Home Decoration Primary 1 Home Economics

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 8

Topic: Home Decoration

Sub-topic: Exploring the Art and Science of Making Our Homes Beautiful

Duration: 40 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Ask students about their favorite colors and things they like in their homes.

Key Words:

  • Home decoration, attractive, functional, designer elements, color, furniture, floor design, accessories.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. Define home decoration.
    2. Identify examples of home decoration.
    3. Explain reasons for home decoration.
    4. Recognize materials used for home decoration.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication skills, creativity, critical thinking.

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of well-decorated homes, colorful bulbs, flowers, chairs, fine gates, different paint samples, drawing materials.


Topic: Home Decoration 🏡✨


  • Home decoration is making your house inside and outside look nice and useful. It’s like art and science together.

Examples of Decoration:

  • Painting 🎨
  • Furniture like tables, chairs 🪑
  • Flowers 💐


  • Curtains, sofa sets, cushions 🛋️
  • Tablecloths, craft products 🖼️

Reasons for Decoration:

  1. Attractive Look: To make it pretty.
  2. Comfortable Living: To make it good and comfy.
  3. Beauty: To make it beautiful.

Materials for Decoration:

  • Flowers 🌸
  • Colorful bulbs 💡
  • Fine gates 🚪
  • Different paints 🎨

Class Activity:

  • Draw something you’d like in your decorated house! 🏠✏️


  • Look around your home and tell your family one thing you think is beautifully decorated. 🏡❤️

Awesome job, class! 🌟

  1. Home decoration makes our house look __________. a) Messy b) Pretty c) Dark d) Small
  2. Furniture like tables and chairs are examples of __________. a) Toys b) Decorations c) Plants d) Books
  3. Curtains, sofa sets, and cushions are __________. a) Food items b) Decorative accessories c) School supplies d) Pets
  4. Home decoration is like combining __________ and __________. a) Music, dance b) Art, science c) Math, English d) Sports, games
  5. The purpose of decoration is to make our house more __________. a) Boring b) Expensive c) Comfortable d) Noisy
  6. Flowers and colorful bulbs are materials for __________. a) Cooking b) Gardening c) Home decoration d) Sleeping
  7. The class activity is to __________ something for your decorated house. a) Buy b) Draw c) Eat d) Throw
  8. Tablecloths and craft products are examples of __________. a) Furniture b) Accessories c) Tools d) Cars
  9. The main reason for decoration is to make our home look __________. a) Ugly b) Pretty c) Noisy d) Small
  10. Home decoration includes the use of __________ to paint the walls. a) Water b) Food c) Different paints d) Clothes
  11. One material for decoration is a __________, which comes in many colors. a) Chair b) Flower c) Fruit d) Colorful bulb
  12. Home decoration makes our house more __________ for living. a) Difficult b) Comfortable c) Boring d) Cold
  13. The class activity is to draw something for our __________ house. a) Broken b) Decorated c) Dark d) Small
  14. __________, like tables and chairs, are examples of things we use for home decoration. a) Toys b) Furniture c) Plants d) Clothes
  15. The homework is to find one thing in your home that you think is __________ decorated. a) Beautifully b) Noisily c) Quickly d) Slowly


  1. Introduction (5 mins):
  2. New Topic Introduction (10 mins):
    • Define home decoration as the art and science of making our homes attractive and useful.
    • Discuss examples such as painting, furniture like tables and chairs, and decorative items like flowers and curtains.
  3. Reasons for Home Decoration (5 mins):
    • Present and discuss reasons for home decoration:
      • To make it more attractive.
      • To make it good and comfortable for living.
      • To make it more beautiful.
  4. Materials for Home Decoration (5 mins):
    • Introduce materials used for home decoration, including flowers, chairs, colorful bulbs, fine gates, and different paints.
  5. Presentation (8 mins):
    • Show pictures of well-decorated homes.
    • Discuss the importance of colors, furniture, and accessories in making a home beautiful.
  6. Teacher’s Activities (2 mins):
    • Ask questions to ensure understanding.
    • Encourage students to share what they like in their homes.
  7. Learners’ Activities (3 mins):
    • Discuss in pairs or small groups what they would like to have in their dream homes.
  8. Assessment (2 mins):
    • Observe class discussions.
    • Check for participation and understanding.


  1. What is home decoration?
  2. Name two examples of home decoration.
  3. Why do people decorate their homes?
  4. Mention one material used for home decoration.
  5. What makes a home more attractive?
  6. Give an example of a decorative craft product.
  7. What is the importance of floor design in home decoration?
  8. Explain the term “functional” in relation to home decoration.
  9. Identify one reason for making a home more beautiful.
  10. Share one thing you like in your home.


  • The teacher goes around to mark and provide feedback on the topic.
  • Encourage students to try drawing something they’d like to have in their decorated homes for the next class.



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