Mid Term Test: First Term Review Islamic Religious Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 7
Mid Term Test: First Term Review
Fill-in-the-Blank Questions (30 Questions)
Arabic Alphabets:
- The first letter of the Arabic alphabet is ____. a) Ba
b) Alif
c) Ta
d) Jim - The Arabic letter for “B” is ____. a) Ba
b) Ta
c) Tha
d) Kaaf - The letter after “Jeem” is ____. a) Ha
b) Kha
c) Dal
d) Alif - The sound of the letter “Seen” is similar to ____. a) S
b) T
c) J
d) K - The letter “Kha” comes before ____. a) Ha
b) Dal
c) Dhal
d) Alif
Süratul-Fatihah (Verses 1-4): 6. “Alhamdulillahi ____” means Praise be to Allah. a) Rahmanir-Raheem
b) Rabbil ‘Alamin
c) Maliki Yawmid-Deen
d) Ihdinas-Siratal-Mustaqeem
- The second verse of Süratul-Fatihah starts with ____. a) Alhamdulillahi
b) Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem
c) Maliki Yawmid-Deen
d) Ar-Rahmanir-Raheem - The third verse of Süratul-Fatihah is ____. a) Ihdinas-Siratal-Mustaqeem
b) Maliki Yawmid-Deen
c) Ar-Rahmanir-Raheem
d) Rabbil ‘Alamin - The meaning of “Maliki Yawmid-Deen” is ____. a) Guide us on the Straight Path
b) Master of the Day of Judgment
c) The Most Gracious
d) The Most Merciful - “Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem” means ____. a) In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
b) Praise be to Allah
c) Guide us on the Straight Path
d) The path of those upon whom You have bestowed Your favor
Süratul-Fatihah (Verses 5-7): 11. “Iyyaka na’budu wa iyyaka nasta’een” means ____. a) Guide us on the Straight Path
b) You alone we worship, and You alone we ask for help
c) The path of those upon whom You have bestowed Your favor
d) Not of those who have evoked Your anger
- The verse “Ihdinas-Siratal-Mustaqeem” is verse number ____. a) 3
b) 5
c) 6
d) 7 - The meaning of “Siratal-lazeena an’amta ‘alayhim” is ____. a) The path of those upon whom You have bestowed Your favor
b) Not of those who have evoked Your anger
c) Guide us on the Straight Path
d) The Most Gracious - The last verse of Süratul-Fatihah ends with ____. a) Ar-Rahmanir-Raheem
b) Alhamdulillahi Rabbil ‘Alamin
c) Walad-daaalleen
d) Maliki Yawmid-Deen - The phrase “ghayril-maghdoobi ‘alayhim walad-daaalleen” means ____. a) The Most Merciful
b) Not of those who have evoked Your anger or of those who are astray
c) Master of the Day of Judgment
d) The Most Gracious
Articles of Faith in Islam: 16. The first article of faith is belief in ____. a) Angels
b) Prophets
c) Allah
d) Holy Books
- Muslims believe in ____ to perform various tasks. a) Prophets
b) Angels
c) Predestination
d) Judgment - The Holy Book of Islam is the ____. a) Bible
b) Torah
c) Quran
d) Zabur - Belief in ____ is one of the six articles of faith. a) Pilgrimage
b) Charity
c) Predestination
d) Fasting - Muslims believe in the Day of ____. a) Rest
b) Celebration
c) Judgment
d) Creation - One of the articles of faith is belief in the ____. a) Saints
b) Prophets
c) Kings
d) Priests - The concept that Allah knows and controls all that happens is ____. a) Free Will
b) Destiny
c) Predestination
d) Enlightenment - Muslims believe in ____ who deliver messages from Allah. a) Kings
b) Prophets
c) Scholars
d) Saints - The fifth article of faith is belief in the ____. a) Afterlife
b) Prophets
c) Angels
d) Day of Judgment - The articles of faith help Muslims to understand ____. a) Wealth
b) Life
c) Nature
d) Time
General Islamic Knowledge: 26. The word “Islam” means ____. a) Love
b) Peace
c) Submission
d) Faith
- The main place of worship for Muslims is the ____. a) Church
b) Mosque
c) Temple
d) Synagogue - The holy month of fasting for Muslims is ____. a) Muharram
b) Dhul-Hijjah
c) Ramadan
d) Shawwal - The daily prayer in Islam is called ____. a) Zakat
b) Sawm
c) Hajj
d) Salah - The pilgrimage to Mecca is known as ____. a) Umrah
b) Hajj
c) Zakat
d) Jihad
Theory Questions (20 Questions)
- List the six articles of faith in Islam.
- Explain the meaning of belief in Allah.
- Describe the role of Angels in Islam.
- What are the Holy Books mentioned in the Quran?
- Name three Prophets in Islam and describe their importance.
- Explain the significance of the Day of Judgment.
- What is Predestination in Islam and why is it important?
- How does Süratul-Fatihah guide Muslims in their daily prayers?
- Describe the meanings of the first four verses of Süratul-Fatihah.
- Discuss the importance of memorizing Süratul-Fatihah for a Muslim.
- How do Muslims use Süratul-Fatihah in their daily lives?
- Explain the meanings of verses 5-7 of Süratul-Fatihah.
- Why is belief in the Prophets essential in Islam?
- How do the six articles of faith shape a Muslim’s life and actions?
- What is the role of Salah in a Muslim’s life?
- Describe the importance of Ramadan for Muslims.
- Explain the significance of the Hajj pilgrimage.
- What is Zakat and why is it important in Islam?
- How does the belief in the Day of Judgment affect a Muslim’s behavior?
- Discuss the importance of the Quran in the daily life of a Muslim.
More Useful Links
- Mastering the Arabic Consonants: From Alif to Ya Islamic Religious Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3
- Understanding Süratul-Fatihah: The First Four Verses Islamic Religious Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 4
- Read the last three verses of Süratul-Fatihah Islamic Religious Studies Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 5