Keeping Our Environment Clean: Tools and Sanitation Social Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 5

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Social Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: 2

Week: 5

Topic: Keeping Our Environment Clean: Tools and Sanitation

Sub-topic: Exploring Cleanliness in Our Surroundings

Duration: 45 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should name one thing they find in their environment.

Key Words: Environment, Clean, Tools, Sanitation, Daily, Bin, Recycle, Broom, Gloves.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • Recognize ways to keep the environment clean.
  • Identify tools needed for cleanliness.
  • Explain the meaning of sanitation in simple terms.
  • Understand how often sanitation should be done.

Embedded Core Skills: Communication, Observation, Classification.

Learning Materials:

  • Visual aids with images of clean environments and tools.
  • Flashcards with key words.
  • Examples of recycling bins, brooms, and gloves.


  1. Introduction
    • Quick review of the previous lesson on different environments.
    • Ask students about one thing they find in their environment.
  2. Ways of Keeping Our Environment Clean
    • Discuss simple ways like using trash bins and planting trees.
  3. Tools Needed for Cleanliness
    • Present images and discuss tools like brooms, gloves, and recycling bins.
  4. Meaning of Sanitation
    • Explain in simple terms that sanitation means keeping things clean and healthy.
  5. How Often Should We Do Sanitation?
    • Discuss that sanitation should be done regularly, not just once in a while.

Ways of caring for our environment

  1. Throwing Trash in Bins: Always use trash bins for your garbage and make sure to dispose of it properly.
  2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Try to use less and reuse items when possible. Recycle materials like paper, plastic, and glass.
  3. Planting Trees: Trees help clean the air. Planting them is a great way to contribute to a cleaner environment.
  4. Conserving Water: Use water wisely. Turn off taps when not needed, fix leaks, and avoid wasting water.
  5. Proper Disposal of Hazardous Waste: Dispose of hazardous waste like batteries and electronic devices at designated places.
  6. Cleaning Up After Pets: If you have pets, pick up after them. It helps in keeping public spaces clean.
  7. Using Eco-friendly Products: Choose products that are environmentally friendly and have less impact on nature.
  8. Avoiding Littering: Never throw trash on the ground. Keep wrappers and other items until you find a bin.
  9. Participating in Clean-up Campaigns: Join community clean-up initiatives to contribute to a cleaner neighborhood.
  10. Educating Others: Share knowledge about the importance of keeping the environment clean with friends and family to create awareness.

Remember, every small effort counts in making our environment a cleaner and healthier place!

Tools that can help in keeping our environment clean:

  1. Trash Bins: Use bins for collecting and disposing of waste properly.
  2. Recycling Bins: Separate recyclable materials like paper, plastic, and glass for recycling.
  3. Gloves: Wear gloves while picking up trash to protect your hands.
  4. Trash Bags: Use sturdy bags for collecting and transporting garbage.
  5. Brooms: Brooms help in sweeping and keeping public spaces clean.
  6. Rakes: Useful for gathering leaves and debris, especially in outdoor areas.
  7. Watering Cans or Hose: Watering plants helps in maintaining greenery and cleanliness.
  8. Litter Pickers: Handy tools for picking up trash without directly touching it.
  9. Composting Bins: Collect organic waste for composting, reducing overall waste.
  10. Educational Materials: Tools like posters and pamphlets to spread awareness about keeping the environment clean.

By using these tools, we can all play a part in maintaining a clean and healthy environment!

What is the meaning of sanitation

Sanitation means keeping things clean and healthy. It involves taking actions to prevent the spread of germs and diseases by maintaining cleanliness in our surroundings.

For example, in our homes, sanitation includes washing hands, cleaning rooms, and disposing of waste properly. In public places, it involves cleaning streets, providing clean water, and having proper waste disposal systems.

Now, how often should we do sanitation? Well, it’s something we need to do regularly, not just once in a while. Daily activities like washing hands after using the bathroom or cleaning our living spaces contribute to good sanitation. Public places are often cleaned regularly to ensure a clean and safe environment for everyone.

So, sanitation is not just a one-time thing; it’s about making cleanliness a part of our daily routine to stay healthy and prevent the spread of diseases.


Ways of Keeping Our Environment Clean:

  1. Using trash bins helps in __________. a) Creating a mess b) Keeping the environment clean c) Making noise d) Planting trees
  2. To help the environment, we should __________ materials like paper, plastic, and glass. a) Use once and throw b) Recycle c) Burn d) Bury
  3. Planting trees is a good way to contribute to a __________ environment. a) Messy b) Healthy c) Noisy d) Crowded
  4. Always clean up after your pets to keep public spaces __________. a) Dirty b) Full of toys c) Clean d) Busy
  5. Choosing products that are kind to the environment is using __________ items. a) Harmful b) Expensive c) Eco-friendly d) Noisy

Tools Needed to Make Our Environment Clean:

  1. __________ are used for collecting and disposing of waste properly. a) Watering cans b) Gloves c) Trash bins d) Rakes
  2. __________ help in separating recyclable materials like paper and plastic. a) Recycling bins b) Composting bins c) Trash bags d) Brooms
  3. Brooms are useful for __________ and keeping public spaces clean. a) Sweeping b) Painting c) Digging d) Flying
  4. Litter pickers are handy tools for picking up trash without __________ it directly. a) Seeing b) Touching c) Smelling d) Hearing
  5. Watering cans or hoses are used for __________ plants and maintaining greenery. a) Watering b) Cutting c) Burying d) Ignoring

Meaning of Sanitation and How Often:

  1. Sanitation means keeping things __________ and healthy. a) Dirty b) Messy c) Clean d) Crowded
  2. To prevent the spread of diseases, we should maintain __________ in our surroundings. a) Dirtiness b) Cleanliness c) Laziness d) Noisiness
  3. Sanitation involves actions to keep our environment __________. a) Unhealthy b) Crowded c) Green d) Clean
  4. How often should we do sanitation? Regularly, not just __________. a) Every month b) Once in a while c) Every year d) On Sundays
  5. Daily activities like washing hands contribute to good __________. a) Noisiness b) Laziness c) Sanitation d) Messiness



Step 1 (Revision): The teacher revises the previous lesson by asking students to share one thing they remember about keeping the environment clean.

Step 2 (Introduction of New Topic): The teacher introduces the new topic, “Ways of Keeping Our Environment Clean, Tools, and Sanitation,” by showing pictures of clean environments and simple tools.

Step 3 (Teacher’s Activities):

  • Discuss ways to keep the environment clean using relatable examples.
  • Present images of tools and explain their roles in cleanliness.
  • Explain the meaning of sanitation in a way that students can easily understand.
  • Emphasize that sanitation is a regular, daily activity.

Learners’ Activities:

  • Engage in discussions about their environment.
  • Identify and name tools needed for cleanliness.
  • Share experiences related to keeping their surroundings clean.


Observation of students’ participation in discussions and their ability to recognize tools needed for cleanliness.


  1. What is the meaning of “sanitation”?
  2. Name one way to keep your environment clean.
  3. What tool can you use to pick up trash without touching it?
  4. How often should we do sanitation?
  5. What is the purpose of a recycling bin?
  6. Give an example of a tool used for sweeping.
  7. Name one thing found in a clean environment.
  8. What does “cleanliness” mean?
  9. Explain why it’s important to use a trash bin.
  10. Share one activity you do daily to keep your surroundings clean.


The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on students’ understanding of keeping the environment clean, tools needed, and the meaning of sanitation. Encourage them to practice cleanliness daily for a healthier environment.

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