First Term Mid Term Test Agricultural Science Primary 2 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7

Review Questions for Mid-Term Break Assignment

Part A: Objective Questions (30 Fill-in-the-Blank Questions)

Instructions for Teachers:

  • Prepare 30 fill-in-the-blank questions with options (a), (b), (c), or (d) based on the topics taught this half term.
  • Ensure questions cover key concepts from Agricultural Science lessons.

Instructions for Students:

  • Answer each question by selecting the correct option (a), (b), (c), or (d).
  • Write your answers neatly on a separate sheet of paper.
  • Use a pencil to mark your answers clearly.

Sample Objective Questions:

  1. A hoe is used for __________.
    • (a) eating
    • (b) digging
    • (c) swimming
    • (d) writing
  2. What is the main use of a sickle?
    • (a) cutting crops
    • (b) carrying water
    • (c) flying
    • (d) playing
  3. Farmers use a wheelbarrow for __________.
    • (a) flying
    • (b) digging
    • (c) carrying heavy loads
    • (d) sleeping
  4. A basket is used for __________ (a) flying (b) carrying (c) writing (d) drawing.
  5. A wheelbarrow is used for __________ (a) digging (b) carrying (c) cooking (d) playing.
  6. A head pan is used for carrying __________ (a) large quantities (b) small quantities (c) water (d) stones.
  7. A __________ is used for transporting heavy loads (a) basket (b) hoe (c) wheelbarrow (d) cutlass.
  8. Simple farm tools help farmers to __________ (a) work (b) play (c) sleep (d) eat.
  9. The tool used for carrying fruits and vegetables is a __________ (a) head pan (b) basket (c) cutlass (d) sickle.
  10. The tool used for transporting heavy loads is a __________ (a) head pan (b) rake (c) wheelbarrow (d) hoe.

Part B: Theory Questions (20 Short Answer Questions)

Instructions for Teachers:

  • Prepare 20 short answer questions on the topics covered this half term.
  • Encourage students to provide brief explanations or definitions for each question.

Instructions for Students:

  • Answer each question using full sentences.
  • Write your answers clearly and legibly.
  • Use the space provided for each question to complete your answers.

Sample Theory Questions:

  1. Define what nutrients are and their importance in growth.
  2. Explain the uses of a cutlass in farming activities.
  3. Describe three types of simple farm tools used for cutting.
  4. What are carrying tools?
  5. Name one example of a carrying tool.
  6. What is a basket used for?
  7. Give an example of a tool used for transporting heavy loads.
  8. Why do farmers use carrying tools?
  9. What tool is used for carrying fruits and vegetables?
  10. Name a tool used for transporting heavy loads.

Part C: Fill in the Gaps (10 True or False Questions)

Instructions for Teachers:

  • Prepare 10 True or False questions based on the topics studied this half term.
  • Ensure questions are straightforward and cover essential concepts.

Instructions for Students:

  • Read each statement carefully.
  • Decide if the statement is true or false.
  • Mark your answer with a “T” for true or “F” for false on the answer sheet provided.

Sample True or False Questions:

  1. A sickle is used for cutting crops like rice. (True/False)
  2. A spade is used for carrying heavy loads. (True/False)
  3. Farmers use a head pan for carrying large quantities of crops. (True/False)

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