Dishonesty Civic Education Nursery 1 Age 3 First Term Lesson Notes Week 3


Subject: Civic Education

Class: Nursery 1

Term: First Term

Week: Week 3

Topic: Dishonesty

Duration: 30 minutes


Behavioural Objectives:

  • Students will understand the simple meaning of dishonesty.
  • Students will sing songs that portray dishonesty.
  • Students will listen to folktales that discourage dishonesty.

Key Words: Dishonesty, Truth, Songs, Folktales

Entry Behaviour: Students will be greeted warmly and asked simple questions about telling the truth and why it’s important.

Learning Resources and Materials:

  • Picture cards depicting honesty and dishonesty.
  • Songs or rhymes about honesty and dishonesty.
  • Storybooks or oral folktales discouraging dishonesty.
  • Whiteboard and markers.

Building Background/Connection to Prior Knowledge:
The teacher will ask students about times when they were honest or when they heard about honesty. This will help connect the new lesson to their prior experiences.

Embedded Core Skills:
Communication skills (listening and speaking), critical thinking (understanding simple moral concepts), social skills (sharing and participating in group activities).

Learning Materials:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Nursery 1 Civic Education.
  • Picture cards, songs, and storybooks related to dishonesty.

Instructional Materials:

  • Picture cards depicting honesty and dishonesty.
  • Songs or rhymes related to the topic.
  • Storybooks or oral folktales about dishonesty.
  • Whiteboard and markers.


1. Explain the simple meaning of dishonesty:
Dishonesty means not telling the truth. It is when we say or do things that are not true, like telling a lie or hiding something we did wrong.

2. Sing songs that portray dishonesty:
Sing songs that talk about telling lies or being deceitful. For example, a song may have lyrics like “Telling lies is not okay, honesty is the best way.”

3. Tell folktales that discourage dishonesty:
Share stories or folktales where characters learn that being honest is important and better than being dishonest. These stories teach us valuable lessons about the consequences of dishonesty and the benefits of telling the truth.


Discussion about Dishonesty

  1. What is dishonesty?
    • Answer: Dishonesty is not telling the truth.
  2. Why is it bad to be dishonest?
    • Answer: Being dishonest can hurt others and make them sad.
  3. Can we sing songs about dishonesty?
    • Answer: Yes, we can sing songs that teach us not to tell lies.
  4. What are folktales about dishonesty?
    • Answer: Folktales are stories that teach us why it’s important to be honest.
  5. What happens when we are dishonest?
    • Answer: People may not trust us if we are dishonest.
  6. Is it okay to tell lies sometimes?
    • Answer: No, it’s always better to tell the truth, even if it’s hard.
  7. How can we be honest?
    • Answer: We can be honest by always telling the truth and not hiding things.
  8. Can honesty make us good friends?
    • Answer: Yes, when we are honest, people trust and like us more.
  9. Do adults like it when children are dishonest?
    • Answer: No, adults want us to be honest and tell the truth.
  10. Why is honesty important?
    • Answer: Honesty helps us build strong relationships and makes us happy.


  1. Dishonesty means not telling the ________. a) truth b) lies c) jokes d) stories
  2. Singing songs about dishonesty teaches us to ________. a) tell lies b) be honest c) hide things d) laugh at others
  3. Folktales about dishonesty help us understand the importance of being ________. a) lazy b) kind c) honest d) angry
  4. When we are dishonest, people may not ________ us. a) trust b) laugh at c) ignore d) shout at
  5. Is it okay to tell lies sometimes? ________ a) Yes b) No
  6. How can we be honest? By always telling the ________. a) jokes b) truth c) lies d) stories
  7. Can honesty make us good ________? a) friends b) liars c) enemies d) toys
  8. Dishonesty can hurt others and make them ________. a) happy b) sad c) angry d) scared
  9. Do adults like it when children are ________? a) honest b) dishonest c) lazy d) rude
  10. Why is honesty important? It helps us build ________ relationships. a) strong b) weak c) funny d) colorful
  11. Folktales teach us that being ________ is better than telling lies. a) honest b) lazy c) rude d) silly
  12. When we are dishonest, people may not ________ us. a) like b) trust c) ignore d) laugh at
  13. Is it okay to hide things and not tell the ________? a) jokes b) stories c) truth d) lies
  14. Can we sing songs about being ________? a) honest b) dishonest c) lazy d) funny
  15. What do folktales teach us about telling the ________? a) truth b) lies c) jokes d) stories



  1. Presentation
    Step 1: The teacher revises the previous topic about good social behaviours and why it’s important to be honest.

    Step 2: The teacher introduces the new topic of dishonesty by explaining that it means not telling the truth, like telling lies or hiding things.

    Step 3: The teacher allows the pupils to give their own contributions by asking questions like “Why is it bad to tell lies?” or “Can you think of a time when someone was dishonest?”

  2. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Presenting picture cards depicting honesty and dishonesty.
    • Singing songs or rhymes about telling the truth and not lying.
    • Reading or telling folktales that discourage dishonesty.
  3. Learners’ Activities:
    • Participating in discussions about dishonesty and why it’s important to be honest.
    • Singing along to songs or rhymes about honesty and dishonesty.
    • Listening attentively to folktales and discussing the lessons learned.

The teacher will assess students’ understanding through their participation in discussions, singing along to songs, and their reactions to the folktales. Any misconceptions will be addressed during the lesson.

Evaluation Questions:

  1. What does dishonesty mean?
  2. Can you sing a song about telling the truth?
  3. Why is it important to be honest?
  4. How do you feel when someone tells a lie?
  5. Can you tell a folk tale that teaches us not to be dishonest?
  6. Is it okay to hide things and not tell the truth?
  7. Why do we need to be truthful in our words?
  8. How can honesty help us make good friends?
  9. What can happen if we are dishonest?
  10. What did you learn about dishonesty today?

The teacher will go around to mark students’ participation and understanding during the lesson. Any necessary corrections or additional explanations will be provided. Students will be encouraged to practice honesty in their daily interactions.

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