First Term Examination Basic Science Primary 1 First Term Lesson Notes Week 12

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Basic Science

Class: Primary 1

Term: First Term

Week: 12

Age: 6 years

Topic: First Term Examination

Duration: 60 minutes

Behavioural Objectives: By the end of the examination, pupils should demonstrate their understanding of the following topics:

  1. Living Things I
  2. Living Things II
  3. Non-Living Things
  4. Energy I
  5. Energy II
  6. Energy III
  7. Energy IV
  8. Light Energy Sources
  9. Water
  10. Uses of Water

Key Topics:

  • Living things
  • Non-living things
  • Energy
  • Light energy sources
  • Water and its uses

Set Induction:

  • Remind students about the importance of their studies and staying focused during the examination.

Entry Behaviour:

  • Pupils are expected to demonstrate their knowledge and understanding acquired throughout the term.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Examination papers with 30 questions
  • Answer sheets for each student
  • Pens or pencils

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:

  • Recap briefly the topics covered throughout the term and their relevance to daily life.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Recall
  • Application
  • Problem-solving

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Primary Schools

Examination Format

Question Types:

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • True/false questions
  • Fill-in-the-blank questions

Content Coverage:

  1. Living Things I:
    • Definition of living things
    • Examples of living things in the school environment
  2. Living Things II:
    • Characteristics of living things
    • Examples of living things at home
  3. Non-Living Things:
    • Definition of non-living things
    • Examples of non-living things in the classroom and at home
  4. Energy I:
    • Meaning and uses of energy
  5. Energy II:
    • Sources of energy
  6. Energy III:
    • Energy transformation
  7. Energy IV:
    • Light energy sources
    • Natural and artificial sources of light
  8. Water:
    • Composition of water
    • Properties of water
  9. Uses of Water:
    • Uses of water to living things (plants and animals)


Multiple-Choice Questions

  1. Living Things I:
    • What do living things do? (a) Breathe and eat (b) Fly and swim (c) Jump and run (d) Sleep and play
  2. Living Things II:
    • Which of the following is a characteristic of living things? (a) Rocks (b) Trees (c) Water (d) Clouds
  3. Non-Living Things:
    • Which of these is an example of a non-living thing? (a) Dog (b) Sun (c) Cat (d) Bird
  4. Energy I:
    • What is energy used for? (a) Sleeping (b) Eating (c) Drinking (d) Moving
  5. Energy II:
    • Where do we get energy from? (a) Rocks (b) Air (c) Sun (d) Clouds
  6. Energy III:
    • What happens when energy changes from one form to another? (a) Energy is lost (b) Energy is gained (c) Energy stays the same (d) None of the above
  7. Energy IV:
    • Which of these is a natural source of light? (a) Lamp (b) Sun (c) Torch (d) Candle
  8. Water:
    • What is water made up of? (a) Hydrogen and Carbon (b) Hydrogen and Oxygen (c) Oxygen and Nitrogen (d) Nitrogen and Carbon
  9. Uses of Water:
    • Why do plants need water? (a) To grow (b) To fly (c) To sleep (d) To hide
  10. Light Energy Sources:
    • Which of these is an artificial source of light? (a) Moon (b) Stars (c) Firefly (d) Lamp

True/False Questions

  1. Living Things I:
    • Plants are living things. (True/False)
  2. Living Things II:
    • Living things can move on their own. (True/False)
  3. Non-Living Things:
    • A book is an example of a non-living thing. (True/False)
  4. Energy I:
    • Energy is needed for us to walk and run. (True/False)
  5. Energy II:
    • The sun is a source of energy. (True/False)
  6. Energy III:
    • Energy can change from one form to another. (True/False)
  7. Energy IV:
    • Stars are natural sources of light. (True/False)
  8. Water:
    • Water is essential for drinking and cooking. (True/False)
  9. Uses of Water:
    • Animals do not need water to survive. (True/False)
  10. Light Energy Sources:
    • Fireflies are natural sources of light. (True/False)

Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

  1. Living Things I:
    • Living things can ____, eat, and reproduce.
  2. Living Things II:
    • An example of a living thing at home is a _____.
  3. Non-Living Things:
    • Non-living things cannot _____, eat, or reproduce.
  4. Energy I:
    • Energy is used to _____ and move.
  5. Energy II:
    • Wind and water are sources of _____ energy.
  6. Energy III:
    • Energy can be transformed from _____ to heat.
  7. Energy IV:
    • _____ is a natural source of light.
  8. Water:
    • Water is made up of hydrogen and _____.
  9. Uses of Water:
    • Plants use water for _____ and growth.
  10. Light Energy Sources:
    • A _____ is an artificial source of light.
  11. Living Things I:
    • Name one characteristic of living things: _____.
  12. Living Things II:
    • Living things need _____ to survive.
  13. Non-Living Things:
    • Rocks and stones are examples of _____.
  14. Energy I:
    • What do we need energy for? _____ and moving.
  15. Energy II:
    • Where does energy come from? _____ and wind.
  16. Energy III:
    • Energy changes from one form to another, like from light to _____.
  17. Energy IV:
    • The _____ gives us light during the day.
  18. Water:
    • Water is important for _____ and animals.
  19. Uses of Water:
    • Animals drink water to stay _____.
  20. Light Energy Sources:
    • _____ is an artificial source of light.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Correctness of answers
  • Understanding of concepts
  • Application of knowledge


  • Collect answer sheets and inform students that results will be communicated after grading.

More Useful Links :


“First Term Examination: Basic Science”

Class Activity Discussion

  1. What do living things do?
    • Living things can breathe, eat, move, and grow.
  2. Can you give an example of a living thing at home?
    • A plant is an example of a living thing at home.
  3. What are non-living things?
    • Non-living things are things that do not breathe, eat, move, or grow, like rocks and chairs.
  4. Why do we need energy?
    • We need energy to do things like eat, walk, and play.
  5. Where does energy come from?
    • Energy comes from sources like the sun, wind, and food.
  6. How does energy change?
    • Energy can change from one form to another, like from light to heat.
  7. What gives us light during the day?
    • The sun gives us light during the day.
  8. What is water made of?
    • Water is made of hydrogen and oxygen.
  9. What do plants use water for?
    • Plants use water for drinking and growing.
  10. What is an artificial source of light?
    • A lamp is an artificial source of light.
  11. What makes living things special?
    • Living things can grow and move on their own.
  12. Why do plants need sunlight?
    • Plants need sunlight to make their own food.
  13. Can rocks move on their own?
    • No, rocks cannot move on their own because they are non-living things.
  14. How does water help animals?
    • Animals drink water to stay hydrated and cool.
  15. What happens when water freezes?
    • Water turns into ice when it gets very cold.


Fill-in-the-Blank Questions with Options

  1. Living things can ____.
    (a) breathe
    (b) jump
    (c) fly
    (d) sleep
  2. An example of a living thing at home is a ____.
    (a) chair
    (b) plant
    (c) rock
    (d) table
  3. Non-living things do not ____.
    (a) grow
    (b) move
    (c) eat
    (d) all of the above
  4. Energy helps us ____.
    (a) sleep
    (b) move
    (c) sit
    (d) think
  5. We get energy from the ____.
    (a) moon
    (b) sun
    (c) wind
    (d) all of the above
  6. Water is made of hydrogen and ____.
    (a) carbon
    (b) nitrogen
    (c) oxygen
    (d) helium
  7. Plants need water to ____.
    (a) sleep
    (b) grow
    (c) hide
    (d) talk
  8. A lamp is an example of a ____ source of light.
    (a) natural
    (b) artificial
    (c) big
    (d) small
  9. Living things need ____.
    (a) water
    (b) rocks
    (c) sand
    (d) paper
  10. Rocks and stones are ____.
    (a) living things
    (b) non-living things
    (c) animals
    (d) plants
  11. The sun gives us ____.
    (a) light
    (b) food
    (c) clothes
    (d) water
  12. Energy can change from light to ____.
    (a) food
    (b) water
    (c) heat
    (d) air
  13. Water is important for ____.
    (a) plants
    (b) cars
    (c) toys
    (d) rocks
  14. The moon is a ____ source of light.
    (a) natural
    (b) artificial
    (c) big
    (d) small
  15. Living things can ____.
    (a) move
    (b) sleep
    (c) fly
    (d) none of the above
  16. Animals drink water to stay ____.
    (a) happy
    (b) warm
    (c) cool
    (d) clean
  17. Energy comes from the ____.
    (a) fire
    (b) sun
    (c) clouds
    (d) ice
  18. Water turns to ice when it gets ____.
    (a) hot
    (b) cold
    (c) warm
    (d) sunny
  19. A ____ is a natural source of light.
    (a) star
    (b) lamp
    (c) torch
    (d) candle
  20. Plants need sunlight to make ____.
    (a) water
    (b) food
    (c) air
    (d) soil
  21. Non-living things are ____.
    (a) alive
    (b) dead
    (c) not alive
    (d) growing
  22. Living things can ____.
    (a) eat
    (b) sleep
    (c) breathe
    (d) all of the above
  23. Water helps plants to ____.
    (a) grow
    (b) die
    (c) hide
    (d) sleep
  24. The sun is a source of ____.
    (a) light
    (b) water
    (c) food
    (d) clothes
  25. Water is used for ____.
    (a) flying
    (b) drinking
    (c) jumping
    (d) sitting
  26. Energy makes things ____.
    (a) move
    (b) still
    (c) quiet
    (d) big
  27. Non-living things do not ____.
    (a) eat
    (b) drink
    (c) move
    (d) all of the above
  28. The moon gives us light at ____.
    (a) night
    (b) day
    (c) evening
    (d) morning
  29. Rocks are ____.
    (a) living things
    (b) non-living things
    (c) plants
    (d) animals
  30. Animals need ____.
    (a) water
    (b) food
    (c) air
    (d) all of the above

Short Answer Questions

  1. What do living things need to survive?
  2. Name one example of a non-living thing.
  3. Where do we get energy from?
  4. What is water made of?
  5. Why do plants need water?
  6. What is a natural source of light?
  7. Name an artificial source of light.
  8. What happens to water when it gets very cold?
  9. Why do animals drink water?
  10. What does the sun give us during the day?
  11. What do living things do that non-living things cannot do?
  12. Name one characteristic of living things.
  13. How do plants use sunlight?
  14. Name one thing energy is used for.
  15. What helps plants to grow?
  16. Name a source of energy.
  17. What is important for plants and animals?
  18. What do non-living things not do?
  19. Why do we need light during the night?
  20. What changes from light to heat?