Itemize the British colonial influence on Nigerian Education before the independence era.

  1. Introduction of Formal Education:
    • The British colonial administration introduced formal education to Nigeria, establishing schools to educate the local population.
  2. Language Policy:
    • English became the official language of instruction, significantly impacting communication and shaping the linguistic landscape of education.
  3. Curriculum Design:
    • The British colonial authorities influenced the curriculum, emphasizing subjects such as English, Mathematics, and Science while marginalizing indigenous knowledge and languages.
  4. Missionary Schools:
    • Missionary organizations, often supported by the British colonial government, played a key role in education. Mission schools became instrumental in spreading Western ideals and religious values.
  5. Administrative Structure:
    • The British established a centralized administrative structure for education, organizing and managing schools to align with colonial goals.
  6. Teacher Training:
    • Teacher training programs were introduced to produce educators who could implement the British-influenced curriculum and education system.
  7. Cultural Impact:
    • The British colonial influence had a profound cultural impact, leading to the assimilation of Western values and lifestyle among educated Nigerians.
  8. Emphasis on Western Education:
    • British colonial authorities placed a strong emphasis on Western education, often overlooking or downplaying traditional Nigerian educational systems.
  9. Class Distinctions:
    • The colonial education system reinforced social hierarchies, creating distinctions between the educated elite who embraced Western education and the majority who did not have access.
  10. Control over Educational Institutions:
    • The British maintained control over educational institutions, influencing policies, staffing, and overall management to align with colonial objectives.


  1. Introduction of Formal Education:
    • The British colonial administration introduced formal education to Nigeria, establishing schools to educate the local __________. a. Animals b. Population c. Environment d. Landscape
  2. Language Policy:
    • English became the official language of __________, significantly impacting communication in Nigerian education. a. Instruction b. Cooking c. Recreation d. Interaction
  3. Curriculum Design:
    • The British colonial authorities influenced the curriculum, emphasizing subjects such as English, Mathematics, and __________. a. Music b. Cooking c. Science d. Gardening
  4. Missionary Schools:
    • Missionary organizations, often supported by the British colonial government, played a key role in __________ Western ideals and religious values. a. Spreading b. Suppressing c. Ignoring d. Inventing
  5. Administrative Structure:
    • The British established a centralized administrative structure for education, organizing and managing schools to align with __________ goals. a. Local b. Colonial c. Regional d. Global
  6. Teacher Training:
    • Teacher training programs were introduced to produce educators who could implement the __________-influenced curriculum and education system. a. Chinese b. British c. Indigenous d. Australian
  7. Cultural Impact:
    • The British colonial influence had a profound __________ impact, leading to the assimilation of Western values among educated Nigerians. a. Linguistic b. Cultural c. Historical d. Economic
  8. Emphasis on Western Education:
    • British colonial authorities placed a strong emphasis on __________ education, often overlooking traditional Nigerian educational systems. a. Eastern b. Indigenous c. Southern d. Western
  9. Class Distinctions:
    • The colonial education system reinforced __________ hierarchies, creating distinctions between the educated elite and the majority without access. a. Political b. Social c. Religious d. Economic
  10. Control over Educational Institutions:
    • The British maintained control over educational institutions, influencing policies, staffing, and overall __________ to align with colonial objectives. a. Management b. Cooking c. Recreation d.Gardening
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