Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Storage Unit CPU Computer Studies IT Primary 3 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6 and 8

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 3

Term: Second Term

Week: 6 & 8

Topic: Understanding Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Storage Unit in the CPU

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should be familiar with basic computer concepts and terminology.

Key Words: Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), Storage Unit, CPU, Functions, Computer.

Behavioural Objectives:

  1. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to define the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and the Storage Unit.
  2. Students should identify and outline the functions of the ALU and the Storage Unit.
  3. Students should understand the importance of these components in a computer system.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Problem-solving

Learning Materials:

  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Computer with projector
  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Computer Studies
  • Computer Studies Textbook Book 3

Reference Books:

  • Lagos State Scheme of Work for Computer Studies
  • Computer Studies Textbook Book 3


Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Storage Unit CPU

Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):

  1. It’s like the math wizard of the computer. 🧙‍♂️
  2. It’s a special part of the CPU.
  3. It does all the math and logic work.

Functions of the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):

  1. Math Operations: It adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides numbers.
    • Example: If you want to know how many apples you have if you add 3 more, the ALU helps with that.
  2. Logic Operations: It compares numbers and makes decisions.
    • Example: If you want to know if 5 is bigger than 3, the ALU figures that out.
  3. Making Choices: It helps the computer decide what to do next.
    • Example: If you tell the computer to play a game or close a program, the ALU helps with that decision.

Understanding the ALU helps us see how computers do math and make decisions! 🧮🤔

Learners Activities Discussion on Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and its functions:

  1. What is the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) in a computer?
    • Answer: The ALU is like the math wizard of the computer, doing all the math and logic work.
  2. What does the ALU do?
    • Answer: It performs math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, as well as logic operations like comparisons and decision-making.
  3. Can you give examples of math operations performed by the ALU?
    • Answer: Sure! It helps add numbers together, subtract one number from another, multiply numbers, and divide one number by another.
  4. What about logic operations? Can you explain those?
    • Answer: Of course! Logic operations involve comparing numbers to see if they’re equal, greater than, or less than each other, and making decisions based on those comparisons.
  5. How does the ALU help the computer make decisions?
    • Answer: It compares numbers and data to determine outcomes, such as whether a number is greater than or equal to another number, and then executes commands based on those comparisons.
  6. Why is the ALU important in a computer system?
    • Answer: The ALU is essential because it performs all the essential calculations and logic operations required for the computer to execute tasks and make decisions.
  7. Can you compare the ALU to something we know in everyday life?
    • Answer: Yes, it’s like a math teacher who solves problems and decides what to do next based on the situation.
  8. How does understanding the ALU help us use computers better?
    • Answer: Understanding the ALU helps us understand how computers perform calculations and make decisions, which can help us use them more effectively and efficiently.
  9. What happens if the ALU doesn’t work properly?
    • Answer: If the ALU malfunctions, the computer may not be able to perform math operations correctly, leading to errors in calculations and decision-making.
  10. Can you give an example of a real-world situation where the ALU is used?
    • Answer: Sure! When you use a calculator to add or subtract numbers, the ALU inside the calculator is doing the math work for you.


  1. The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is like the __________ of the computer. a) chef b) math wizard c) artist d) athlete
  2. Its main job is to perform __________ and logic operations. a) cooking b) dancing c) math d) singing
  3. The ALU helps the computer with math operations like __________. a) drawing b) adding c) talking d) sleeping
  4. Logic operations involve comparing numbers to make __________. a) decisions b) drawings c) cakes d) songs
  5. The ALU helps the computer decide what to do next based on the __________. a) time b) weather c) comparisons d) colors
  6. It compares numbers to see if they’re equal, __________, or less than each other. a) greater than b) singing c) cooking d) dancing
  7. Understanding the ALU helps us understand how computers __________. a) sleep b) work c) eat d) fly
  8. What does the ALU do with numbers? a) Adds, subtracts, multiplies, and divides b) Draws, paints, writes, and reads c) Sings, dances, cooks, and sleeps d) Talks, walks, runs, and plays
  9. Why is the ALU important in a computer? a) Because it makes decisions b) Because it performs math and logic operations c) Because it sings and dances d) Because it sleeps and eats
  10. What happens if the ALU doesn’t work properly? a) The computer may not be able to perform math operations correctly b) The computer may sing and dance c) The computer may fly d) The computer may eat and sleep
  11. Can you compare the ALU to something we know in everyday life? a) Yes, it’s like a math teacher b) Yes, it’s like a flying bird c) Yes, it’s like a swimming fish d) Yes, it’s like a running dog
  12. How does the ALU help us use computers better? a) By performing calculations and making decisions b) By sleeping and eating c) By drawing and painting d) By singing and dancing
  13. What happens when the ALU performs a logic operation? a) It compares numbers and makes decisions b) It adds and subtracts numbers c) It draws and paints pictures d) It sings and dances
  14. Can you give an example of a math operation performed by the ALU? a) Yes, adding two numbers together b) Yes, drawing a picture c) Yes, singing a song d) Yes, dancing a dance
  15. What is the main job of the ALU in a computer? a) To perform math and logic operations b) To draw and paint pictures c) To sing and dance d) To sleep and eat

These questions will help reinforce the understanding of the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and its functions for Primary 3

Component of the CPU : Storage unit Define the storage unit and outline the functions of the storage unit

Storage Unit:

  1. It’s like the memory box of the computer. 📦
  2. It stores all the information the computer needs to work.

Functions of the Storage Unit:

  1. Storing Data: It keeps all your pictures, videos, and documents safe.
    • Example: Just like a toy box holds your toys, the storage unit holds your files. It stores information for the computer.
  2. Retrieving Data: It helps the computer find and use the information you need.
    • Example: When you open a game, the storage unit finds and loads all the game’s data.
  3. Saving Data: It lets you save your work so you can come back to it later.
    • Example: Like putting your toys back in the toy box, you can save your document to the storage unit.

Understanding the storage unit helps us keep our files safe and organized! 💾🔒

Learners Activities about the storage unit in the CPU and its functions:

  1. What is the storage unit in a computer?
    • Answer: The storage unit is like a memory box in the computer where information is kept.
  2. What does the storage unit do?
    • Answer: It stores all the data and programs that the computer needs to function.
  3. Can you give examples of what the storage unit stores?
    • Answer: Sure! It stores files like documents, pictures, music, and videos.
  4. How does the storage unit help the computer find information?
    • Answer: It organizes the data and helps the computer retrieve specific information when needed.
  5. What happens if there is not enough space in the storage unit?
    • Answer: If the storage unit is full, you may not be able to save new files or programs.
  6. How can I save my work to the storage unit?
    • Answer: You can save your work by using the “Save” option in programs or applications.
  7. Can I delete files from the storage unit?
    • Answer: Yes, you can delete files to free up space in the storage unit.
  8. What is the difference between the storage unit and the memory unit?
    • Answer: The storage unit holds data permanently, while the memory unit holds data temporarily while the computer is running.
  9. Why is it important to keep the storage unit organized?
    • Answer: Keeping the storage unit organized helps you find files quickly and prevents data loss.
  10. How does understanding the storage unit help us use computers better?
    • Answer: Understanding the storage unit helps us manage our files effectively and keep our data safe.


  1. The storage unit in a computer is like a __________. a) toy box b) kitchen c) playground d) garden
  2. Its main job is to __________ data and programs. a) cook b) store c) fly d) dance
  3. The storage unit holds files like __________. a) toys b) documents c) food d) clothes
  4. When you save a document, it goes to the __________. a) recycle bin b) storage unit c) trash d) printer
  5. The storage unit helps the computer __________ specific information. a) find b) lose c) eat d) sleep
  6. If the storage unit is full, you may not be able to __________ new files. a) save b) delete c) find d) print
  7. You can save your work by using the __________ option. a) delete b) close c) save d) open
  8. You can __________ files from the storage unit. a) open b) close c) delete d) save
  9. The storage unit holds data __________. a) permanently b) temporarily c) slowly d) quickly
  10. Keeping the storage unit organized helps you __________ files quickly. a) lose b) find c) eat d) sleep
  11. What is the main job of the storage unit? a) To store data and programs b) To cook food c) To play games d) To dance
  12. What happens if the storage unit is full? a) You may not be able to save new files b) You may lose all your files c) You may not be able to turn on your computer d) You may find new files
  13. Can you save your work to the storage unit? a) Yes b) No c) Maybe d) Sometimes
  14. What types of files does the storage unit hold? a) Documents, pictures, music, and videos b) Toys, clothes, and food c) Flowers, books, and shoes d) Cars, planes, and boats
  15. How does understanding the storage unit help us use computers better? a) It helps us manage our files effectively b) It helps us cook better c) It helps us sleep better d) It helps us dance better


  1. Revision of Previous Topic: The teacher revises the previous topic, which was “Components of the CPU: Define the Storage Unit and Outline its Functions,” by asking questions like, “What is the storage unit in the CPU? What are its functions?Components of the CPU: Define the Storage Unit and Outline its Functions,” by asking questions like, “What is the storage unit in the CPU? What are its functions?
  2. Introduction of New Topics:
    • The teacher introduces the new topics, which are “Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)” and “Storage Unit in the CPU.”
    • Briefly explain the purpose and importance of the ALU and the Storage Unit in a computer system.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Define the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and the Storage Unit using simple language.
    • Outline the functions of the ALU, emphasizing math and logic operations.
    • Outline the functions of the Storage Unit, emphasizing data storage and retrieval.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Listen attentively to the teacher’s explanation.
    • Participate in discussions by asking questions and providing examples.
    • Take notes in their notebooks.


  • Observation during class discussions and activities.
  • Written assessment: Ten evaluation questions related to the topics.


  1. What is the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) in a computer?
  2. Can you define the functions of the ALU?
  3. What does the ALU do in a computer system?
  4. What are examples of math operations performed by the ALU?
  5. What is the purpose of the Storage Unit in a computer?
  6. Can you outline the functions of the Storage Unit?
  7. How does the Storage Unit help the computer?
  8. What happens if there is not enough space in the Storage Unit?
  9. Can you compare the ALU to something we know in everyday life?
  10. Why is it important to understand the ALU and the Storage Unit in a computer system?


  • The teacher goes round to mark students’ participation and written responses.
  • Summarize the main points of the lesson.
  • Provide feedback on students’ performance and address any questions or concerns they may have.
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