Meaning of Software and Hardware, and Differences between Software and Hardware Computer Studies IT Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 4

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 3

Term: Second Term

Week: 4

Topic: Meaning of Software and Hardware, and Differences between Software and Hardware

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should have basic knowledge of using a computer and understanding simple concepts.

Key Words: Software, Hardware, Differences, Computer, Programs, Components.

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to define software and hardware.
  2. Students should identify examples of software and hardware.
  3. Students should understand the differences between software and hardware.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Basic computer literacy

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Computer with projector
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work
  • Computer Studies Textbook Book 3

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Computer Studies
  • Computer Studies Textbook Book 3


  1. Meaning of Software and Hardware:
    • Software: It’s like the brains of the computer, the programs and apps we use.
    • Hardware: It’s the physical parts of the computer we can touch and see.
  2. Differences Between Software and Hardware:
    • Software: It’s not something we can touch, like games, apps, or Microsoft Word.
    • Hardware: These are the things we can touch, like the keyboard, mouse, or screen of the computer.
  3. Example for Software: Think of games you play on a computer or tablet, like Minecraft or Candy Crush. 🎮
  4. Example for Hardware: Imagine the monitor or screen you look at when you use the computer. 🖥️
  5. Understanding the Difference:
    • You can’t touch software, but you can touch hardware.
    • Software makes hardware do things, like playing games or writing stories.

Remember, software is like the programs we use, and hardware is the physical stuff we can touch! 😊

Software Examples:

  1. Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  2. Adobe Photoshop (for editing photos)
  3. Google Chrome (web browser)
  4. Minecraft (video game)
  5. WhatsApp (messaging app)

Hardware Examples:

  1. Monitor (the screen you look at)
  2. Keyboard (for typing)
  3. Mouse (for pointing and clicking)
  4. CPU (the brain of the computer)
  5. Printer (for printing documents)

These examples show the difference between software, which are programs we use, and hardware, which are the physical parts of the computer.

Meaning of Software:

  • Software is like the programs and apps we use on a computer or phone.
  • It’s not something we can touch, but it’s what makes the computer or device do things.
  • Examples include games, word processors like Microsoft Word, and social media apps like Instagram.

Meaning of Hardware:

  • Hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer or device that we can touch and see.
  • It includes things like the screen, keyboard, mouse, and internal components like the CPU and memory.
  • Hardware is what allows us to interact with and use the software.

In simple terms, software is what we use, while hardware is what we use it on

Differences between software and hardware:


  1. Nature: Software is intangible, meaning you can’t touch it physically.
  2. Functionality: It consists of programs and applications that run on a computer or device, enabling it to perform specific tasks.
  3. Examples: Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop, and video games like Minecraft are examples of software.


  1. Nature: Hardware is tangible, meaning you can touch and see it physically.
  2. Functionality: It consists of the physical components of a computer or device, including the monitor, keyboard, mouse, and internal parts like the CPU and memory.
  3. Examples: Monitors, keyboards, mice, and CPUs are examples of hardware.

In summary, software refers to the programs and applications that enable a computer or device to perform tasks, while hardware refers to the physical components that make up the computer or device.


  1. Software is like the __________ of the computer. a) brain b) hand c) leg d) eye
  2. Microsoft Word and Adobe Photoshop are examples of __________. a) hardware b) software c) paper d) pencil
  3. We can touch and see __________. a) software b) hardware c) books d) clouds
  4. The keyboard and mouse are examples of __________. a) software b) hardware c) animals d) plants
  5. Software makes the computer __________ things. a) eat b) play c) do d) sleep
  6. Hardware consists of the __________ parts of a computer. a) intangible b) invisible c) physical d) magical
  7. Games and apps are types of __________. a) software b) hardware c) toys d) vegetables
  8. The monitor and CPU are examples of __________. a) software b) hardware c) animals d) fruits
  9. We can touch and see __________. a) software b) hardware c) dreams d) ghosts
  10. Software enables the computer to perform __________ tasks. a) specific b) random c) difficult d) impossible
  11. Hardware refers to the __________ components of a computer. a) physical b) invisible c) magical d) intangible
  12. Examples of hardware include __________. a) games and apps b) keyboard and mouse c) Microsoft Word and Photoshop d) clouds and rainbows
  13. Software is __________, meaning we can’t touch it. a) tangible b) intangible c) invisible d) magical
  14. The mouse helps us __________ on the computer. a) cook b) paint c) type d) swim
  15. The brain of the computer is called __________. a) keyboard b) mouse c) CPU d) monitor


  1. Revision of previous topic: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Meaning of System Applications, Microsoft Office, Encarta, Mavis Beacon, and System Games”
  2. Introduction of the new topic: The teacher introduces the new topic by explaining that today we will learn about software and hardware, and the differences between them.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Define software and hardware using simple language.
    • Provide examples of software (e.g., games, Microsoft Word) and hardware (e.g., monitor, keyboard).
    • Explain the differences between software and hardware, emphasizing their nature and functions.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation.
    • Participate in discussions by providing examples and asking questions.
    • Take notes in their notebooks.


  • Observation during class discussions and activities.
  • Written assessment: Ten evaluation questions related to the topic.


  1. What is software?
  2. Give one example of software.
  3. What is hardware?
  4. Give one example of hardware.
  5. Can you touch software? (Yes/No)
  6. Can you touch hardware? (Yes/No)
  7. What are the differences between software and hardware?
  8. Give one example of a software program you use at home.
  9. Name one physical component of a computer.
  10. What do we call the programs and apps we use on a computer?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ participation and written responses.
  • Summarize the main points of the lesson.
  • Provide feedback on students’ performance and address any questions or concerns they may have.
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