Jesus Prepares For His Ministry Christian Religious Studies Primary 2 Second Term Lesson Notes Week 6

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 2

Term: Second Term

Week: 6

Topic: Jesus Prepares For His Ministry

Sub-topic: Define Ministry, Event Preparation, Baptism Explanation

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Quick review: Ask students to share one thing they remember from the previous lesson about Jesus’ early life.

Key Words:

  • Ministry, Preparation, Baptism, Jesus, Important Work.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should understand what the word “ministry” means.
  • Students should be able to mention the event that prepared Jesus for His ministry.
  • Students should be able to explain the baptism of Jesus.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Verbal communication (defining terms)
  • Comprehension (understanding events)

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures illustrating Jesus’ baptism.
  • Simple definitions of “ministry” for visual aid.


Jesus Prepares For His Ministry:

  1. Ministry Definition:
    • Ministry means doing God’s work and helping others.
  2. Event Preparing Jesus:
    • Jesus was prepared for His ministry at His baptism.
  3. Baptism Explanation:
    • Baptism means being dipped in water as a symbol of starting something new.
  4. Why Baptism Matters:
    • Jesus’ baptism showed He was ready to begin His special work for God.
  5. Who Baptized Jesus:
    • John the Baptist, a good man, baptized Jesus in the river.
  6. Heavenly Sign:
    • When Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven said He was God’s special Son.
  7. Holy Spirit Symbol:
    • A dove came down, showing that God’s special power was with Jesus.
  8. Starting Point:
    • Jesus’ baptism was like the beginning of His important work for God.
  9. What Jesus Taught:
    • He taught about love, kindness, and helping others.
  10. Why Ministry Matters:
    • Jesus’ ministry is important because it shows us how to be good and help people.


  1. Ministry means doing __________ work. a) Ordinary
    b) God’s
    c) Secret
    d) Difficult
  2. Jesus was prepared for His ministry at His __________. a) Birthday party
    b) Baptism
    c) Wedding
    d) Graduation
  3. Baptism means being dipped in __________. a) Chocolate
    b) Water
    c) Milk
    d) Juice
  4. Jesus’ baptism showed He was ready to begin His __________ work. a) Difficult
    b) Ordinary
    c) Special
    d) Quiet
  5. Who baptized Jesus? a) Peter
    b) Mary
    c) John the Baptist
    d) David
  6. During Jesus’ baptism, a voice from heaven said He was __________ special Son. a) An ordinary
    b) A special
    c) A quiet
    d) A noisy
  7. What symbol came down during Jesus’ baptism? a) Cloud
    b) Sun
    c) Dove
    d) Star
  8. Jesus’ baptism was like the __________ of His important work. a) End
    b) Beginning
    c) Middle
    d) Side
  9. John the Baptist baptized Jesus in the __________. a) Desert
    b) River
    c) Mountain
    d) Forest
  10. The voice from heaven said, “This is my __________ Son.” a) Ordinary
    b) Special
    c) Funny
    d) Strange
  11. The dove during Jesus’ baptism showed God’s __________ power. a) Ordinary
    b) Strange
    c) Special
    d) Noisy
  12. Jesus’ ministry teaches about __________ and kindness. a) Hate
    b) Love
    c) Anger
    d) Sadness
  13. Why is Jesus’ ministry important? a) It shows how to be __________.
    b) It shows how to be mean.
    c) It shows how to hide.
    d) It shows how to be quiet.
  14. Jesus’ ministry helps us learn how to __________ others. a) Ignore
    b) Hate
    c) Help
    d) Scare
  15. Baptism symbolizes the __________ of Jesus’ important work. a) End
    b) Middle
    c) Beginning
    d) side
  1. Presentation (Step 1):
  2. Introduction (Step 2):
    • Introduce the new topic: Jesus Prepares For His Ministry.
    • Explain that “ministry” means doing important work for God and helping others.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (Step 3):
    • Define Ministry: Simplify the definition, stating that ministry is like a special job for God.
    • Event Preparation: Explain that an event, Jesus’ baptism, prepared Him for His special job.
    • Explain Baptism: Describe baptism as a special event where Jesus was dipped in water, starting His important work.
  4. Learners’ Activities:
    • Word Understanding: Have students repeat and understand the meaning of “ministry.”
    • Discussion: Ask questions about why baptism is important and what it means.
  5. Assessment:
    • Drawing Activity: Ask students to draw a picture of Jesus’ baptism.
    • Questions: Pose simple questions to check understanding.


  1. What is the topic of today’s lesson?
  2. Can you say what “ministry” means?
  3. What is the event that prepared Jesus for His special job?
  4. Why is baptism important for Jesus?
  5. Describe baptism in your own words.
  6. Who can share what they think Jesus’ important work was?
  7. Why do you think ministry is like a special job for God?
  8. Draw a picture of Jesus’ baptism in the river.
  9. Can you mention one thing Jesus taught during His ministry?
  10. How can we help others like Jesus did in His special job?


  • Teacher’s Activity: Go around the class to mark drawings and answer any questions students may have.
  • Feedback: Provide positive reinforcement and encourage students to think about ways they can help others, just like Jesus did.
  • Homework: Ask students to share with their families what they learned about Jesus preparing for His ministry.


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