Some Moral Lessons in Jesus Teachings about God Primary 1 Christian Religious Studies

Lesson Plan Presentation

Subject: Christian Religious Studies

Class: Primary 1

Term: Second Term

Week: 9

Topic: List Some Moral Lessons in Jesus’ Teachings about God

Duration: 30 minutes

Entry Behaviour:

  • Begin with a simple question: “Can you remember a story about Jesus teaching us to be good?”

Key Words:

  • Jesus, moral lessons, teachings, love, kindness.

Behavioural Objectives:

  • By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
    1. List some moral lessons from Jesus’ teachings about God.
    2. Understand the importance of love and kindness in Jesus’ teachings.

Embedded Core Skills:

  • Communication, critical thinking.

Learning Materials:

  • Pictures of Jesus teaching, illustrations of moral lessons.


Moral Lessons in Jesus’ Teachings – Primary 1 CRS

  1. Love Everyone 💖:
    • Jesus taught us to love everyone, like our friends and family.
  2. Be Kind 🤝:
    • Jesus showed kindness. We should be kind to others, sharing and helping.
  3. Listen to Others 🗣️:
    • Jesus listened to people. We should listen and understand each other.
  4. Help Others 🤲:
    • Jesus helped people. We should help our friends and family too.
  5. Be Honest 🤞:
    • Jesus always told the truth. We should be honest and speak the truth.
  6. Forgive Others ☺️:
    • Jesus forgave people. We should forgive our friends when they make mistakes.
  7. Share with Friends 🍰:
    • Jesus shared food. We should share with our friends and not be selfish.
  8. Be Thankful 🙏:
    • Jesus thanked God. We should be thankful for what we have.
  9. Respect Others 🙌:
    • Jesus respected everyone. We should respect our teachers and friends.
  10. Be Patient ⏳:
    • Jesus was patient. We should be patient and wait for our turn.
  11. Say Sorry 🙏:
    • Jesus taught us to say sorry when we make a mistake.
  12. Be Obedient 🙇:
    • Jesus obeyed God. We should obey our parents and teachers.
  13. Be Brave 🦁:
    • Jesus was brave. We should be brave and face challenges.
  14. Be Grateful 😊:
    • Jesus was grateful. We should be grateful for our blessings.
  15. Be Caring 🤗:
    • Jesus cared for others. We should care for our friends and family.

  1. Jesus taught us to _______ everyone, like our friends and family. a) Ignore b) Love c) Tease d) Hide
  2. Jesus showed _______. We should be kind to others, sharing and helping. a) Anger b) Kindness c) Fear d) Sadness
  3. Jesus listened to people. We should _______ and understand each other. a) Shout b) Laugh c) Listen d) Sleep
  4. Jesus _______ people. We should help our friends and family too. a) Ignored b) Helped c) Hid d) Played
  5. Jesus always told the _______. We should be honest and speak the truth. a) Lie b) Story c) Truth d) Joke
  6. Jesus _______ people. We should forgive our friends when they make mistakes. a) Forgot b) Ignored c) Forgave d) Hid
  7. Jesus shared _______. We should share with our friends and not be selfish. a) Secrets b) Food c) Toys d) Money
  8. Jesus thanked _______. We should be thankful for what we have. a) Friends b) God c) Parents d) Toys
  9. Jesus respected everyone. We should respect our _______ and friends. a) Toys b) Teachers c) Pets d) Books
  10. Jesus was _______. We should be patient and wait for our turn. a) Angry b) Patient c) Happy d) Sad
  11. Jesus taught us to say _______ when we make a mistake. a) Hello b) Sorry c) Goodbye d) Thank you
  12. Jesus _______ God. We should obey our parents and teachers. a) Ignored b) Disobeyed c) Obeyed d) Hid
  13. Jesus was _______. We should be brave and face challenges. a) Brave b) Scared c) Funny d) Sad
  14. Jesus was _______. We should be grateful for our blessings. a) Grateful b) Ungrateful c) Angry d) Sad
  15. Jesus cared for others. We should _______ for our friends and family. a) Ignore b) Tease c) Care d) Play


  1. Revision of Previous Topic (5 mins):
    • Ask students to share what they remember about the previous lesson on Jesus’ teachings about love and kindness.
    • Discuss any stories or examples they recall.
  2. Introduction of New Topic (5 mins):
    • Introduce the new topic: “List Some Moral Lessons in Jesus’ Teachings about God.”
    • Discuss what moral lessons are and why they are important.
  3. Teacher’s Activities (5 mins):
    • Present a list of moral lessons from Jesus’ teachings.
    • Emphasize key points like love, kindness, honesty, and forgiveness.
  4. Learners’ Activities (5 mins):
    • Engage students in a discussion about the importance of being good and following Jesus’ teachings.
    • Ask them to share examples of how they can be kind and loving.
  5. Interactive Session (5 mins):
    • Use pictures and short stories to illustrate moral lessons.
    • Encourage students to express their thoughts and ask questions.
  6. Teacher’s Activities (3 mins):
    • Summarize the key moral lessons discussed.
    • Reinforce the idea that following these teachings makes us better people.
  7. Learners’ Activities (4 mins):
    • Divide the students into small groups.
    • Ask each group to come up with a simple skit or drawing depicting a moral lesson.
  8. Assessment (3 mins):
    • Ask students to share what they learned about moral lessons from Jesus’ teachings.
    • Evaluate their understanding through their group presentations.

Evaluation :

  1. Why are moral lessons important in Jesus’ teachings?
  2. Can you mention one moral lesson Jesus taught about being kind?
  3. What does Jesus say about forgiving others?
  4. List two moral lessons from Jesus’ teachings.
  5. Why is it important to love everyone, according to Jesus?
  6. Share an example of a time when you were kind to someone.
  7. How can we show honesty in our actions, as Jesus teaches?
  8. What is the significance of forgiveness in Jesus’ teachings?
  9. How can you apply Jesus’ teachings about love in your daily life?
  10. Why do we need to remember and follow Jesus’ moral lessons?


  • The teacher goes round to mark and provide individual feedback.
  • Conclude the lesson by emphasizing the importance of practicing moral lessons from Jesus’ teachings in their daily lives.

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