use a comma in a list?
  8. Write a sentence with your favourite food.
  9. What is a noun?
  10. Where do you put a full stop?


  • The teacher goes around to mark and provides necessary corrections on the topic.
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