Classification of Computers by Size Computer Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Subject: Computer Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 6

Topic: Classification of Computers by Size (Mainframe and Supercomputer)

Sub-topic: Understanding Mainframe and Supercomputers

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour: Students should recall basic computer terms like mouse, keyboard, and screen.

Key Words: Computer, Mainframe, Supercomputer, Size, Big, Small.

Behavioral Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain what mainframe and supercomputers are.
  • Students should identify the differences in size between mainframe and supercomputers.
  • Students should be able to use simple comparisons to describe these computers.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Observation
  • Communication
  • Comparison

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures or illustrations of mainframe and supercomputers
  • Whiteboard and markers
  • Flashcards with key terms
  • Small cards for a matching game
  • Colorful visuals for size comparison


Alright, Grade 2 pupils, let’s talk about computers and their sizes. Computers come in different sizes, like big and powerful ones. We’ll learn about two special types: Mainframe and Supercomputers.

  1. Mainframe Computers:
    • Think of mainframe computers like big bosses in the computer world.
    • They can handle lots of tasks at the same time, like keeping track of important information for big companies.
    • Mainframes are like the brain of a city, helping many people do their work.
  2. Supercomputers:
    • Now, imagine supercomputers as superheroes of the computer world.
    • They are super fast and can solve really tricky problems, like complex math or science challenges.
    • Supercomputers are like the flash of the computer world – quick and powerful.


Features of Mainframe Computers:

  1. Processing Power:
    • Mainframes have strong brains, allowing them to handle many tasks at the same time.
  2. Storage Capacity:
    • These computers can store massive amounts of data, like a giant digital warehouse.
  3. Reliability:
    • Mainframes are super reliable, always ready to work without crashing or slowing down.
  4. Security:
    • They keep information safe and secure, like a digital fortress protecting important details.
  5. Multi-User Support:
    • Many people can use a mainframe at once, making it great for teamwork and big companies.

Features of Supercomputers:

  1. Speed:
    • Supercomputers are super fast, like a speedy superhero zooming through tasks.
  2. Complex Calculations:
    • They excel at solving complex math problems and scientific calculations in no time.
  3. Parallel Processing:
    • Supercomputers can do many tasks simultaneously, working on different things at once.
  4. Cutting-Edge Technology:
    • They use the latest and greatest technology to handle the most challenging tasks.
  5. Research and Simulations:
    • Supercomputers help scientists with research and simulations, like creating virtual worlds for experiments.

Each type has its special features, making them superheroes and kings in the world of computers! 🏰⚡


  1. Mainframe computers have strong ____________, allowing them to handle many tasks at the same time. a) Colors b) Brains c) Wings d) Fins
  2. Supercomputers are known for their super ____________, like a speedy superhero zooming through tasks. a) Strength b) Speed c) Size d) Softness
  3. Mainframes can store massive amounts of __________, like a giant digital warehouse. a) Food b) Data c) Toys d) Clothes
  4. Supercomputers excel at solving complex __________ problems and scientific calculations. a) Language b) Math c) Art d) Music
  5. Mainframes are super __________, always ready to work without crashing or slowing down. a) Reliable b) Funny c) Shiny d) Noisy
  6. Supercomputers use the latest and greatest __________ to handle the most challenging tasks. a) Toys b) Technology c) Books d) Clothes
  7. Mainframes keep information safe and __________, like a digital fortress protecting important details. a) Open b) Soft c) Secure d) Small
  8. Supercomputers can do many tasks __________, working on different things at once. a) Sequentially b) Simultaneously c) Slowly d) Singly
  9. Mainframes are like the king’s __________ managing a whole kingdom of information! a) Castle b) Garden c) Playground d) Mountain
  10. Supercomputers help scientists with __________ and simulations, like creating virtual worlds for experiments. a) Drawing b) Cooking c) Research d) Sleeping
  11. Mainframes are great for __________ and big companies because many people can use them at once. a) Sports b) Teamwork c) Painting d) Playing
  12. Supercomputers are used for solving __________ math problems and scientific calculations. a) Simple b) Complex c) Colorful d) Musical
  13. Mainframes have a giant digital __________, allowing them to store lots of information. a) Playground b) Warehouse c) Kitchen d) Forest
  14. Supercomputers are like superheroes tackling __________ problems with their superpowers. a) Simple b) Tricky c) Funny d) Colorful
  15. Mainframes can handle many tasks at the __________ time, making them very powerful. a) Same b) Different c) Slow d) Fast
  1. Introduction:
  2. New Topic Introduction:
    • Introduce the concept of computer size using everyday items (big vs. small).
    • Explain that computers also come in different sizes, focusing on Mainframe and Supercomputers.
  3. Teacher’s Activities:
    • Show pictures or illustrations of Mainframe and Supercomputers.
    • Discuss the differences in size, comparing them to familiar objects (e.g., a big castle for mainframe and a superhero for supercomputer).
    • Use simple language to explain their roles (mainframe managing lots of tasks, supercomputer solving tricky problems).
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Engage students with questions about big and small things in their daily life.
    • Encourage them to match the pictures with the correct names (Mainframe or Supercomputer).
    • Ask students to describe each computer using size-related words.
  5. Assessment:
    • Observe students’ participation and understanding during discussions.
    • Check their ability to match pictures with names.
    • Assess their use of size-related words in describing computers.
  6. Evaluation:
    1. What is the new topic we are learning today?
    2. Can you name two different sizes of computers?
    3. What does a mainframe computer do?
    4. How is a supercomputer different from a mainframe?
    5. Why do we say a mainframe is like a king’s castle?
    6. Use one word to describe the size of a supercomputer.
    7. What do you think a supercomputer is good at doing?
    8. Compare the roles of a mainframe and a supercomputer.
    9. How can you describe the size of a mainframe using a simple word?
    10. Why is it important to know about different computer sizes?


  • The teacher goes around to mark students’ work and provide feedback.
  • Concludes the lesson by summarizing key points and encouraging questions
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